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Starter Choose Either the Reichstag fire or the Enabling act. Explain one effect on the democracy in the Weimar republic of the event you have chosen.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter Choose Either the Reichstag fire or the Enabling act. Explain one effect on the democracy in the Weimar republic of the event you have chosen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter Choose Either the Reichstag fire or the Enabling act. Explain one effect on the democracy in the Weimar republic of the event you have chosen.

2 Explain one effect of the Reichstag Fire or the Enabling Act(4 marks)
Level 1 (1-2 marks) Will give a consequence or effect but no supporting evidence e.g. Hitler came to power (1-2) Level 2 (3-4 marks) Will make a statement giving an effect and then give extra detail or explanation (3-4). received a Level ……….. This is because…….

3 Nazi control of opposition: The police state.

4 The Gestapo (German pronunciation:  ; abbreviation of Geheime Staatspolizei, "Secret State Police

In 1934 the Gestapo was brought under control of the SS and HIMMLER. Gestapo had around 40,000 members but it has been estimated that there may have been around 160,000 agents and informers. Take notes on the GESTAPO and how they kept control. What is the most shocking sentence here?

6 The law stated that “as long as they were carrying out the will of the Party, they were acting legally”.

7 Activity: The Police state: (Copy) Is a state in which the people have absolute power to arrest and punish anyone who does not follow the ideals of the state. In Germany the SS (Protection squad) could arrest or imprison people opposed to the Nazi’s without explanation or trial.

8 Concentration camps Annotate on the activity sheet the different features of a German concentration camp. Challenge task: Explain the importance of the role of concentration camps in the police state.

9 Note taking practice – Read the two paragraphs, make a short heading, note down 3 points you consider important regarding Hitler’s ability to keep control in Germany. The concentration camps were deliberately barbaric. Before 1939, deaths in them occurred but they were not common. The idea was that anybody who had been in one, once released, would ‘advertise’ the fact that they were not places where people wanted to go. This was another way of ensuring that people kept their ideas to themselves. The concentration camps were run by men who could disguise their violent nature simply because they wore a uniform. The flogging of inmates was common - 25 strokes was common practice - and the amenities were very basic and sparse. At Buchenwald, 480 men had one water tap between them which could only be used for 15 minutes on getting up. Any abuse of this rule would lead to 25 lashes. Any arrested Jew would get 60 lashes - a personal order from Hitler. Soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes etc were unheard of in camps such as Buchenwald (which held 8000 prisoners) and Dachau. Food and drink were minimal and the Jews had half the rations of other prisoners

10 What did the groups below (SS, Gestapo, Judges) do in the Nazi Police State:
Copy and Complete: Use P.55. The SS (Protection squad) were originally Hitler’s Bodyguards and were used to remove the threat of the SA. Under H________ their numbers_______ and they were used to T______ the German people and hunt down……They were given the powers…… and by 1939 __________ people were in Prison without Trial. The Gestapo (or s____ p____) used methods to find opponents of the regime. These methods included… Hitler used Judges by…

11 Read as a group and complete the worksheet

12 Explain two changes that led to the creation of the Nazi police state.
1. 2.

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