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Introduction to Volume

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1 Introduction to Volume
By Mr. Krall

2 Describing Volume A B Length is one dimension:
How far I walk is a length. Length is one dimension: - Length tells how far from point A to B. Area is two dimensions – the size of a surface - Area measures how much an object covers. A B A poster covers the wall’s surface. A rug cover’s an area of floor.

3 Describing Volume (cont.)
Volume is 3 dimensions, since it measures the amount of space. - Volume tells how much room an object takes up. A B C This block would take up room in a moving van. It would take up space in your closet.

4 Volume vs. Weight (and Mass)
Volume and Weight or Mass are not the same. A 2 liter bottle has 2 liters of space inside it. If we fill that space with air The air takes up 2 liters of space. If we fill it with sand, the sand would take up that 2 liters of space also. = =

5 Volume vs. Weight (and Mass)
All three bottles would have the same volume. The three bottles do not have the same weight or mass. The sand bottle would be heavier than the others. Volume and Weight (or Mass) are not the same. = All are the same volume. They take up the same amount of space. =

6 B A Hmm.. Which apartment would be better for me to live in with my 423 cats? I need a lot of space. Which apartment has the volume she needs?

7 A B Apartment B has more space so it has a larger volume.
The woman and her cats will have more room in apartment B. There is less space (smaller volume) in apartment A. She and her cats will be more crowded in apartment A. The woman doesn’t care how heavy the apartments are. The weight of them isn’t important to her. Volume and Weight are not the same.

8 Think about it. A B Both men are carrying trash cans.
Man A’s trash can is empty. (nothing but air inside.) Man B’s trash can is full of lawn waste. (grass clippings, etc.) Who’s trash can is heavier? Who’s trash can takes up more space in the garage? A B

9 Think about it. A B Who’s trash can is heavier?
Man B’s trash can is heavier. All the grass clippings make it weigh more or have a larger mass than Man A’s. Who’s trash can takes up more space in the garage? Both the trash cans take up the same amount of space in the garage, even though Man B’s is heavier. Volume and Weight (Mass) are not the same. A B

10 Remember Volume is how much space or room an object fills.
Volume and Weight (or Mass) are not the same.

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