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1 Welcome! Thank you for joining us. We’ll get started in a few minutes.
You must join the teleconference to hear the audio portion of the broadcast. You cannot listen through your computer. Dial: You will hear hold music until the broadcast begins. This is expected  We will send the presentation and a recording of today’s broadcast to you within a few days after the session.

2 Getting Started with the CIPTM Generic Message
January 2013 TechConnect Genius Webinar Daryl M. Krzewinski Senior Engineer January 31, 2013

3 Agenda 1. Introduction 2. Simplified Description of the CIP Object Model 3. The CIP Generic Message 4. Diagnostic Codes and Troubleshooting 5. Q & A

4 Agenda 1. Introduction 2. Simplified Description of the CIP Object Model 3. The CIP Generic Message 4. Diagnostic Codes and Troubleshooting 5. Q & A

5 Introduction This Webinar will give a very simple overview of the CIP object primarily as it pertains to creating CIP generic messages. Future Webinars may cover other aspects of the CIP Object Model. Examples for today will be shown on the Logix family. Participants should be familiar with Logix programming basics, and the MSG (Message) instruction in particular.  November 2012 Genius Webinar is recommended if a review of creating a MSG instruction is needed.

6 Welcome! Thank you for joining us. We’ll get started in a few minutes.
You must join the teleconference to hear the audio portion of the broadcast. You cannot listen through your computer. Dial: You will hear hold music until the broadcast begins. This is expected  We will send the presentation and a recording of today’s broadcast to you within a few days after the session.

7 Agenda 1. Introduction 2. Simplified Description of the CIP Object Model 3. The CIP Generic Message 4. Diagnostic Codes and Troubleshooting 5. Q & A

8 Description of the CIP Object Model
CIP – Common Industrial Protocol First released in 1994 on DeviceNet. CIP uses object modeling to describe devices. Every object has a Class number assigned to it. The full ID format is: Class:Instance:Attribute. Class int status; char value; Attributes Instances

9 Description of the CIP Object Model
Example of an Object Model: Object (Class): Discrete Input Instances Channel 0 • • • • • • • • • Channel 7 I/O Device Attributes 1 20 15 Value: Status: Off_On Delay On_Off Delay 1 20 15

10 Description of the CIP Object Model
So, what can I do with (or to) these objects? Attributes can contain a multitude of variables. Variables can be read from (GET) or written to (SET). Multiple originators / requestors are possible. Read (GET) command (Requests attribute data) Data response with attribute values Write (SET) command (Changes attribute) Class Attributes Instances

11 Description of the CIP Object Model
Most commonly-used standard commands (services): Get Attribute Single (0x0e) Set Attribute Single (0x10) Read or change one specific attribute. Get Attribute All (0x01) Set Attribute All (0x02) Read or change all attributes of the object or of a specific instance. Get Attribute List (0x03) Set Attribute List (0x04) Read or change a number of particular attributes. The attribute numbers are specified as part of the service request.

12 Agenda 1. Introduction 2. Simplified Description of the CIP Object Model 3. The CIP Generic Message 4. Diagnostic Codes and Troubleshooting 5. Q & A

13 The CIP Generic Message
Applying these concepts to a CIP Generic Message: There are many “pre-defined” service commands available Service Code is our Service, or Command, to the Class The Class (Object) we are referencing The Instance of that Class The Attribute within the Instance of that Class

14 The CIP Generic Message
Local message router dispatches to the Class:Instance:Attribute identified by MSG configuration. Formatted response is returned to the controller with requested attribute data. Message processed in controller and forwarded to destination module.

15 The CIP Generic Message
Message processed in controller and forwarded through the entire CIP path. Which can include multiple hops…even to a remote network device.

16 The CIP Generic Message
Formatted response is returned to the controller with requested attribute data. Local message router dispatches to the Class:Instance:Attribute identified by MSG configuration. Which can include multiple hops…even to a remote network device.

17 The CIP Generic Message
Some Considerations: For Rockwell Automation products, most supported CIP services are outlined in the product- or feature-specific User Manual. Knowledgebase is another source (for RA products). For third-party products the manufacturer’s Technical Support is the best source for help. RA Tech Support tries to document 3rd-party issues as we are made aware of them. There is also support for vendor-specific functionality within the spec. ODVA members have access to the complete spec in the Product Developer’s Guide (

18 The CIP Generic Message
Example 1: Obtain Module Identity Information Class 0x01

19 The CIP Generic Message Class 0x01

20 The CIP Generic Message Class 0x01

21 The CIP Generic Message Class 0x01
Attribute 7: Product Name STRING Attribute 1: Vendor ID UINT Attribute 2: Device Type UINT Attribute 3: Product Code UINT Attribute 4: Major Rev Minor Rev USINT USINT Attribute 6: Serial Number UDINT Attribute 5: Status WORD

22 The CIP Generic Message Class 0x01
Attribute 1: Vendor ID UINT Attribute 2: Device Type UINT Attribute 3: Product Code UINT Attribute 4: Major Rev Minor Rev USINT USINT Attribute 5: Status WORD Attribute 6: Serial Number UDINT Answer ID 55301 Attribute 7: Product Name STRING

23 The CIP Generic Message
Example 2: Obtain TCP/IP Interface Configuration Class 0xF5

24 The CIP Generic Message Class 0xF5
Attribute 5: Configuration IP Address UDINT Network Mask UDINT Gateway Address UDINT Name Server 1 UDINT Name Server 2 UDINT Domain Name STRING Answer ID 26779

25 The CIP Generic Message Class 0xF5
Attribute 3: Configuration Control Configuration Method DWORD, bit 0-3 Attribute 6: Host Name Answer ID 31238 Host Name STRING Attribute 1: Status Configuration Status DWORD, bit 0-3

26 The CIP Generic Message
Example 3: Obtain Ethernet Link Object Information Class 0xF6

27 The CIP Generic Message Class 0xF6
Instance Number Attr 9, Admin State USINT Attr 2, Intrfc Flags DWORD Bit 0 Answer ID 22261 Attr 2, Intrfc Flags DWORD Bit 2-4 Attr 6, Control WORD[0] Bit 0-1 Attr 1, Speed DWORD Bit 1 Attr 6, Control WORD[1] Attr 2, Flags DWORD Bit 1

28 Agenda 1. Introduction 2. Simplified Description of the CIP Object Model 3. The CIP Generic Message 4. Diagnostic Codes and Troubleshooting 5. Q & A

29 Diagnostic Codes and Troubleshooting
CIP Message error codes are returned as two parts: General Status (RSLogix calls “Error Code”) and Extended Error Codes. Example: 16#0001, extended 16#0000_0204 General Status returns basic information such as Success, Connection Failure, Not Enough Data, etc. The Extended Error provides additional information that describes the causes of the fault in more detail. In some cases the presentation may mask the General Status portion of the error, returning only the extended code, but this only happens with a General Status of 16#0001. Extended is “bumped” to the “Error Code” section in this case.

30 Diagnostic Codes and Troubleshooting
Commonly seen General Status codes (not a complete list): 16#0001: Connection failure. 16#0003: Invalid parameter. 16#0004 and 16#0005: Message path error. 16#001F: Vendor-specific error. Commonly seen Extended Error codes (not a complete list): 16#0000_0011: Destination tag too small. 16#0000_011A: Out of connections. 16#0000_0203: Connection timeout. 16#0000_0204: Unconnected message timeout.

31 Diagnostic Codes and Troubleshooting
So, putting the two halves of the error together we would see: Error 16#0001 with Extended 16#0000_0204 No response from the destination. Could be as simple as network issue, device not powered up, or an incorrect path in the MSG instruction. Error 16#0001 with Extended 16#0000_0011 Destination Element defined in MSG configuration is too short. Error 16#001F with Extended xxxx_xxxx. A vendor specific error has been encountered.

32 References “The Common Industrial Protocol (CIPTM) and the Family of CIP Networks” Publication PUB00123R0 “Ethernet/IP Quick Start for Vendors” Publication PUB00174R8 Product Developer’s Guide: CIP Specification Rockwell Automation Knowledgebase: AID CIP Messaging References All Answer IDs referenced in this presentation are indexed here

33 Questions?

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