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Operations and Release Working Group
12 June 2018 Stephen J Winnie
Agenda Item Description Who Time 1. Tea and coffee All 09:30-10:00 2.
Welcome and introduction Objectives for the day Stephen Winnie 10:00-10:15 3. MOSL updates Release Schedule Test system, Digital Initiatives update 10:15-11:30 5. Break 11:30-11:45 6. Workshop TP issues/questions NAPS report proposal PDQ backlog MVI 11:45-12:15 8. Lunch 12:15-13:00 9. Data Cleanse and improvement plan – prioritised set 13:00–15:30 10. Meeting Close. AOB and Wrap up 15:30 – 16:00
Release Management
Release Management – R4.5 September RF run against April 2017
TCORR171.W / TCORR171.R – G read deletion post RF settlement run Deploy to MPS_2 22 June 2018 Settlement runs to be scheduled by MOSL At beginning of testing Two more during testing TP testing to complete 12 July Deploy to PRD 13 July 2018 MPS deployment TBC Note – Production RF runs. June RF run against January 2017 July RF run against February 2017 August RF run against March 2017 September RF run against April 2017
Release Management – R5.0 Panel recommendation on WRC content confirmed 28 February 2018 Ofwat approval of CPW content 31 March 2018 5.0 WRC content issued to TPs 01 May 2018 XSD details to be to be confirmed TBC Final Defect set confirmed TBC In review post 4.0 we have identified a Risk to the original delivery timeline for 5.0. revised dates confirmed below. MPS_2 deployment 28 September 2018 for TP testing (from 31 August) TP testing to complete 19 October 2018 (with one week Contingency) - (from 21 September) Deploy to PRD 26 October 2018 (from 28 September) MPS deployment 30 October 2018 (from 02 October) CPW033: Meter Effective to Date Field in MDS_METER Report CPW032: Amend H/04 form to clarify tariff effected date CPW028: Unpaired SPIDs Pairing and Data Sharing CPW026: Removing SPID version design CPW010: Emergency Contact Details CPW036: G/02 & G/03 Trade Effluent Form amendments and creation CPW035: General Enquiries (F/01 Form)
Release Management – R6.0 CSD 0301 to enhance CMOS
No risk to delay of 6.0 from 5.0 deferral Panel recommendation on WRC content confirmed 31 July 2018 Ofwat approval of CPW content 30 September 2018 MPS_2 deployment 19 April 2019 for TP testing TP testing to complete 10 May 2019 (with one week Contingency) Deploy to PRD 17 May 2019 CSD 0301 to enhance CMOS CSD 0101 & 0105 to enhance CMOS Tariff Report Updates CPW025 - TCORR processing on Degeristered SPIDs
Release Management – R7.0 Some minor adjustments to dates may be required and will be confirmed closer to the time Panel recommendation on WRC content confirmed 28 February 2019 Ofwat approval of CPW content 30 April 2019 MPS_2 deployment 04 October 2019 for TP testing TP testing to complete 25 October 2019 (with one week Contingency) Deploy to PRD 08 November 2019 (moved to avoid Settlement runs)
Systems Code versions System Version as from date PRD
18/05/2018 MPS 22/05/2018 MPS_2 20/04/2018
Test Systems Architecture
Workshop – MOSL items – Test Architecture - Target
Data retention and test systems strategy. Proposal Retention of the existing hardware and consolidation of environments “MPS_2” “MPS” Data load (utilisation of MVI) Selective Purge (by ORG_ID) capability Support for Settlement runs Continue with both MPS and MPS_2 being generally available. Rebuild the architecture on MPS. Data Refresh We do not currently have a selective purge capability. Mixed capabilities of TPs to be still capable of producing data load files. Plan Deferral of purge of the test db MPS and MPS_2. load of data via transactional updates DSC working on a plan for TPs to develop data extraction/translation/load capabilities Portsmouth query How do other participants feel about the data being purged as a better alternative to anonymising it for the short term? Is there a significant number in favour of one or other solution? If there are particular participants who want to retain the current data (and have the ability to anonymise in bulk), can their needs be addressed with a different solution?
Proposals & Timeline Although the future state GDPR response is agreed to be the right approach, the risk to the ability to test between TPs and MOSL is significant if implemented too quickly. The following proposals should be considered: Purging activity should be postponed so that TP data rebuild capabilities can be planned and delivered. TPs should be instructed to anonymise market data now (in line with TP GDPR responsibility) A market change plan should be developed to ensure the plan can stand up to the ICO (Information Commissioners Office) scrutiny The following slide presents a TP achievable timeline that should manage the GDPR risk without introducing risk to TP testing
Create TP Data Rebuild capability
Proposed Timeline Create TP Data Rebuild capability TP Delivery Anonymised MPS_2 data Purge & Rebuild MPS_2 CMOS 5.0 MPS_2 CMOS 6.0 MPS_2 CMOS Delivery & Testing CMOS 5.0 Prod CMOS 6.0 Prod Anonymised MPS data Purge & Rebuild MPS BAU Testing CMOS 5.0 MPS CMOS 6.0 MPS May 2018 Jul 2018 Sept 2018 Mar 2019 May 2019
So what does ‘data rebuild’ mean for TPs?
The following slides show how TPs may choose to rebuild their data within CMOS. It must be understood that co-ordination is required between Wholesale and Retail TPs to ensure that inter-party testing can continue.
The Proposal (MVI) MVI CMOS MVI Scope MOSL Scope Trading Party Scope
MVI Transact files (3) MVI (Load) CMOS Trading Party Scope (2) Data Extract for MVI Data Build process (1) TP Anonymisation process (5) Reconcile Transaction (4) Current SPID 2 New SPID File (6) SPID Update routine
The Proposal (Market Transactions)
MVI Scope MOSL Scope (3) CMOS Market Transactions CMOS (2) Data Extract for Transactional Data Build process Trading Party Scope (1) TP Anonymisation process (5) Reconcile Transaction (4) T109 response
Digital Initiatives Updates
Workshop CPW022 – Retailer Direction to Supply
Meter Effective To Date INCLUSIVE/EXCLUSIVE INCLUSIVE/EXCLUSIVE question. In this case meter ETD is EXCLUSIVE the meter is ended at time of midnight on the date. F read date = 08/02/2018 (effectively stamped as :00:00 in CMOS) Meter ETD is really end of day on 07/02/2018. Meter Read frequency from Wholesaler Retail Code Schedule 1, Part 1,. Page 34 “Monthly Read Meter”. (i) an 80mm Tariff or above (including all appropriate Sub Meters); or (ii) supplies subject to agreements under section 142(2)(b) of the Water Industry Act 1991; or (iii) supplies to a Supply Point taking more than 100,000m3 per annum; CPW022 – Retailer Direction to Supply GS/NEW/CU will require a Retailer to be supplied and it will be validated. GSNORTL/NEWNORTL/CUNORTL will require that a Retailer is NOT supplied in the transaction.
Workshop – TP Items – SPID Tradability
NaPS WHOLESALER Flow Direction CMOS RETAILER CMOS SPID Status Description of event T101.W " >" SPID Request from Wholesaler SPID created "< " T102.M NEW SPID number and details advised by CMOS T103.M T103.R PARTIAL Retailer accepts SPID TRADABILITY Open trans T137.M Request Confirmation of Any Services to "Other Wholesaler" T137.W Notify Confirmation of Any Services from "Other Wholesaler" CONDITIONAL T139.W T139.M Charge Atributes on SPIDs by Wholesaler-WATER A T147.W T147.M Submit Metered Service Component Data B T144.W T144.M Submit Unmeasured Service Component Data T145.W T145.M Submit Assessed Service Component Data T163.W T163.M Submit Rateable Value T140.W T140.M Charge Atributes on SPIDs by Wholesaler-SEWERAGE C D T158.W T158.M Submit Highway Drainage Service Component Data T159.W T159.M Submit Surface Water Service Component Data T104.W T104.M Meter details passed to CMOS T112.M T112.R Changes to SPID VACANCY status ONLY OPTIONAL T132.M T132.R Retailer send Customer name to CMOS T156.M T156.R Update SPID Billing Address T146.M T146.R Submit Yearly Volume Estimate on meter E T107.W T107.M Wholesaler sends connection date on Water SPID T135.M TRADABLE CMOS advises Wholesaler and Retailer of Tradability status Recommend moving SPIDs to Tradable BEFORE setting as VACANT
Workshop – Data Conversions 2.3 XSD format changes - PRD
As at 29/05/2018 Meter Physical Size (=0) Thames = 1 No “I” read on meter Count 02/11/2017 11/12/2017 15/01/2018 12/02/2018 09/04/2018 03/05/2018 29/05/2018 Wholesaler 12/06/2017 02-Nov POTABLE SEWERAGE ANGLIAN-W 1 CHOLDERTON-W 3 SEVERN-W 2 SSE-W 22 17 16 14 10 THAMES-W 146 215 68 147 65 145 144 20 6 5 UNITED-W Totals 172 238 90 87 85 35 21 15 -3 -2 -1 -50 -138 -14 -6 -5
DR Exercise Planned for weekend 21 July 2018 – not confirmed at this time Fail over to secondary data centre Process test transactions Move back to Primary Data Centre Will invite TPs to submit test transactions. Details to be shared closer to time.
RF Settlement run RF and G read generation
Deferred October 2016 RF to enable TP to submit meter reads Counts of prospective G reads created have been published c (170k) MOSL proposed a three month moratorium before re-commencement of the RF runs early June for the January 2017 period. 3 June 2018 was the first RF run for the January 2017 period Revision of TCORR171.W and TCORR171.R to enable G read deletion Run RF with “G” read creation on meters with incomplete read profile Review RF run and if need to dispute – raise a Dispute or Correction request ( up to 28 months after the period reported) Agree WHL/RTL action to delete G read via TCORR171 RTL submit the correct meter read / WHL remove the meter as appropriate RF re-run as Dispute or Correction
RF Run WHOLESALER Estimated G reads created by Jan 2017 RF run
Count of READ Column Labels Row Labels OCCUPIED VACANT Grand Total AFFINITY-W 3,326 4,544 7,870 ANGLIAN-W 11,727 2,284 14,011 BRISTOL-W 877 51 928 CHOLDERTON-W 23 DWRCYMRU-W 2 INDWATER-W 11 NORTHUM-W 4,972 3,512 8,484 PEEL-W 1 PORTSMOUTH-W 392 101 493 SEVERN-W 11,257 13,899 25,156 SOUTHEAST-W 666 584 1,250 SOUTHERN-W 8,408 2,526 10,934 SOUTHSTAFF-W 2,816 1,348 4,164 SOUTHWEST-W 5,343 521 5,864 SSE-W SUTTON-W 829 241 1,070 THAMES-W 27,651 16,895 44,546 UNITED-W 6,151 10,426 16,577 VEOLIA-W 3 WESSEX-W 938 116 1,054 YORKSHIRE-W 3,102 4,024 7,126 88,495 61,074 149,569 WHOLESALER Estimated G reads created by Jan 2017 RF run
RF Run RETAILER Estimated G reads created by Jan 2017 RF run
Count of READ Column Labels Row Labels OCCUPIED VACANT Grand Total AFFINITY-R 3,306 4,534 7,840 ANGLIAN-R 11,880 2,307 14,187 AQUAFLOW-R 1 2 BUSSTREAM-R 8,700 2,530 11,230 CASTLE-R 27,673 16,916 44,589 CHOLDERTON-R 23 CLEARBUS-R 84 28 112 DWRCYMRU-R EVERFLOW-R 60 42 102 GREENEKING-R 9 INDWATER-R 11 NORTHUM-R 4,876 3,501 8,377 PEEL-R SEVERN-R 11,396 13,883 25,279 SOUTHWEST-R 8,070 1,851 9,921 SSE-R SUTTON-R 844 291 1,135 TWRC-R UNITED-R 6,088 10,419 16,507 VEOLIA-R 3 WATER2BUS-R 1,794 166 1,960 WHITBREAD-R WTRCHOICE-R 622 582 1,204 YORKSHIRE-R 3,050 4,021 7,071 88,495 61,074 149,569 RETAILER Estimated G reads created by Jan 2017 RF run
Operational Issues NAPS report extension – Change Request
Include additional transaction information referring to Transaction dates and presence CMOS Technical Maintenance Saturday nights each week as a standard period 23:00 – 06:00 Plan of monthly updates and dates have been communicated and published
Workshop – NAPS Report extension – proposal
SPID Service Category SPID Status Effective From Date Supply Point Effective From Date Late Partial Registration Application ASSIGNED_Retailer ID Wholesaler ID T102.M_TRANS_DATE T103.M TRANS_DATE T132.M TRANS_DATE T139.M TRANS_DATE T140.M TRANS_DATE T156.M TRANS_DATE T104.M TRANS_DATE T104.M TI-READ_DATE T121.M TRANS_DATE T107.M TRANS_DATE T107.M CON_DATE S16 S NEW 02/10/2016 03/10/2016 1 MOSLTEST-W 15/03/2018 S14 PARTIAL 11/02/2017 MOSLTEST-R 13/02/2017 12/03/2018 XW1X W 12/02/2017 15/02/2017 17/02/2017 20/02/2017 W12 05/10/2016 20/10/2016 XS17 15/10/2016 W19 W16 20/05/2018 Sample Shows submitted dates Blank = submitted transaction
Operational Issues - PDQ
Sum of COUNT(*) Column Labels Row Labels B2B GUI Grand Total EVERFLOW-R 78554 192342 270896 MARSTONS-R 5 32526 32531 WHITBREAD-R 3 27329 27332 SOUTHERN-R 24364 SOUTHWEST-R 1 7905 7906 ANGLIAN-R 3617 AFFINITY-R 3543 3548 GREENEKING-R 2388 NORTHUM-R 2343 2344 TWRC-R 1407 1410 WATER2BUS-R 14 932 946 DWRCYMRU-R 862 FIRSTBW-R 260 349 609 THAMES-R 608 VEOLIA-R 15 404 419 YORKSHIRE-R 4 365 369 DEEVALLEY-R 7 334 341 KELDA-R 258 24 282 ICOSA2-R 123 6 129 SUTTON-R 86 SOUTHEAST-R 60 BUSSTREAM-R 53 56 WATERSCAN-R 18 42 ADSM-R 32 THAMESCOM-R 28 MOSLTEST-R 2 22 PEELWL-R 21 CLEARBUS-R 16 CASTLE-R 10 REGENT-R AQUAFLOW-R CHOLDERTON-R YUWATER-R 105199 276094 381293 As at 06/06/2018 PDQ Queues CGI move to B2B MOSL runs auto PDQ TP download from new MOSL portal Sum of COUNT(*) Column Labels Row Labels B2B GUI Grand Total SOUTHERN-W 4 2273 2277 PORTSMOUTH-W 1754 UNITED-W 5 1436 1441 SOUTHSTAFF-W 561 VEOLIA-W 171 191 362 DEEVALLEY-W 172 148 320 INDWATER-W 218 THAMES-W 10 110 120 ICOSA2-W 97 SEVERN-W 24 28 YORKSHIRE-W 27 WESSEX-W 21 26 NORTHUM-W 2 7 9 AFFINITY-W 3 6 ANGLIAN-W PEEL-W SEVERNCON-W CHOLDERTON-W MOSLTEST-W 1 SSE-W SUTTON-W SOUTHWEST-W BRISTOL-W 701 6574 7275
Additional areas for redevelopment
Peek/Dequeue and pro-active messaging Redesign the LVI process to merge positive Notification messaging and simplifying the LVI user’s experience of the Peek/Dequeue Alternative mechanism to facilitate GUI Peek/Dequeue process MOSL will automatically PEEK/DEQUEUE on behalf of the LVI TP MOSL will generate a Notifications message three times per day TP can link to the Data Portal and download the Notification details Medium Volume Interface MOSL has developed a spreadsheet based upload for submission of batches of transactions Phase I to provide the upload and download pf results – pilot with T105.R Roll out to PRD June Phase II to provide a pre-processing validation of expected results to enable TP to resolve before Upload and subsequent download of results. MVI demo
Workshop – Data Quality Improvement progress – as at 07/06/2018
Asset Attribute Count-JAN Count-FEB Count-MAR Count-APR Count-MAY Count-JUN Meters Long Unread Meters 210,079 223,905 230,965 202,946 203,684 199,443 Meter Null YVE 629,682 612,406 613,448 614,764 616,314 595,790 ZERO YVE 20,790 20,850 27,132 Long Unread, null YVE 87,829 90,021 92,173 90,949 89,791 90,674 SPIDs Unpaired SPIDs-WTR 87,552 79,686 79,644 Unpaired SPIDs-SWR 12,807 7,216 5,468 SPIDs stuck in NAPS-WTR 10,971 8,904 9,270 9,547 9,401 9,158 SPIDs stuck in NAPS-SWR 10,277 8,014 8,198 8,402 8,157 6,915 Water SPID with Metered SC but no meter 3,137 2,873 2,767 Transactions Meter read Rejections 66,285 Transaction Rejections 99,096 Default Meter XY 92,506 90,650 88,873 52,132 49,822 47,874 OUTREADER Default XY 30,750 29,177 29,122 29,222 29,026 Meter Read Frequency compliance (B) 9,101 4,189 3,550 3,653 3,561 Meter Read Frequency compliance (M) 73,318 31,753 25,110 13,047 Sewerage SPIDs with no Drainage SC 5 SPID VACANCY-WTR 169,356 173,068 176,408 178,457 182,338 188,504 VACANCY-SWR 192,746 195,817 199,174 201,764 204,995 211,621 Meters where RTS = 0 159,472 160,002 159,132 8,639 8,677 Meters where RTS >999 1 - 4
Workshop – DQ Improvement plans – as at 04/05/2018
Plans and Updates received As at cop 04/05/2018 Responses TP Type 19-Jan NORTHUM-W WHL 22-Jan PORTSMOUTH-W Row Labels Count of TP 02-Feb DWYCYMRU-W RTL 5 08-Feb ICOSA2-R 9 ANGLIAN-W Grand Total 14 UNITED-W YORKSHIRE-R BUSSTREAM-R 09-Feb ANGLIAN-R YORKSHIRE-W SOUTHERN-W WATER2BUS-R 16-Jun SES 03-Apr SOUTHWEST-W
Long Unread Meters Analysis
Alongside NULL YVE and Vacant premise reports MS Access Paired by Meter Serial Number Long Unread with NULL YVE Paired at SPID Level Long Unread with NULL YVE + Vacancy Jaspersoft Circulated on SharePoint Vacancy only considered at Water SPID level Long Unread With NULL YVE in Vacant Premises Table Meters that have not been read in last 90 days Long Unread with NULL YVE Table
Logic Used in Reports Jaspersoft
NAPs and Long Unread Meters reports are generated from the Jaspersoft TIBCO server All others in ‘Top 10’ of problems set are generated using the MDS in MOSL’s internal Data Warehouse Unpaired Produced using SPID Core Includes - TRADABLE', 'TDISC', 'NEW', 'PARTIAL SPID Status Does not include - 'NOSEWERAGE','NOWATER','LANDLORD','CROSSBORDER, 'NOSPID', 'NOTELIGIBLE’ NULL / Zero YVE Joined at Water SPID Table and Meters Table at SPID Core where YVE=NULL/0 Read Frequency B/M Water Chargeable Meter size =80 Default XY on Active Meters Does not include 'PRIVATETE’ ,'PRIVATEWATER’ ,'SEWERAGE’,'CROSSBORDER’ Meter Treatment Does not include meters with ‘F’ read Default XY with Outreader Details includes ‘Remote Read Flag=1’
Workshop – MOSL items – Long Unread Meters - Trend
Trading Party Number of Long Unread Meters - JAN-18 Number of Long Unread Meters - April-18 Number of Long Unread Meters - May-18 Number of Long Unread Meters - June-18 Long Unread Meters Monthly Variance Column2 Column3 Long Unread Meters with YVE=NULL - Jan-18 Long Unread Meters with YVE=NULL - FEB-18 Long Unread Meters with YVE=NULL - March-18 Long Unread Meters with YVE=NULL - April-18 Long Unread Meters with YVE=NULL - May-18 Long Unread Meters with YVE=NULL - June-18 Column32 Long Unread Meters with NULL YVE with Vacant Premises (WTR SPID Level) - May-18 Long Unread Meters with NULL YVE with Occupied Premises (WTR SPID Level) - May-18 Long Unread Meters with NULL YVE with Vacant Premises (WTR SPID Level) - June-18 Long Unread Meters with NULL YVE with Occupied Premises (WTR SPID Level) - June-18 ADSM-R - 1 AFFINITY-R 8,515 9,598 10,242 10,928 686 8,502 8,437 8,980 9,635 10,211 10,971 5,560 4,651 5,973 4,998 ALBIONECO-R 3 ALBION-R ANGLIAN-R 19,743 24,272 24,239 21,796 ,443 958 1,063 1,230 1,094 901 1,262 72 829 74 1,188 AQUAFLOW-R BUSSTREAM-R 14,137 14,997 14,617 13,020 ,597 3,272 3,603 3,746 3,848 3,743 3,489 1,985 1,758 1,909 1,580 CASTLE-R 56,410 59,910 61,288 61,110 22,860 23,351 24,043 22,551 21,978 20,948 14,605 7,373 14,985 5,963 CHOLDERTON-R 23 24 CLEARBUS-R 77 145 144 29 42 53 54 14 39 15 DEEVALLEY-R 2 4 5 DWRCYMRU-R 7 6 EVERFLOW-R 269 286 290 298 8 80 87 110 111 133 137 36 97 38 99 FIRSTBW-R GREENEKING-R 214 50 22 45 56 55 9 ICOSA2-R INDWATER-R 35 60 85 27 KELDA-R MARSTONS-R 21 18 NORTHUM-R 12,827 11,124 10,628 10,759 131 1,153 1,246 1,281 1,302 1,277 1,332 334 943 337 995 PEEL-R REGENT-R SEVERN-R 29,283 33,959 33,888 32,506 ,382 8,940 9,503 10,133 10,372 9,870 10,092 7,248 2,622 7,230 2,862 SOUTHEAST-R 2,039 1,854 112 434 427 413 419 SOUTHERN-R 507 589 590 SOUTHSTAFF-R 4,682 4,594 SOUTHWEST-R 6,304 12,145 12,121 12,318 197 6,128 10,943 11,530 11,842 11,775 11,950 1,931 9,844 1,984 9,966 SSE-R 43 20 SUTTON-R 1,620 2,176 2,341 2,629 288 1,305 1,456 1,417 1,581 1,812 2,165 452 1,360 638 1,527 THAMESCOM-R TWRC-R 17 28 31 32 UNITED-R 18,462 18,807 18,937 19,421 484 17,912 18,339 18,715 18,557 18,556 18,896 11,101 7,455 11,402 7,494 WATER2BUS-R 25,194 3,680 3,431 3,084 2,238 1,936 1,555 760 709 548 88 621 461 PEELWL-R VEOLIA-R WHITBREAD-R 37 WTRCHOICE-R 1,761 1,816 391 370 246 237 YORKSHIRE-R 9,614 9,057 8,726 8,579 9,233 9,343 8,708 8,657 8,273 8,324 4,384 3,889 4,421 3,903 (blank) 109 134 153 19 40 210,079 202,946 203,684 199,443 ,241 87,829 90,021 92,173 90,949 89,791 90,674 48,057 41,734 49,331 41,343 7,133 2,192 4,344 ,120 ,962 883 1,274 Retailers as at 01/06/2018. Taken from the Standing reports. Incorporates Null YVE and Vacancy status Each Long Unread Meters Report contains a list of all meters associated with the relevant Retailer other than those that have been removed or swapped out in accordance with CSD0104 (Maintain SPID Data), where the elapsed time since the date of the last meter read is: (a) greater than 14 months in the case of bi-annually read meters; or (b) greater than 3 months in the case of monthly read meters.
Workshop – MOSL items – Long Unread Meters with attempted meter reads - RTL
as at 01/06/2018 Taken from the Standing reports – match to T105.R Incorporates Null YVE and Vacancy status Trading Party Number of Long Unread Meters w/T105 Errors - June-18 Column2 Column3 Long Unread Meters w/T105 Errors with YVE=NULL - June-18 Column32 Long Unread Meters w/T105 Errors with NULL YVE with Vacant Premises (WTR SPID Level) - June-18 Long Unread Meters w/T105 Errors with NULL YVE with Occupied Premises (WTR SPID Level) - June-18 AFFINITY-R 1,092 1,121 750 371 ANGLIAN-R 6,530 661 24 637 AQUAFLOW-R 2 - BUSSTREAM-R 15,324 3,546 651 2,895 CASTLE-R 41,052 10,465 1,585 8,880 CHOLDERTON-R 1 CLEARBUS-R 172 71 23 48 DEEVALLEY-R 18 DWRCYMRU-R EVERFLOW-R 436 207 189 GREENEKING-R 31 11 ICOSA2-R 10 INDWATER-R 8 7 MARSTONS-R MOSLTEST-R 6 NORTHUM-R 9,864 839 273 566 PEEL-R REGENT-R 12 SEVERN-R 5,760 1,604 624 980 SmokeTestRTL 3 SOUTHEAST-R 39 4 SOUTHERN-R SOUTHWEST-R 3,067 2,950 301 2,649 SSE-R SUTTON-R 615 327 324 TWRC-R UNITED-R 3,733 3,525 1,318 2,207 VEOLIA-R WATER2BUS-R 1,704 191 185 WHITBREAD-R 42 WTRCHOICE-R 219 43 37 YORKSHIRE-R 815 554 141 413 (blank) 109 102 90,739 26,289 5,723 20,566
Workshop – MOSL items – Long Unread Meters with attempted meter reads - WHL
Trading Party Number of Long Unread Meters w/T105 Errors - May-18 Number of Long Unread Meters w/T105 Errors - June-18 Monthly Variance Column2 Column3 Long Unread Meters w/T105 Errors with YVE=NULL - May-18 Long Unread Meters w/T105 Errors with YVE=NULL - June-18 Column32 Long Unread Meters w/T105 Errors with NULL YVE with Vacant Premises (WTR SPID Level) - May-18 Long Unread Meters w/T105 Errors with NULL YVE with Occupied Premises (WTR SPID Level) - May-18 Long Unread Meters w/T105 Errors with NULL YVE with Vacant Premises (WTR SPID Level) - June-18 Long Unread Meters w/T105 Errors with NULL YVE with Occupied Premises (WTR SPID Level) - June-18 AFFINITY-W 2,184 1,357 2,194 1,409 906 1,288 767 642 ANGLIAN-W 6,645 5,870 266 393 13 253 14 379 BRISTOL-W 1,269 657 392 9 2 390 7 CHOLDERTON-W 1 - DEEVALLEY-W 18 DWRCYMRU-W 5 ICOSA2-W 10 INDWATER-W 8 MOSLTEST-W 6 NORTHUM-W 10,522 9,997 791 762 271 520 274 488 PEEL-W PORTSMOUTH-W 927 614 895 595 78 817 77 518 SEVERN-W 4,330 5,489 1,159 818 1,258 420 398 622 636 SmokeTestWSL 3 SOUTHEAST-W 754 633 51 50 43 44 SOUTHERN-W 19,220 13,335 ,885 3,985 2,754 873 3,112 645 2,109 SOUTHSTAFF-W 1,305 1,102 1,275 1,055 182 1,093 160 SOUTHWEST-W 2,722 2,674 2,632 2,582 133 2,499 156 2,426 SSE-W SUTTON-W 233 229 231 248 19 212 245 THAMES-W 43,532 41,926 ,606 12,376 10,316 1,715 10,661 1,515 8,801 UNITED-W 2,863 4,020 1,157 2,715 3,779 664 2,051 1,328 2,451 VEOLIA-W WESSEX-W 2,040 1,690 339 259 333 YORKSHIRE-W 1,133 1,086 756 789 114 148 641 99,736 90,730 ,006 29,740 26,283 5,404 24,337 5,723 20,566 as at 01/06/2018 Taken from the Standing reports – match to T105.R Incorporates Null YVE and Vacancy status
Workshop – Additional Items Unpaired trend from non-standard Reports
Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Areas of initial investigations into some potentially incorrect attribute content. Unpaired SPIDs as at 08/06/2018 WATER CPW028 by UU Workaround use T152.W to update D5001 NE_NOSEWERAGE NE_NOWATER, NE_LANDLORD, NE_CROSSBORDER WATER 07-Sep 02-Oct 12-Nov 11-Dec 14-Jan 12-Feb 03-May 08-Jun AFFINITY-W 2538 2461 3270 2708 2765 2827 3126 3216 ALBIONECO-W ANGLIAN-W 33538 33361 33769 33436 33422 33362 33399 33441 BRISTOL-W 10345 9967 10346 10149 10141 10155 9843 9852 CHOLDERTON-W 17 18 DEEVALLEY-W DWRCYMRU-W 1 2 ICOSA2-W INDWATER-W 6 4 10 11 NORTHUM-W 23137 21899 21969 20729 20573 20536 13724 13611 PEEL-W PORTSMOUTH-W 2250 2134 2683 2234 2207 2212 2101 1937 SEVERN-W 906 863 1156 937 965 982 939 930 SOUTHEAST-W 915 1471 1578 1014 1076 1152 1619 1629 SOUTHERN-W 11650 10882 35638 11674 11669 11662 10903 SOUTHSTAFF-W 404 411 463 450 554 606 453 SOUTHWEST-W 1253 1100 1260 1392 1418 1461 1248 1274 SSE-W SUTTON-W 378 334 414 390 396 401 386 THAMES-W 190 638 1121 193 208 210 375 UNITED-W 664 868 1002 669 667 666 406 816 VEOLIA-W 3 832 WESSEX-W 12 19 25 20 YORKSHIRE-W 269 317 645 415 480 600 693 88,474 86,812 115,586 86,434 86,553 86,754 79,614.00 79,569.00 ,662 28,774 ,152 119 201 ,140 Matching to MDS so SPIDs are TRADABLE or TDISC
Workshop – Additional Items Unpaired trend from non-standard Reports
Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Areas of initial investigations into some potentially incorrect attribute content. Unpaired SPIDs as at 03/05/2018 SEWERAGE 07-Sep 02-Oct 12-Nov 11-Dec 14-Jan 12-Feb 03-May 08-June ALBION-W 1 ANGLIAN-W 1349 1575 1761 1341 1201 1168 1476 1516 DEEVALLEY-W INDWATER-W NORTHUM-W 8168 8234 8696 8139 8114 8112 2451 819 PEEL-W SEVERN-W 837 784 798 822 846 876 890 900 SOUTHERN-W 771 1003 3208 803 811 969 877 SOUTHWEST-W 10 17 22 8 9 16 SSE-W 2 3 THAMES-W 566 380 629 785 1508 1596 910 912 UNITED-W 15 174 237 18 273 278 WESSEX-W 81 113 132 108 115 123 34 39 YORKSHIRE-W 56 82 152 90 85 86 122 117 11,857 12,363 15,636 12,115 12,711 12,814 7,142 5,468 506 3,273 ,521 596 103 - 5,672 ,674 SEWERAGE Matching to MDS so SPIDs are TRADABLE or TDISC CPW028 by UU Workaround use T152.W to update D5001 NE_NOSEWERAGE NE_NOWATER, NE_LANDLORD, NE_CROSSBORDER
Workshop – MOSL items – NAPS – WTR and SWR by status
As at 08/06/2018 Count of SPID Column Labels Row Labels S W Grand Total AFFINITY-W 177 ANGLIAN-W 2711 2999 5710 BRISTOL-W 42 NORTHUM-W 317 749 1066 PEEL-W 1 PORTSMOUTH-W 81 SEVERN-W 276 456 732 SOUTHEAST-W 45 SOUTHERN-W 380 391 771 SOUTHSTAFF-W 307 SOUTHWEST-W 687 1469 2156 SSE-W 22 20 SUTTON-W 56 THAMES-W 1569 1558 3127 UNITED-W 699 586 1285 VEOLIA-W 2 3 WESSEX-W 182 172 354 YORKSHIRE-W 71 46 117 6915 9158 16073 Count of SPID Column Labels Row Labels S W Grand Total AFFINITY-R 117 20 137 ANGLIAN-R 2367 3151 5518 BUSSTREAM-R 194 128 322 CASTLE-R 724 313 1037 CLEARBUS-R 39 31 70 FIRSTBW-R 13 16 29 NORTHUM-R 169 459 628 PEEL-R 1 SEVERN-R 254 426 680 SOUTHWEST-R 370 839 1209 SSE-R 22 42 SUTTON-R 1822 2798 4620 UNITED-R 332 280 612 WATER2BUS-R 98 151 249 WTRCHOICE-R 90 163 253 YORKSHIRE-R 68 45 113 (blank) 236 317 553 6915 9158 16073
Workshop – MOSL items – NAPS – WTR and SWR Trend
As at 08/06/2018 Row Labels NOV DEC FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE AFFINITY-W 101 113 165 116 158 169 177 ALBION-W 1 ANGLIAN-W 3,179 3,976 4,465 4755 4894 5427 5710 BRISTOL-W 26 32 38 57 91 105 42 ICOSA2-W 46 INDWATER-W 16 4 2 NORTHUM-W 904 941 1,045 1110 1177 1066 PEEL-W PORTSMOUTH-W 161 132 128 150 109 81 SEVERN-W 1,076 1,272 1,374 1205 1067 825 732 SOUTHEAST-W 35 29 83 104 23 45 SOUTHERN-W 911 991 835 831 882 920 771 SOUTHSTAFF-W 142 136 264 276 293 301 307 SOUTHWEST-W 2,005 2,106 2,016 2061 2135 2187 2156 SSE-W 54 47 SUTTON-W 34 39 36 41 51 53 56 THAMES-W 4,827 5,368 4,393 4715 4946 4487 3127 UNITED-W 1,027 1,188 1,131 1143 1216 1199 1285 VEOLIA-W 3 WESSEX-W 958 1,044 575 551 609 351 354 YORKSHIRE-W 338 381 258 230 226 152 117 Grand Total 15,640 17,851 16,918 17,425 17,948 17,558 16,072 2,211 507 523 ,486
Workshop – Additional Items. Default XY
Default XY on Meter As at 08/06/2018 Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Areas of initial investigations into some obviously incorrect attribute content. METER WHOLESALER 07/09/2017 03/10/2017 12/11/2017 04/12/2017 01/01/2018 12/02/2018 05/03/2018 04/04/2018 05/05/2018 08/06/2018 AFFINITY-W 1106 1105 1100 1,099 1,095 63 64 14 12 ANGLIAN-W 17451 17378 8623 8,677 8,750 7,369 7,163 5,546 3,373 2746 CHOLDERTON-W 26 23 DEEVALLEY-W 19 20 DWRCYMRU-W 2 NORTHUM-W 297 296 295 294 160 54 55 24 PORTSMOUTH-W 1 SEVERN-W 841 840 843 844 845 847 848 375 396 SOUTHEAST-W 1520 1523 1516 1,513 1,510 1,379 1,370 1,358 783 1348 SOUTHERN-W 37787 37773 37688 37,685 37,688 37,694 37,669 1,614 1,356 1427 SOUTHSTAFF-W 1,443 SOUTHWEST-W 2064 2108 1954 1,872 1,473 1,259 1,261 1,262 1,284 1326 SSE-W 86 84 82 81 79 66 50 49 SUTTON-W 9 10 8 THAMES-W 2576 2640 2864 2,926 3,110 3,177 3,241 3,286 3,522 3480 UNITED-W 36436 36487 36558 36,596 36,630 36,709 36,597 36,589 36,606 36554 VEOLIA-W 6 YORKSHIRE-W 981 960 495 502 532 533 142 150 18 101,213 101,263 92,082 92,155 91,939 89,228 88,536 50,884 48,940 47,441 ,181 73 ,711 ,652 ,944 ,499
Workshop – Additional Items. Default XY
Default XY on Outreader As at 08/06/2018 Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Areas of initial investigations into some obviously incorrect attribute content. OUTREADER WHOLESALER 07/09/2017 03/10/2017 12/11/2017 05/12/2017 01/01/2018 12/02/2018 05/03/2018 04/04/2018 04/05/2018 08/06/2018 AFFINITY-W 99 93 92 91 88 ANGLIAN-W 9737 7381 4149 2232 1128 1129 1,135 1137 1133 NORTHUM-W 3135 295 296 265 266 50 SEVERN-W 188 189 63 SOUTHEAST-W 928 919 913 912 911 840 834 824 165 814 SOUTHSTAFF-W 1 822 SOUTHWEST-W 3091 3044 3037 3033 2905 2899 2,895 2896 SUTTON-W 10 2 THAMES-W 637 660 833 880 1060 1123 1184 1,227 1453 1673 UNITED-W 22288 22228 22230 22222 22214 22188 22142 22,084 22070 22028 WESSEX-W 55 54 53 52 YORKSHIRE-W 527 538 826 837 862 812 122 5 8 40,696 35,404 32,622 30,750 30,786 29,589 28,910 28,857 29,222 28,806 ,292 ,782 ,872 36 ,197 365
Workshop – Additional Items. Read Frequency Compliance
Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Areas of initial investigations into some potentially incorrect attribute content. Row Labels Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 AFFINITY-W 183 185 187 56 ALBION-W 1 ANGLIAN-W 455 466 471 289 696 702 BRISTOL-W 4 5 2 3 DWRCYMRU-W 23 24 29 34 INDWATER-W NORTHUM-W 288 290 291 292 PORTSMOUTH-W 67 68 SEVERN-W 225 229 230 234 11 36 SOUTHEAST-W 71 73 72 76 74 SOUTHERN-W 153 162 163 165 65 SOUTHSTAFF-W 215 216 217 209 210 SOUTHWEST-W 92 93 10 SSE-W SUTTON-W 37 38 THAMES-W 1469 1477 1478 1473 1470 1463 UNITED-W 5262 5260 279 141 40 WESSEX-W 25 YORKSHIRE-W 517 524 525 527 519 NULL 16 17 Grand Total 9101 9149 4189 3550 3653 3545 48 -4960 -639 103 -108 As at 08/06/2018 Meter read frequency. =>80mm chargeable but set to “B”
Workshop – Additional Items. Read Frequency Compliance
Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Areas of initial investigations into some potentially incorrect attribute content. RTL Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 Jun-18 AFFINITY-R 174 166 167 54 59 ALBION-R 1 ANGLIAN-R 460 458 461 296 684 BUSSTREAM-R 177 197 203 195 106 CASTLE-R 1459 1437 1439 1357 1319 CLEARBUS-R 4 6 3 DWRCYMRU-R 22 23 27 32 EVERFLOW-R 46 34 25 30 FIRSTBW-R 2 GREENEKING-R INDWATER-R NORTHUM-R 270 268 266 269 NULL 16 17 REGENT-R SEVERN-R 259 282 283 279 66 SOUTHEAST-R 69 67 SOUTHERN-W SOUTHSTAFF-R 204 316 SOUTHWEST-R 96 315 235 258 SSE-R SUTTON-R 61 36 48 TWRC-R UNITED-R 5233 5219 273 136 38 WATER2BUS-R 43 42 39 50 WHITBREAD-R 26 WTRCHOICE-R YORKSHIRE-R 500 491 485 487 484 Grand Total 9101 9149 4189 3550 3561 -4960 -639 11 As at 08/06/2018 Meter read frequency. =>80mm chargeable but set to “B”
Workshop – Additional Items. Meter Read review – Types/Methods
Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Areas of initial investigations into some potentially incorrect attribute content. Review of the Read type and Method combinations As at 08/06/2018 Since 01/04/2017 TYPE METHOD Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 C CUSTOMER 26,442 30,966 34,391 40,867 47099 51,898 REMOTE 166,458 188,278 204,160 218,034 243773 267,671 VISUAL 1,540,331 1,741,152 1,881,399 2,065,110 2,361,731 F 11,948 13,944 15,364 17,525 19751 21,848 I 19,403 22,707 24,932 27,968 31532 35,346 P 3 ESTIMATED 9 332 313 312 T 112 150 179 195 228 352 16,165 18,473 21,787 22,957 27258 29,841 28 31 33 35 20,162 22,416 24,545 27,050 29866 32,886 X 1 329 365 399 548 596 641 Y 58 72 79 117 133 146 TOTAL 1,801,780 2,038,895 2,207,607 2,420,728 2,616,948 2,802,720
Workshop – Additional Items. Meter Read review – T read Methods
Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Areas of initial investigations into some potentially incorrect attribute content. RETAILER Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 ADSM-R 56 41 143 141 AFFINITY-R 2,979 2,184 2347 2653 2819 3248 ANGLIAN-R 4,111 1,921 2377 3754 4108 6245 AQUAFLOW-R 1 3 BUSSTREAM-R 7,162 4,512 6654 5427 5578 5862 CASTLE-R 3,911 2,952 3048 3739 4060 4290 CLEARBUS-R 1,409 1,054 1248 1501 1742 2182 DEEVALLEY-R 12 DWRCYMRU-R 6 EVERFLOW-R 7,425 6,863 7582 8495 9238 10567 FIRSTBW-R 4 16 22 35 64 126 GREENEKING-R 1,090 667 668 665 662 KELDA-R MARSTONS-R 990 856 851 842 853 NORTHUM-R 2,584 1,462 1509 2053 2277 2309 REGENT-R 134 90 89 92 SEVERN-R 15,382 7,663 8104 8604 12089 12882 SOUTHEAST-R 4,463 1,620 1739 1847 1964 SOUTHSTAFF-R 4,357 5037 SOUTHWEST-R 2,314 4,515 4582 4622 4728 SSE-R 13 SUTTON-R 4,962 3,409 3494 3593 3660 3802 TWRC-R 500 304 310 316 319 337 UNITED-R 1,202 20 25 28 44 WATER2BUS-R 1,185 689 722 737 862 983 WHITBREAD-R 541 745 750 748 789 WTRCHOICE-R 113 112 131 146 182 2288 YORKSHIRE-R 1,640 10 30 33 52 YUWATER-R Grand Total 68,005 41,501 46,297 49,976 56,242 62,794 Review of the T Read type and Method combinations As at 08/06/2018 Read date > 01/04/2017 Submitted by Retailer and contains multiple submissions
Workshop – Additional Items. Wholesaler – Vacancy Trend
Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Areas of initial investigations into some potentially incorrect attribute content. Vacancy as at 04/05/2018 WATER HISTORIC TREND Wholesaler Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 AFFINITY-W 9,624 9,640 9,693 9756 9,819 9,867 ALBIONECO-W ALBION-W 4 1 ANGLIAN-W 7,063 7,470 7,850 8084 8,340 10,048 BRISTOL-W 726 736 756 722 728 1,052 CHOLDERTON-W DEEVALLEY-W DWRCYMRU-W INDWATER-W NORTHUM-W 15,608 15,809 15,979 15948 15,366 15,292 PEEL-W PORTSMOUTH-W 1,285 1,321 1349 1,394 1,412 SEVERN-W 24,469 24,890 25,640 26411 27,210 27,489 SOUTHEAST-W 4,309 4,348 4,421 4464 4,553 4,938 SOUTHERN-W 5,713 5,795 5,863 5920 5,999 6,061 SOUTHSTAFF-W 4,814 4,834 4,837 4842 4,854 4,862 SOUTHWEST-W 4,811 4,992 5,145 5201 5,250 5,313 SSE-W SUTTON-W 1,350 1,349 1,415 1413 1,417 1,419 THAMES-W 32,512 32,632 34,146 35992 37,233 38,012 UNITED-W 33,780 33,955 34,077 34286 34,432 34,526 VEOLIA-W 5 WESSEX-W 1,547 1,559 1,567 1525 1,532 1,572 YORKSHIRE-W 20,062 20,016 20,348 20466 20,300 20,467 Totals 167,683 169,356 173,068 176,386 178,435 182,338 1,673 3,712 3,318 2,049 3,903
Workshop – Additional Items. Wholesaler – Vacancy Trend
Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Areas of initial investigations into some potentially incorrect attribute content. Vacancy as at 08/06/2018 SEWERAGE Wholesaler Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 ALBION-W 7 4 3 2 ANGLIAN-W 8,391 8872 9,418 9610 9,799 11,020 11489 INDWATER-W 1 NORTHUM-W 11,479 11448 11,384 11360 11,185 11,213 11241 PEEL-W SEVERN-W 32,876 33218 33,964 34775 35,576 35,911 36814 SOUTHERN-W 7,809 7913 8,042 8157 8,287 8,263 8844 SOUTHWEST-W 2,702 2782 2,880 2914 2,939 2,983 3087 SSE-W THAMES-W 42,345 42772 44,278 46136 47,515 48,498 50599 UNITED-W 64,483 64471 64,228 64484 64,853 65,140 67047 VEOLIA-W 5 WESSEX-W 2,821 2849 2,875 2817 2,825 3,074 3093 YORKSHIRE-W 18,444 18407 18,734 18873 18,737 18,882 19039 Totals 191,364 192746 195,817 199,137 201,727 204,995 211,263 1,382 3,071 3,320 2,590 3,268 6,268
Workshop – Additional Items. Retailer – Vacancy Trend
Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Areas of initial investigations into some potentially incorrect attribute content. Vacancy as at 08/06/2018 WATER RETAILER Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 AFFINITY-R 9553 9,594 9644 9,681 9,700 9782 ALBION-R 4 1 10109 ANGLIAN-R 7283 7,476 7638 7,812 9,505 AQUAFLOW-R 3 BUSSTREAM-R 5776 5,818 5875 5,960 6,022 6150 CASTLE-R 34539 36,433 38457 39,809 40,414 42708 CLEARBUS-R 88 104 141 186 237 288 EVERFLOW-R 332 371 423 525 671 805 FIRSTBW-R 13 GREENEKING-R 2 INDWATER-R MARSTONS-R 23 22 21 NORTHUM-R 15595 15,733 15651 15,052 14,943 14836 PEEL-R REGENT-R SEVERN-R 24925 25,668 26435 27,232 27,501 28204 SOUTHEAST-R 4300 4,367 4404 4,483 4,863 SOUTHSTAFF-R 4751 9,541 SOUTHWEST-R 4698 9,478 9489 9,514 9595 SSE-R SUTTON-R 1562 1,628 1629 1,664 1,884 2931 TWRC-R 5 UNITED-R 33752 33,841 34029 34,139 34,183 35054 VEOLIA-R WATER2BUS-R 2252 2,265 2176 2,175 2,530 2581 WHITBREAD-R 9 10 11 WTRCHOICE-R 4938 YORKSHIRE-R 19909 20,241 20345 20,150 20,289 20455 Grand Total 169,356 173,068 176,386 178,435 182,338 188,504 3,712 3,318 2,049 3,903 6,166
Workshop – Additional Items. Retailer – Vacancy Trend
Data Quality review for improvement of customer journey in Market Areas of initial investigations into some potentially incorrect attribute content. Vacancy as at 08/06/2018 SEWERAGE RETAILER Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 AFFINITY-R 98.0 100.0 107.0 116.0 120 181 ALBION-R 7.0 4.0 3 2 ANGLIAN-R 8,768.0 9,185.0 9,308.0 9,420.0 10,614 11127 AQUAFLOW-R BUSSTREAM-R 7,833.0 7,920.0 8,034.0 8,143.0 8,120 8592 CASTLE-R 42,723.0 44,435.0 46,375.0 47,785.0 48,569 50366 CLEARBUS-R 95.0 103.0 140.0 190.0 243 298 EVERFLOW-R 333.0 368.0 412.0 515.0 668 788 FIRSTBW-R 1.0 2.0 3.0 9 GREENEKING-R 4 5 INDWATER-R 1 MARSTONS-R 19.0 18.0 19 20 NORTHUM-R 11,344.0 11,266.0 11,221.0 11,049.0 11,049 10983 PEEL-R REGENT-R SEVERN-R 33,194.0 33,936.0 34,736.0 35,515.0 35,828 36700 SOUTHEAST-R 16.0 21.0 SOUTHSTAFF-R 2,758.0 SOUTHWEST-R 2,695.0 2,776.0 2,792.0 2,806 2864 SSE-R 305.0 SUTTON-R 279.0 311.0 331.0 536 1012 TWRC-R 63,941.0 UNITED-R 64,215.0 5.0 64,161.0 64,479.0 64,704 66445 VEOLIA-R 2,802.0 WATER2BUS-R 2,790.0 9.0 2,733.0 2,732.0 2,966 2960 WHITBREAD-R 10.0 10 11 WTRCHOICE-R 15 40 YORKSHIRE-R 18,304.0 18,755.0 18,588.0 18,705 18846 Grand Total 192,746.0 195,817.0 199,137.0 201,727.0 204,995.0 211,263.0 3,071.0 3,320.0 2,590.0 3,268.0 6,268.0
PRD Transactions processed
Month TP MOSL TOTAL TP % MOSL % as at date OCTOBER 344774 626090 970864 36% 64% 31-Oct NOVEMBER 374480 710665 35% 65% 30-Nov DECEMBER 438677 842186 34% 66% 31-Dec JANUARY 569898 31-Jan FEBRUARY 668917 28-Feb MARCH 852187 29% 71% 30-Mar APRIL 443591 28% 72% 30-Apr MAY 480200 31-May JUNE 559605 27% 73% 29-Jun JULY 702483 31-Jul AUGUST 782880 31-Aug SEPTEMBER 689879 30-Sep 592382 541072 26% 74% 414597 476496 24% 76% 509594 653081 31-Mar 507866 510595 118259 625390 743649 16% 84% 01-Jun As at 07/06/2018
PRD Transactions processed
ORWG – new guise? User Group – subsumed into CMOS Ops call and ORWG and Mike Floyd (United) to chair the session. Review suitability of group post 4.0 deployment and possibly end the group. Does the Group continue as a separate entity? Should it reconvene as formal part of the ORWG at time of Release testing? ORWG Meetings 12 June, British Library Move to every two months, alternating with User Forum 14 August 2018 / 09 October 2018 / 11 December 2018 / 12 February 2019 / 09 April 2019 TOR Review systems issues Process issues Technical issues and plans for future Test planning around Releases New name
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