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SBRs and Economic Surveys

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1 SBRs and Economic Surveys
Michael Biddington, Statistics Division UN ESCAP

2 Australian SBR Exists to support economic surveys;
Annual Economic Survey Quarterly Business Indicators Survey Retail sales survey Capital Expenditures (Quarterly) Average Weekly Earnings Job Vacancies Survey Producer Prices Survey R&D survey Survey for International Trade in Services

3 Australian Statistical Model
Public policy Legislation Research Business analysis USERS NSO National Accounts Survey 1 Survey 2 Survey 3 Common Frame Business Register SOURCES


5 SBR Products Common Frame (frozen frame) Survey Frame
Sample units & contact details Income and Wages (Tax data) Business Provisions

6 Business Provisions Business Provisions Business Register
Survey Frame Real world target population Business Register (Common Frame) Business Provisions Deaths Births and Resurrections

7 Business Provisions Time delay between registration data getting to SBR and survey frame 2 months missing data for quarterly economic surveys We adjust result by BPs Biggest impact is on monthly retail survey (1-2% increase in reported data).

8 Common Frame The CF a point in time snapshot of the SBR used to create survey frames for the economic collections Frequency of CF Frequency of surveys Frequency of updates (admin and manual) Cost of production Multiple areas involved requires effective coordination and communication

9 SNA Production Boundary
Households Other Institutional units Households providing dwellings ABR 9.6m Newly-registered ABNs ABSBR 6.9m Non- business ABNs ACTIVE UNITS 4.9m COMMON FRAME 2.2m Cancelled ABNs Household production for own final use Non-profiled units Long-term non-remitters Professional gambling EG EN TAU Profiled units Does not withhold Income Tax Not registered for Goods & Services Tax Foreign entities Households providing services Out of scope NON-OBSERVED ECONOMY Barter trade Subsistence Illegal activity Backyard production SNA Production Boundary

10 Common Frame Preparation
Update with latest Business Registration data Final updates from surveys Shut down of SBR – no more profiling Run audits and validations Fix any errors Clearance report Clearance meeting Released

11 Q&A Thank you

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