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Racial Profiling Cornell Notes

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2 Racial Profiling Cornell Notes
Please take Cornell Notes on the following slides The title will go on the left and the notes will go on the right


4 What is Racial Profiling?
The detention, official restraint, or other disparate treatment of an individual solely on the basis of the racial or ethnic status of the individual The practice by police of considering a person’s race or ethnicity in detaining suspects or making traffic stops Racial Profiling is prohibited according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights documents Fueled by the media

5 Example of Racial Profiling: Rodney King

6 Statistical Evidence “Out of every 1,000 traffic stops involving Caucasians they have a 21% chance of being detained meanwhile out of every 1,000 traffic stops involving African Americans they have a 47% chance of being detained.” Kenneth J. Novak

7 Statistical Evidence “Out of these detainees only 18% were actually found guilty of a traffic violation.” Kenneth J. Novak

8 What is the Root of Racial Profiling?
Racism Racial Discrimination Prejudice

9 What is DWB? Stands for “Driving While Black/Brown” Facts:
Black and Hispanics are searched more often than White drivers. Reports show that Whites carry more drugs than minorities. Skin color makes you more likely to be stopped, searched, arrested, and imprisoned in America.


11 What part does the Justice Department play in Racial Profiling?
A Justice Department report issued last fall found that most of those facing federal capital prosecutions have been either African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans or of Pacific Island Origins Of those on federal death row, 81 percent are people of color

12 What happened after the 9/11 attacks?
Muslims and Arabs are being racially profiled at extremely high rates globally Governments way to contradict the UDHR documents without being held accountable Homeland security creates an international color coded alert system Airport security also tightens because of the attacks and uses some racial profiling practices to search passengers

13 What should you do in a Racial Profiling situation?
Stay calm & relaxed Never run Do not reach for anything Always leave hands in officers view Take mental notes of the day, time, officer’s name and shield number Don’t argue It is your right to refuse a car search

14 Racial Profiling Quickwrite
What historical instances of racial/ethnic profiling are you aware of? What racial/ethnic profiling goes on in your neighborhood, school, community, etc? **Please respond in at least one half page.**

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