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Matt Carter Sherry Cardinal

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1 Matt Carter Sherry Cardinal

2 Responding to the Needs of First Responders in Troubled Times
Caring for the Caregivers

3 Learning Objectives Defing Anxiety Disorder
Define Generalized Anxiety Disorder Identify PTSD Identify At-Risk Occupations Identify Reported Symptoms Identify Beneficial Techniques to Reduce Stress

4 1.1 Define Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress. It helps a person deal with a tense situation by helping one cope. But when anxiety becomes excessive and irrational it becomes a disorder.

5 Anxiety disorders can include:
Generalized Anxiety Disorder Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Post traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

6 1.2 Define Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Constant worries and fears that distract from day-to-day activities and leave a persistent feeling that something bad is about to happen.

7 1.3 Identify Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
A type of anxiety disorder that is triggered by the involvement in or witness to an extremely traumatic event.

8 What is a Traumatic Event
Vary from person to person Uncontrollable

9 1.4 Identify at-risk occupations
...persons in emergency service fields are a population highly prone to suffering from PTSD, as a direct result of their work. ...involved in traumatic events through direct or indirect involvement on a daily basis. PTSD affects both men and women. ...not only with “front-line” personnel but tele-communicators, dispatchers and support staff.

10 1.5 Identify Reported Symptoms
Constant awareness of surroundings, hyper-vigilance. Not wanting to be identified as law enforcement off duty, even with family and friends, avoidance, isolation. Being concerned/irritated about use of force, being videoed, negative social media postings, paranoia, anger. Attempting improved communication and engagement with public and fellow officers for a more positive outcome in a situation. In a word: ANXIETY Post Traumatic Stress Cumulative Stress


12 Beneficial Techniques
Communication Journal Establish life priorities Social life outside L.E. Religion / spirituality Plan for retirement

13 Outside Agency Assists
Deputy Darren Goforth Murder – HCSO Officer Involved Shootings: Stafford, Rosenberg, & Fulshear PDs Murder/Suicide: Meadows Place PD Failed Rescue Attempt: 5 Children Die in Fire: Edna Fire Dept. Officer Involved Shooting Palacios PD Officer Involved Shooting: Lake Jackson Police, Fire and EMS Depts. Done in conjunction with Emergency Ministries ACIRT Team with Chaplain Paul Tabor.


15 Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office CISM Team
General Orders 2/1/2017

16 Matt Carter <redacted> Sherry Cardinal

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