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Randall Martin Aaron Van Donkelaar Daniel Jacob Dorian Abbot

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Presentation on theme: "Randall Martin Aaron Van Donkelaar Daniel Jacob Dorian Abbot"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Space-based Observations to Improve Model Calculations of Transboundary Pollution Transport
Randall Martin Aaron Van Donkelaar Daniel Jacob Dorian Abbot Kelly Chance Chris Sioris Arlene Fiore

2 Transport Pattern on High-Ozone Days
90th percentile O3 concentrations for summers and mean 850hPa winds on days when O3 > 90th percentile

3 Top-down Information from the GOME Satellite Instrument
Launched in 1995 Spatial resolution 320x40 km2 Complete global coverage in ~3 days Spectral Fit (UV/Vis) Total HCHO & NO2 Slant Column Remove Stratosphere Tropospheric NO2 Slant Column Calculate AMF Tropospheric HCHO & NO2 Column

4 Tropospheric NO2 and HCHO Closely Related to Surface NOx and VOC Emissions
Tropospheric NO2 column ~ ENOx Tropospheric HCHO column ~ EVOC Boundary Layer CO NO2 NO/NO2   W ALTITUDE NO hours HCHO OH HO2 hours VOC hours HNO3 Emission Emission Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)

5 GEOS-CHEM isoprene emissions
GOME HCHO COLUMNS SHOW SEASONAL VOC EMISSIONS GOME GEOS-CHEM (GEIA) GOME GEOS-CHEM (GEIA) MAR JUL APR AUG MAY SEP JUN OCT molec cm Agreement in general pattern, regional discrepancies point to need for improving GEOS-CHEM isoprene emissions Abbot et al., 2003

6 GEOS-CHEM Tropospheric NO2
GOME Tropospheric NO2 GEOS-CHEM Tropospheric NO2 r=0.75 bias 5% Martin et al., 2003 1015 molecules cm-2

Top-down emissions A priori emissions A posteriori emissions A priori errors Top-down errors GOME GEOS-CHEM

8 Investigate Discrepancies with Bottom-up Inventories
AUG 2002 Martin et al., 2003

9 Surface ozone concentrations are sensitive to the ratio of NOx emissions to VOC emissions
(ppbv) NOx-Saturated NOx-Sensitive Sillman and He, 2002

10 Tropospheric HCHO/NO2 Column Ratio Is an Indicator of the Sensitivity of Afternoon Surface Ozone to NOx and VOC Emissions in a Well-mixed Environment GEOS-CHEM Model Calculation For Polluted Regions, Mar-Nov NOx Saturated NOx Sensitive Martin et al., 2004

11 GOME Satellite Observations of Ozone-NOx-VOC Sensitivity
Martin et al., 2004

12 SCIAMACHY Provides Much Finer Spatial Resolution (30 km x 60 km)
OMI (13 km x 24 km) Will Be Launched in June AUG 2002

13 MODIS Optical Depth for July 2002
Aaron Van Donkelaar

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