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Summarize Historical Figures

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Presentation on theme: "Summarize Historical Figures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Summarize Historical Figures

2 Harriet Tubman Escaped slavery Conductor on the Underground Railroad
At least 20 trips back and forth to help free slaves

3 Harriet Beecher Stowe White Abolitionist Author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Wrote of the cruelty of slavery

4 Fredrick Douglas African American Abolitionist Escaped slavery
North Star: Antislavery newspaper

5 Dred Scott Enslaved African American
Sued his owner for his freedom because his owner took him to the north and he claimed he was/lived on free soil. Judge said he was property and was allowed to be taken where his owner pleased

6 Sojourner Truth African American female
Abolitionist AND women’s rights activist

7 John C Calhoun Argued slavery was good (necessary evil)
States’ rights activist

8 William Llyod Garrison
Author of The Liberator Abolitionist

9 Abraham Lincoln President of the United States (Union)
Led the Union in the Civil War Issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 which freed the slaves Assassinated

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