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LW210 PSAT Review A2PCH Key Features of Graphs

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1 LW210 PSAT Review A2PCH Key Features of Graphs

2 1. The graph below in the th-plane shows the function used to model the height, h, in feet of the top of a pool toy above the surface of the water t seconds after the toy has been thrown toward the water’s surface. How many seconds after the toy had been thrown did the pool toy resurface? 0.1 seconds 0.6 seconds 1.1 seconds D. 5 seconds

3 2. A team of meteorologists collects data on the wind speed of an ocean cyclone using sensors. The plot below in the DS-plane shows the relationship between the wind speed, S, in kilometers per hour (km/h) versus the distance from the cyclone’s center, D, in kilometers. The radius of maximum wind is the distance from the cyclone’s center to the point where the wind speed is largest. According to the plot, what is the radius of maximum wind in kilometers. 30

4 c-intercept of this graphs? A. In 1996, the global wind power
3. The graph below in the tc-plane models the global wind power capacity, c, in gigawatts, t years since 1996. What is the best interpretation of the c-intercept of this graphs? A. In 1996, the global wind power capacity was approximately 7 gigawatts. B. In 1996, only approximately 7% of wind power turbines were being used to capacity. C. Each year, there is an increase of approximately 7 gigawatts of global wind power capacity. D. Each year, there has been approximately 7% increase in global

5 A laptop battery gains cell voltage as it charges
A laptop battery gains cell voltage as it charges. The battery initially charges quickly, then gradually slows as it approaches its maximum charge. Which of the following graphs in the tv-plane could represent the total cell voltage, v, in a laptop battery after t minutes of charging time? A. B. C. D.

6 5. The terminal velocity of an object is the constant velocity it reaches when the resistance of the air prevents further acceleration. The plot below in the hv-plane shows the ground impact velocity, v, in meters per second of a ping pong ball dropped from a height of h meters above the ground. What appears to be the terminal velocity of the ping pong ball to the nearest meter per second? 9

7 6. The graph below in the tD-plane shows the relationship between t, the time since January 1st in days, and D, the distance between the Earth and the Sun at time t subtracted by the mean distance between the Earth and Sun in thousands of kilometers. What is the approximate difference between the maximum and minimum distances of the Earth from the Sun in thousands of kilometers?

8 Using the Doppler effect, astronomers can determine the frequency of light, f(v), in terahertz (THz) emitted from a galaxy with a velocity in the direction toward Earth of v, as a fraction of the speed of light c. It is true that galaxies with a velocity of 0 toward Earth emit light with a positive frequency, and frequency is never below 0 THz for any velocity. Additionally, as the velocity toward Earth increases, the frequency of light emitted increases. Which of the following could represent the graph of y = f(v) in the vy-plane? A. B. C. D.

9 8. The temperature, T, in degrees Celsius along a circular infrared stove measured d centimeters (cm) from the left edge of the circumference and going through the center of the stove is given by the graph below. The hottest point occurs at the center of the stove. What is the diameter of the stove in centimeters? Radius is 20 Diameter is 40

10 9. A call option gives a person the option to buy a stock in the future at a particular price known as the “strike price”. The profit P of a call option is a constant negative value when the stock price S is less than the strike price. When the stock price is above the strike price, P increases from its constant negative value at the rate of $1 per dollar of S. Which of the following graphs in the SP-plane could be the graph of a call option with a strike price of $15? A. B. C. D.

11 10. A team of oceanographers is measuring the salinity of the water in the southern Indian Ocean at different depths. They plot the salinity s in grams of salt per kilogram of ocean water (g/kg) versus the depth D in kilometers. They find that the salinity reaches a minimum at a depth of 0.75 kilometers. They also find that the maximum salinity of 35.5 g/kg occurs at the surface of the ocean. Which of the following plots in the sD-plane best represents their findings? A. B. C. D.

12 11. The average monthly solar radiation, r, in kilowatt hours per square meter , absorbed by the solar panel at 0 degrees inclination in Monterrey, Mexico reaches a peak during the summer solstice, which occurs on approximately June 21st. Which of the following graphs could show the relationship between the number of months, m, after January 21st and the kilowatt hours, r, of solar radiation absorbed by the panel? A. B. C. D.

13 12. Ebru accelerates her car from a stoplight, drives at a constant speed for a few blocks, then slows to a stop at another stoplight. Which of the following graphs in the td-plane could best represent the relationship between the distance, d, and driving time, t, of Ebru’s car? A. B. C. D.

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