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Introductory Meeting: Erasmus & LMUexchange

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1 Introductory Meeting: Erasmus & LMUexchange

2 Overview Course Catalogue Registration for Classes/Courses
Faculty Contacts Semester: Term Dates & Holidays Admin

3 English-Language Courses
Analyzing Policy and Institutional Change SWS   Seminar nur priorisiert belegbar Basic Course in International Relations SWS   Grundkurs Comparative Political Behavior SWS   Conceptualizing European party systems SWS   Übung European Institutions SWS   European Integration and Disintegration SWS   Global Policy-Making in Organizational Fields: What Role for International Bureaucracies? SWS   How Did Europe Democratize? SWS   International Institutions SWS   Law and Society in Israel: A Historical Overview SWS   Political Psychology and Emotions in IR SWS   Hauptseminar The European Union and its Citizens – Institutional Structure, Public Opinion and Democratic Quality SWS   The Israeli Political System in Comparative Perspective SWS   The Political Economy of Europe SWS   The populist radical right in the political process SWS   Theories of Bureaucratic Politics: An International Perspective (In English) SWS  

4 Course-Registration You will fill out the form
We will allocate course-placements in accordance with your choices and available „space“ in the respective courses We will inform you about the results Those of you who speak German or have had to demonstrate a command of German during the application process: please also pick courses in German. In case you pick a course in English and your choice conflicts with a person‘s choice that doesn‘t speak German – we will not prioritize you. Mid-semester (between week 6 and 9): please make sure you are electronically signed into the courses (LSF) where you want to sit an exam (written exam, term paper, presentation etc.). This will serve as your „registration“

5 Faculty Contacts Faculty 15 of LMU: Social Sciences (Communication Studies, Political Science and Sociology) If you want to visit courses at other faculty-15-departments, please contact them. This also goes for courses with other faculties such as economics or history. Please make sure to perform ca. 1/2 of courses here at GSI International Contact GSI: Communication Studies: Sociology:

6 Holidays SoSe 2018 (Summer Term 2018)
Semester: April 9th – July 13th 2018 Tag der Arbeit: , Tuesday Christi Himmelfahrt: , Thursday Pfingstmontag: , Monday Pfingstdienstag: , Tuesday (LMU only, not Public) Fronleichnam: , Thursday

7 Administration How to use LSF
Cafeteria (in the basement): due to construction works the cafeteria/bistro will not open before April 24th, 2018 Legic-Card: offered by the Studentenwerk (Student Union). You need it to pay for food/beverages at LMU, as well as copying machines and scanners. Info:

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