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Benton Koochiching Marshall Murray Pennington Pine Renville Roseau

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Presentation on theme: "Benton Koochiching Marshall Murray Pennington Pine Renville Roseau"— Presentation transcript:

1 Benton Koochiching Marshall Murray Pennington Pine Renville Roseau Stearns Swift Winona

2 eNotarization Approved in MN MN 359.01 Subd 5 Real Estate
Registration to perform electronic notarizations.  Before performing electronic notarial acts, a notary public shall register the capability to notarize electronically with the secretary of state. Before performing electronic notarial acts after recommissioning, a notary public shall reregister with the secretary of state. Must be a registered active notary Must have the capability to notarize electronically Presence is required No additional costs No special seal Real Estate Must be eRecorded Accepted in other states

3 Revised Uniform Law on Notarial Acts - RULONA
MN Uniform Law Commission Revise portions of MN Statute 358 & 359 HF 1609 & SF 893 to be amended Study Group MCRA, SOS, AG, MLTA, MBA, MMA, NAR et al Meetings continue into March

4 Important to Recorders
Stamp Acknowledgement (Outside of the U.S.) Registration Paper recording of eNotarized or Remote Online documents Michael Chodos-Notarize General Counsel Graduate of Stanford Law Currently on MISMO, MBA, ALTA, PRIA work groups regarding remote online notarization

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