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RAFT Writing R-Role (role of the writer)

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1 RAFT Writing R-Role (role of the writer)
A-Audience (to whom or what the RAFT is being written) F-Form (the form the writing will take, as in letter, song, etc.) T-Topic (the subject focus of the writing)

2 RAFT Example (Soc. Studies) R: Soldier A: (Me) F: Journal T: Revolutionary War
Dear Diary, I am well broken in now, as I have been marching all over the countryside looking for Johnny Reb. A Johnny Reb is just one name the Union soldiers call the Southern soldiers. The Confederate soldiers call soldiers like mine, Billy Yank, Yank, or Yankee. I am a bit muddy from the rainy weather, and a bit stinky, I must admit. My owner doesn’t seem to mind, as he is grateful to even have a pair of shoes. The Rebs sometimes fight in their bare feet because they are so low on supplies and basic necessities.

3 RAFT for Science class R: Water Droplet A: Me F: Journal Entry T: The Water Cycle *Make sure that you describe the water cycle process from the perspective of the water droplet. Be sure to include the 3 water cycle processes (evaporation, condensation, and precipitation).

4 More Reminders *Be sure that your journal has written descriptions that contain many details and are easy to understand. *Make sure that the information in your journal entry is correct. *Make sure that the point of view (Role) is from the water droplet.

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