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Please Complete Survey.

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Presentation on theme: "Please Complete Survey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please Complete Survey

2 The Course Behavior : Cell phone Free Zone ! Hats Attendance
Other-wise: acting wisely with others in mind! Attendance Class work Problems/ Questions in structured notes Collected on test days 2pts per day Review Work Ap “like” problems Can work with anyone in either class but must hand in individual work Homework Already on wiki Notebook Sections- Lab Reports Tests / quizzes 2 Take Home Assignments Unexcused absence = zero Review Test all multiple choice Make-up and Late Work





7 Topics for AP Physics C Exams
18% Kinematics 20% Newton’s Laws 14% Work/Energy/Power 12% Momentum 18 % Circular 18% Oscillations and Gravitation 30% Electrostatics 14% Conductors/Capacitors 20% Circuits 20% Magnetism 16% Electromagnetism (Maxwell/LR/Faraday)

8 Review Sessions – 3rd trimester
Mechanics (1.5 hours) 35 mc 3 free response Electricity and Magnetism (1.5 hours) 35 mc 3 free response Formula Sheets/ Foldables

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