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15th Conference of the IHO Hydrographic Commission of Antarctica (HCA) Niteroi, Brazil, June 2018 HCA Chair Report Dr Mathias Jonas Secretary-General.

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Presentation on theme: "15th Conference of the IHO Hydrographic Commission of Antarctica (HCA) Niteroi, Brazil, June 2018 HCA Chair Report Dr Mathias Jonas Secretary-General."— Presentation transcript:

1 15th Conference of the IHO Hydrographic Commission of Antarctica (HCA) Niteroi, Brazil, June HCA Chair Report Dr Mathias Jonas Secretary-General

2 15th Conference of the IHO Hydrographic Commission of Antarctica (HCA)
The revised IHO convention takes effect Sixteen out of twenty-four HCA members are Council members. Council experiences: productive format – relevant discussions and decisions Installation of the Strategic Plan Review Working Group Informal bilateral conversations as unexpected side effects Extra burden for the Secretariat in management and moneywise 15th Conference of the IHO Hydrographic Commission of Antarctica (HCA)

3 15th Conference of the IHO Hydrographic Commission of Antarctica (HCA)
INT Chart and ENC Production coordination 1. July 2018: full ECDIS carriage requirement Marks a process which has begun now more than thirty years ago Changed the nature of standardization: S-57 and S-52: Digital Standards produced by humans S-100: Digital Standards produced by machines INTtoGIS: Secretariat finalized a hosting agreement with Korean Hydrographic and Oceanic Agency to maintain the underlying technical infrastructure (more under Agenda Item 7.4B) Secretariats expands more and more to a provider of digital services 1993: first presentation of S-57 in Monaco 1998: Slow start of ENC- Production in the North Sea Area Hughe discussion around ARCS Encryption Coverage has been a subject for long ECDIS acceptance by port authorities – claim to carry paper charts Paper chart sales are in rapid decline Production of paper charts from ENCs 15th Conference of the IHO Hydrographic Commission of Antarctica (HCA)

4 15th Conference of the IHO Hydrographic Commission of Antarctica (HCA)
WEND activities Relevant items from Secretariats perspective: Quality matters: WEND works for better ENCs CATZOC issues: join Data Quality Working Group! East Asia-Regional ENC Coordination Centre (EA-RECC): RENC idea is still convincing ENC overlap: over shaded by political issues How can industry gain access to ENC content under license? 15th Conference of the IHO Hydrographic Commission of Antarctica (HCA)

5 15th Conference of the IHO Hydrographic Commission of Antarctica (HCA)
Crowd sourced bathymetry Engagement for this subject is ongoing at the secretariat! Completion of guidance is delayed but will finish mid of 2018. It is not only a technical problem but legal issues are affected as well. These issues are not addressed by the Guidance document. What is required are technical demonstrator projects which are not limited to leisure boaters and fishery. CSBWG proposes to continue existence to safeguard implementation phase. 15th Conference of the IHO Hydrographic Commission of Antarctica (HCA)

6 15th Conference of the IHO Hydrographic Commission of Antarctica (HCA)
IHO GIS and Databases Thanks to the work of the seconding officers from Japan, the Secretariat is progressing on the technical solutions. Time will be ripe at C-2 to discuss to what extent this will be open to the public or if limited member state access will be the key. Example: CATZOC. Is it of any value to present this to anybody? The access question is closely related to the task given at C-1 to the Secretariat to overhaul the communication ways and means of the Organization, i.e. IHO website. 15th Conference of the IHO Hydrographic Commission of Antarctica (HCA)

7 15th Conference of the IHO Hydrographic Commission of Antarctica (HCA)
Recent development in standardization S-122 (Marine Protected Areas) and S-123 (Radio Services) are now ready for MS approval. S-101 Edition 1.0 will be ready for testing end of 2018 S-111 Surface Currents and S-104 Water level information are mature now 15th Conference of the IHO Hydrographic Commission of Antarctica (HCA)

8 15th Conference of the IHO Hydrographic Commission of Antarctica (HCA)
Recent development in interregional coordination Relevant outcomes from IRCC10: …to be completed 15th Conference of the IHO Hydrographic Commission of Antarctica (HCA)

9 15th Conference of the IHO Hydrographic Commission of Antarctica (HCA)
Is there something to learn for HCA from the antipodes from the North, i.e. ARHC? In application of the Polar Code, Arctic Ocean AIS traffic density database under development (US, NO, KR) for risk assessment for being used in INToGIS II Ocean Noise (see Doc. ARHC7-B1): UN General Assembly in paragraph 339 of Resolution 71/257, reminds that the United Nations Open-ended Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea shall focus its discussions at its nineteenth meeting, in 2018, on the theme "Anthropogenic underwater noise” + internal note from HCA Chair during ATCM40: “…restrictions now put by some countries on the use of acoustic devices, including MBES and other sonars” Cooperation with AECO (vs IAATO) is in progress Autonomous vehicles for Arctic Regions (NOAA Strategy) Arctic MSDIWG 15th Conference of the IHO Hydrographic Commission of Antarctica (HCA)

10 15th Conference of the IHO Hydrographic Commission of Antarctica (HCA)
Best practice inspiration from IALA polar Navigation Workshop November 2017 Virtual AtoN deployment in polar regions Dedicated Web Portals: ArcticWeb, BarentsWatch Polar regions as test field for e-navigation VDES in polar regions Crowd sourced bathymetry 15th Conference of the IHO Hydrographic Commission of Antarctica (HCA)

11 IHO Seminar at ATCM42 – Prague, Thursday 4 July, 09:00 – 12:30 (tbc)
Based on responses to HCA Letter 2/2017… Intention of participation and provision of presentation at the seminar Argentine, Brazil, Chile, France, Italy, Norway and UK, IAATO?, IALA? Participation but no presentation Republic of Korea, South Africa, United States No participation Germany, Japan, New Zealand HCA15/xx: Seminar WG (HCA Chair, AR, BR, CL, FR, IT, KR, NO, UK, USA, ZA, IAATO?, IALA?) to define the seminar agenda, topics/timetable, allocation of slots (by the end of HCA15) HCA15/xx: draft ppt presentations to be provided by contributors to HCA Chair and Seminar WG members (by 30 Nov 2018) HCA15/xx: executive summary of the seminar, to be provided by HCA Chair to ATCM (by 1 March 2019, tbc) HCA15/xx: consolidated presentations (by 1 May 2019), rehearsal (Special HCA Meeting, Prague, Wednesday 3 July, tbc) HCA-15, Niteroi, Brazil, 26 – 28 June 2018

12 How to contribute to IHO development on strategic level?
Propose themes to the second Council! Thank you! 15th Conference of the IHO Hydrographic Commission of Antarctica (HCA)

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