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Agenda: -Founding of Georgia Warm Up:

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1 Agenda: -Founding of Georgia Warm Up:
Class Instructions: Managers get folder. Get out your notes from yesterday Have your GREEN pay cards ready, and KNOW how you want to be paid. ATTENTION EMPLOYEES Some of you are NOT doing your job. There were NINE students absent yesterday and only ONE handout put in the make up work folder! If you want to continue to get paid, do your job Thursday, September 4th Warm Up: On your green warm-up sheet answer the following questions: How did Henry VIII cause Spain to attempt to conquer England? What was the Spanish Armada? Agenda: -Founding of Georgia

2 English Settlement in the New World

3 Pages After the Spanish Armada, England had undisputed control of the seas The English were looking for gold, silver, and exotic foods. Virginia and Massachusetts were the first two English colonies The English came to the new world for economic gains and to escape religions persecution.

4 Mercantilism Yes, mercantilism in a broad sense that the wealth in the world is limited…therefore the following is necessary: England should be self sufficient They should have a favorable balance of trade, or export more than they import They would use the colonies for raw materials (food, sugar, timber, rice, tobacco, and cotton) to maintain this policy. Mercantilism is a policy that states one should export more than they import

5 Mercantilism

6 9. The English arrived too late to plant crops in Jamestown.
Only 38 settlers remained alive after the first year. Tobacco was a crop that grew well in Jamestown Indentured servants, people who agreed to work for a period time in return for passage to the New World, were Africans introduced by the Dutch.

7 The slaves had fewer rights than the indentured servants and spent the entire lives in service to others. Conflict arose between the Spanish and English, but the Spanish retreated to St. Augustine. The French settled in Easter North America, Caribbean Islands, South America, and Canada The French exported fish, sugar, and furs The French and Spanish posed a threat to British control of Guale. Tuscarora Jack asked for a fort to be built. Fort King George was the name of the fort The garrison was a fort but was abandoned due to Indian raids.

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