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“Project Title” In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirement of the Award for the Degree of BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT (BM) (Semester VI of MASTER OF MANAGEMENT.

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Presentation on theme: "“Project Title” In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirement of the Award for the Degree of BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT (BM) (Semester VI of MASTER OF MANAGEMENT."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Project Title” In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirement of the Award for the Degree of BACHELOR OF MANAGEMENT (BM) (Semester VI of MASTER OF MANAGEMENT - (MAM) Prepared By Name of Student Enrollment no. Guided By Name of Guide Submitted to: Shri Jaysukhlal Vadhar Institute of Management Studies, Jamnagar Affiliated to: Gujarat Technological University

2 Introduction of Industry (2 slides)
Don’t put too much details Provide content in brief Include product profile Avoid long paragraphs Use bulleted points

3 Players in the Industry
Write the names of major players in the industry and include the details in your speech.

4 Distribution Channel in the Industry
Frame your diagram if possible with respect to your industry

5 Key Issues & Current Trends
Use bulleted points

6 PESTEL/STEEPLED Analysis (3-4 Slides)
Use bulleted details Include diagrammatic presentation

7 Industry Analysis Michael Porter’s Five Force Model (2-3 Slides)
Use bulleted details Include diagrammatic presentation

8 Company Information (2 Slide)
Brief introduction about the firm you selected. Name, Address/location, Pioneers, Establishment year, Type of company, list of products, No.of Employees working, working hours…..

9 Product Profile (2 Slide)
List all the products with its specific name and photographs (if available).

10 Functional Department (6-8 Slides)
Department wise chart (If Available) Explain of the manufacturing process in details

11 SWOT/TOWS Analysis (2-3 Slide)

12 Future Outlook (1-2 Slide)
Mention the points where your Selected company position itself in the future competitive market.

13 Suggestions (1-2 Slides)

14 Conclusion

15 Bibliography format for writing bibliography For books
For magazines, journals and newspapers Example Kothari, C.R., Quantitative Techniques, New Delhi, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 1978 Example Robert V. Roosa, “Coping with Short-term International Money Flows”, The Banker, London, September, 1971, p. 995.

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