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Specialist programs for early learners

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1 Specialist programs for early learners

2 Why partner with us? hey dee ho educational services are industry specialists. We know the demands placed on Educators and Centre Management, and what it takes to be a first class operator in the early learning sector. Our sound understanding of the EYLF and NQS not only enables us to provide high standard, compliant programs, we can also assist your Educators and Directors with their Assessment and Rating requirements as well as their QIP. We provide concise educator support documentation detailing our program’s EYLF and NQS compliancy for your teams use in their reflections and journals. We also provide weekly Parent Activity Letters, providing families insight to the learning experiences their children are undertaking during the sessions. Our programs relate to some areas of the NQS that can be challenging for Centres to cover. By incorporating hey dee ho programs into your Centre’s curriculum, you can focus on other areas secure in the knowledge that your specialist program is ticking those hard to reach boxes.

3 discover the hey dee ho difference
Research based programs designed by industry specialists, under constant review and development. Centre Assessment & Rating and QIP support through EYLF/NQS compliant programs, Educator Resource Documents and Parent Activity Letters. Insurance, Work Cover, Superannuation, Leave/Loading and Working with Children Checks compliance all taken care of. Free attendance at your Centre’s open day/parent night*. Professional delivery of a full faceted curriculum accompanied by theme specific resources. Ongoing training commitment and quality control to ensure our teachers are providing consistent and reliable service. Large team provides security of reliable sessions with back up teachers on standby. Activities in each program are tailored to target developmental & learning stages of each age group. We can work with you to ensure that our programs align with your Centre’s requirements, giving you a competitive advantage. We have 30 years experience in the development of high quality programs. Our partnership with the Australian Institute of Music & Childhood Development ensures that the key areas of physical, emotional and intellectual development are incorporated in each session. *conditions apply – speak to your hey dee ho representative for details.

4 Our music progrAm The hey dee ho music program is an educational music experience where the concepts of beat, rhythm, tempo, pitch and dynamics are taught in a fun, play based environment. Our program offers 52 enquiry based themes which are explored each week using props, puppets, dress ups and percussion instruments. A felt board completes the picture to make for a multi-sensory experience. We have four main focus points throughout the year: Auslan Key Sign Language, Multicultural Languages, SOL FA (Kodaly method; a system of teaching singing) and Spatial Awareness. The program is presented to address the following: Cognitive learning Fine and gross motor skills Visual and auditory processing and memory Language development Imagination and active role play Social Skills

5 Our yoga progrAm Our fun-key music program is the perfect blend of relaxation techniques and noisy, animated fun. fun-key yoga instructors use storytelling, games, music & props to engage children both physically & mentally. Each theme takes the children on a journey of the mind and spirit, promoting health and wellbeing in a playful but structured environment. The program focuses on breath and energy, giving children in initial tools for stress and anxiety management. Participants have a strong sense of being and belonging in a safe and nurturing space. The program is presented to address the following: Strength and Flexibility Body Awareness Mindfulness, Imagination and Concentration Balance and Co-ordination

6 Our fitness progrAm Educational research tells us that children learn best through exploring and discovering their abilities through physical activity. Active 8 is a movement/sports skills program for children of all ages. Our hey dee ho active 8 program ensures children experience a wide range of movement activities and that they be encouraged to think, create, construct and solve problems with their own bodies. The program addresses these 8 key components: Sports Skills Aerobics and Cardio Gross Motor Skills Strength and Co-ordination Balance Dance/Cheerleading Spatial Awareness Health and Nutrition

7 Our drama progrAm The Fiction Factory program is a high energy, creative experience which takes the children on interactive, dramatic storytelling adventures. Designed to enhance children’s imaginations, we include a mix of active and passive drama based activities, using body strengthening poses and aerobic movements. With a new theme each class, children delve into the world of myths, legends and tales from around the world, fostering a love of literature and spoken word. The program is presented to address the following: Literacy, Language and Aural Skills Communication and Listening Skills Creativity and Imagination Confidence and Self Esteem

8 Our OSHC progrAm We offer the choice of two programs for Centres who cater for older children via Out of School Hours Care programs. We can facilitate advanced fun-key yoga sessions designed for primary school aged children, or provide fun-key music singing and performance classes. fun-key music Aimed at developing confidence, self esteem, social skills and an interest in music, students are taught singing and drama in a fun, safe, creative space. The program is presented to address the following: Basic breathing techniques Correct diction, vocal and harmony techniques An understanding of time signatures and musical terms Microphone and stage skills Choreographed dances Drama and performance skills

9 Concerts and incursions
Our concerts and incursions can de tailored to meet the needs of your event. From large scale community concerts to small inhouse grandparent’s day sessions, we have the right entertainment to help make your event a success. With themes including Santa in Toyland & Buddy the Elf, Road Safety, Super Green Recycling Team, A Dental Visit, Puppets Around the World and Slip Slop Slap, our concerts combine fun songs and energetic dances in an energetic, interactive performance. Choice of one, two or three presenters Costumed characters include hey dee ho’s Melody, Buddy the Elf, Santa and Super Green Boy and Girl PA and generator supplied on request

10 Contact us now for a free specialised quote.
The next step Contact us now for a free specialised quote.


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