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X-Ray Analysis Collimated beam No distortion ( blurring)

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1 X-Ray Analysis Collimated beam No distortion ( blurring)
No object magnification Assume point source No resolution loss. Objects have depth-dependent magnification. Finite source Ray optics Full analysis Result becomes a convolution w/ magnified source Assumptions –remove obliquity, thin planes, Magnified object, magnified source Distortion due to source size

2 Collimated X-ray Id (xd,yd) = I0 exp [ - ∫ µo (x,y,z) dz]
X-Ray with a Point Source Id (xd,yd) = Ii exp [ ∫ µo ((xd/d)z, (yd/d)z, z) dz] Id (xd,yd) = Ii exp [ ∫ µo (xd/M, (yd/M, z) dz] where M = d/z and Ii = Io/ (1 + (rd2/d)2)3/2

3 Planar Object Geometric optics predicts that for a thin object:
t (x,y) = exp [ -µ (x,y)  (z - zo)] imaged by a x-ray source, s(x,y) The detected image will be the convolution of a Magnified object and a magnified source

4 Detailed Analysis xd,yd rds xs,ys s(xs,ys) ds • origin
First, no object dId (xd, yd) = dIo cos3  dIo = s (xs, ys) dxs dys/(4πd2) Source units ((N/mm2)/min) Detailed Analysis

5 2) Now let’s put in an object
2) Now let’s put in an object. What is the output of xd, yd given a source at xs, ys? We call this the differential detected image. dId (xd, yd, xs, ys) = dIi exp [ - ∫ µ (x,y,z) ds] Again, we will evaluate ds in terms of xd, yd in the detector plane. Now come up for expressions for x and y paths in terms of z

6 We want to describe what is happening
at some general location x,y in the body. Let’s start by describing the coordinates of these points along a path connecting an arbitrary source point and detector point. Our source point will be s(xs,ys) and the detector point will be (xd, yd). A general point y on the path is shown. By similar triangles, X-ray path yd y ys ys µ (x,y,z) z d y-z plane shown

7 Again, we will build a parametric equation

8 Let’s manipulate one of the variables of µ in last slide, recalling that
Now we have the result at an arbitrary detector point due to and arbitrary source point.

9 To get the entire result Id (xd, yd), we add up the response
from all the source points by integrating over the source. Id (xd, yd) = ∫ ∫ dIs  integrate over source No assumptions made on space invariance yet. Putting it all together, Id (xd, yd) = 1/ (4πd2) ∫ ∫ s (xs, ys) exp[ ∫µ (xd - mxs)/M, (yd - mys)/M, z) dz] Let’s make some assumptions and simplify Ignore both obliquity factors Assume planar object µ =  (x,y)  (z - zo)

10 Then Id = 1/(4πd2) ∫ ∫ s (xs, ys) exp[ -  (xd - mxs)/M, (yd - mys)/M) dxs dys] For space invariance, let By considering a magnified source and Magnified object, we can get space invariance. The above can be viewed as a convolution. Id = 1/(4πd2m2) s (xd/m, yd/m) ** exp[ - (xd/M, yd/M)] Id = 1/(4πd2m2) s (xd/m, yd/m) ** t (xd/M, yd/M)]

11 z m M Image size Blur d 1 10mm d/2 2 20mm 1mm d/10 9 10 100mm 9mm
Consider 10mm object 1mm source z m M Image size Blur d 1 10mm d/2 2 20mm 1mm d/10 9 10 100mm 9mm

12 Intuitive Understanding of Finite Source
Instead of a point source, let’s consider a more realistic finite source. The source will be planar and parallel to the detector. We will consider it as an array of point sources. Here we will consider half a doughnut as an example, s(xs,ys). ys xs xd yd Image of Source s(xs,ys) d-z z Find the result in the detector plane ss a result of the sum of source points d

13 Geometric Ray Optics Low m Response to pinhole impulse at origin
Planar Object In the Fourier domain, Id (u,v) = KM2m2 T (Mu, Mv) S (mu,mv)

14 Geometric Ray Optics Low m In the Fourier domain,
Id (u,v) = KM2m2 T (Mu, Mv) S (mu,mv) Object is magnified by Source causes distortion Id (u,v) Large m z < d small m u Curves show S(mu,mv) for a large m and a small m

15 Volumetric Object What about volumetric objects? Stepping back one or two steps in the previous work and still ignoring obliquity, But m = m(z) therefore we can’t model Let’s model object as an array of planes (||||||)  (x,y) µ = ∑ i (x,y)  (z - zi) i where mi = - (d - zi)/ zi and Mi= d/zi

16 term is still not linear however
Let’s assume ∫ µ dz = ∑ i << 1 Then we can linearize the exponent exp (- ∑ i) = 1 - ∑ i View as sum of integrals Id ≈ Ii - ∑i 1/(4πd2m2) s ((xd/mi), (yd/mi)) **i (xd/Mi, yd/Mi) where Ii = 1/(4πd2) ∫ ∫ s (xs,ys) dxs dys The output is seen as incident radiation minus a summation of convolutions. Good math, poor approximation. This is true only in very thin regions of the body

17 Reasonable approximation (except at boundaries u approaches 0 )
µ = µmean + µD µ∆ is departure from water or exp [ - ∫ (µm + µ∆) dz = exp [ - ∫ µm dz ] exp [ - ∫ µ∆ dz ] We can linearize with the approximation ≈[ exp - ∫ µm dz ] [ 1 - ∫ µ∆ dz ] Since µm is a constant, the first exponential term is a constant.

18 Since µm is a constant, we can pull out the first exponential term.
The remaining integration can now be seen as a series of thin planes. Each plane’s integration in z is simply seen as a convolution then. Id = [exp - ∫ µm (xd/M, yd/M, z) dz ] • [ Ii - ∑ 1/(4πd2mi2) s ((xd/mi), (yd/mi)) ** ∆i (xd/Mi, yd/Mi) Id = Twater (xd, yd) [ Ii - ∑ 1/(4πd2mi2) • s ((xd/mi), (yd/mi)) ** ∆i (xd/Mi, yd/Mi)] where Twater = [exp - ∫ µm (xd/M, yd/M, z) dz ] Thus, we have justified viewing the body as an array of planes.

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