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Area 5C 2015 Fall Tournament U-10 thru U-14 7-8 November 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Area 5C 2015 Fall Tournament U-10 thru U-14 7-8 November 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Area 5C 2015 Fall Tournament U-10 thru U-14 7-8 November 2015

2 AGENDA 6:00 PM: Dinner Served Until it is all Gone
6:15 PM:  Start Referee Check-In 6:15 PM:  Start Team Check-In 7:00 PM:  Tournament Presentation 7:20 PM:  Referee Information 7:40 PM:  Host Region Information 8:00 PM:  Close Out and Clean-up

3 Contact Information James Farmer – Tournament Director (256) Cell Cathy Farless – Area Director (256) Cell John Price – Referee Administrator (256)

4 Tournament Perspective
Sun will come up on Monday There will be teams that win games and those that do not win Keep the focus on kids Treat referees like you want to be treated (or better) Game officials and staff are volunteers and human (mistakes will be made) Keep parents and players under control

5 Required Equipment

6 Required Equipment Shoes Shin guards Jersey
soccer cleats or tennis shoes Shin guards covered completely by socks Jersey Meets AYSO requirements for logo, etc. Players on a team should have unique numbers Jersey color should match (exception:goal keeper)

7 Tournament Information
Playing time Before any player plays 100% of the game, all players must play 75% of the game. All players play 50% of game, minimum. Round robin games will be reduced in length this weekend by 5 minutes per half. 1st / 2nd & 3rd / 4th Place games on Sunday are full length and must have a winner Ensure your teams are at field 20 minutes prior to the game. Teams will be checked at field by referee.

8 (Continued) Tournament Results Will be Posted at Soccer Central. Please ensure all the Information on the Tournament Boards are Correct 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Place Teams Will Get Medallions. Ensure that you come to Soccer Central to get your medallions (We will have a presentation and photo opportunity) Please THANK the support staff and the Host Region Gene Scherer – Region 498 Area Staff

9 Line Up Cards Ensure game number sticker is on card
Game cards printed from eAYSO Enter player numbers if not already printed Referees Maintain Cards During Game Referees fill out the game information (score, players sitting out, etc.) Cards turned in at check-in locations Official 160 U8G REGION DIV TEAM # Lineup Form Flames TEAM NAME Yellow AY TEAM COLORS M. Smith SO COACH’S NAME J. Miller ASSISTANT COACH’S NAME No PRINT PLAYERS NAME Goals Qtrs Played Referee indicates that Scored player scored goal in 2 Joe Player second half 4 Jane Player 5 Suzie Whizkid X 9 Mac Speeddemon 11 Bob Dazed 12 Mike Surefoot I All players on roster will be 14 Tom Toekicker listed in numerical 15 Nancy Leftfoot order by jersey 17 Sam Sureshoot INJURY number. 18 Bill Giggles 22 Mary Gotit 33 Hope SpringEt 34 William Smart X 42 John Swift An “x” indicates the quarters the player sits out. Update at the quarter and half-time breaks. *Indicate: GK - Goalkeeper, C - Captain, A - Alternate Captain All players on roster must be lisited ; indicate reason for absence Date Time Field 1/31/ :30pm Halftime Score In Favor Of Final Score Winning Team Referee enters this data 9 Referee must sing reverse side Losing Team

10 2015 Area Tournament Match Report
Game Number: _________ Form Issuers initials: ________ Home Team (Region / Coach): ___________________ Score____________ Cards: Red / Yellow (Circle if occurred) Visiting Team (Region / Coach): _________________ Score____________ Cards: Red / Yellow Home Coach Signature: _________________ Visiting Coach Signature:___________________________ Center Referee (Print & initial): _______________________________   Assistant Referee (Print):____________________________________ Assistant Referee (Print): ____________________________________ Referees will roll call players off approved team roster during player inspection. Players not on roster will not be allowed to play. Scores are entered by Referees. Yellow/Red Card description goes on game cards or player substitution forms. 2 Match reports are issued per game. Both must be returned to check-in location with game cards or player substitution form within 20 min. of completion of game by the Coach or designee.

11 Match Report Continued
Referees will roll call players off approved team roster (lineup card) during player inspection. Players not on roster will not be allowed to play. Scores are entered by Referees. Yellow/Red Card description goes on game cards or player substitution forms. Two Match Reports are issued per game. Both must be returned to check-in location with game cards or player substitution form within 20 min. of completion of game by the Coach or designee.

12 Teams Division Coed Girls U10 12 12 U12 12 9 U14 9 6

13 Flight Points WIN 6 points TIE 3 point LOSS 0 points FORFEIT
7 points (scored as a 1-0 win) GOALS Scored 1 Point per goal scored (maximum 3 per game win, lose or tie) Max. Points 9 points

14 Point Deductions Coach Sendoff – Minus 3 Points
Player Sendoff – Minus 2 Point Player Caution – No Points Sendoff’s carry over to the State Tournament

15 Pool Play/Round Robin 1. Points total 2. Head-to-head competition.
3. Most number of wins 4. Goals allowed – total up to a maximum of three per game fewest number advances 5. Goal differential up to three per game, most advances. 6. Kicks from the penalty mark

16 Sportsmanship The best you can do is a win with 3 goals.
If you are ahead by five or more start pulling in your team You do not have to allow the other team to score, just pull in your team No shutout points Shake hands with the other team after game Coaches sign the game cards & match reports 16 16

17 Tournament Fields Dublin Park


19 Tournament Fields Palmer Park


21 AYSO State Tournament Area 5F / Host Region 773
Location: Hartselle, AL November 21-22, 2015 Competition for U10 – U19

22 Area 5C Winter Super Camp
10-11 January 2015 at Liberty Middle School, Madison, AL Referee courses: Intermediate, Advanced, National & Referee Assessor Instructor courses: Intro. To Instruction, Coach Instructor, Referee Instructor Management courses: Intro. To Management, Coach Administrator, Referee Administrator, Dispute Resolution, Auditor

23 SUMMARY Play Hard and Have Fun Enjoy the Tournament
Remember the AYSO Philosophies Requests for Changes to Tournament Format Please Submit to James Farmer Submissions Will be Taken Into Account for Next Year Questions?

24 Referee Information Referee Admin: John Price (256) 694-2225 Gene Uhl
Art Hundiak

25 Referee Information

26 Host Region Information

27 Questions???

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