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Fast image deconvolution using Hyper-Laplacian Prior

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Presentation on theme: "Fast image deconvolution using Hyper-Laplacian Prior"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fast image deconvolution using Hyper-Laplacian Prior
Dilip Krishnan Rob Fergus New york University Presented by Zhengming Xing

2 Outline Introduction Algorithm Experiment result

3 introduction Hyper-Laplacian Prior speed

4 algorithm For non-blind deconvolution problem
Given y (the blurred image), and k( blur kernel), x(original image). Assume Gaussian noise. Hyper-Laplacain prior Minimize

5 Optimize problem recall
Half quadratic penalty method, introduce auxiliary variable.And consider the one special case.

6 Solve sub-problem Recall: Fixed w

7 Solve sub-problem Fixed X Recall:
Lookup table: pre-compute solution for different Analytic solution: for particular value of

8 Recall: Take derivative Compare the different root and find the global minimum

9 Summary of the algorithm

10 Summary of the algorithm

11 Experiment description
Grey scale real world image, blurred by camera shaked kernels and add Gaussian noise. The kernels are minor perturbed. Measured with the SNR

12 result

13 result

14 result

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