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Chap 10 Image Segmentation

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1 Chap 10 Image Segmentation
Preview Subdivide an image into its constituent regions or objects Process stop when the objects of interest have been isolated Determine the eventual success or failure of computerized analysis procedure Based on one of the two properties of intensity values :discontinuity (edge-based) and similarity (region-based) gray level discontinuities: point , line and edges assemble edges into region boundary (edge linking) region-oriented segmentation: watershed segmentation Region-based, edge based and boundary based

2 10.1 Detection of discontinuities
For 3x 3 mask, the response of the mask at any point in the image is given by Point detection of isolated points if | R|T then a point has been detected def.of isolated point: a point whose gray level is significantly different from its background Line detection move mask around an image preferred direction of each mask is weighted with a large coefficient than other possible direction use the mask associated with one direction and thresholds its output Edge detection the most common approach for detecting meaningful discontinuities in gray level Basic formulation

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6 Chapter 10 Image Segmentation

7 The difference between an edge (local ) and boundary (global)
an ideal edge : a set of connected pixels step edge, ramp edge, roof edge edge blurring problem cause by: optics, sampling, and other image acquisition the magnitude of the first derivative can be used to detect the presence of an edge at a point in an image the sign of the second derivative can be used to determine whether an edge pixel lies on the dark or light side of an image two additional properties: (1) double edges (2) zero-crossing properties Gradient operators First derivative operator based on approximation of 2-D gradient operator The gradient of an image f(x,y) at location (x,y) is defined as The magnitude of this vector denoted The direction of this is perpendicular to the direction of an edge direction

8 Robert cross-gradient operator Prewitt operators Sobel operators
First order derivative Prewitt operators Sobel operators Use a weight of 2 in the center coefficient to achieve smoothing by giving more important to the center point Have superior noise suppression to Prewitt operator Harder to implement than Prewitt operator Approximate the gradient operator by absolute vales The approximation will not be isotropic (invariant to rotation) The Laplacian Is a second-order derivative defined as For a 3x3 region A digital approximation including the diagonal neighbor is given by

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17 Is not used in its original form for edge detection
Is unacceptably sensitive to noise Produces double edges, complicate segmentation Is unable to detect edge direction Consists of : (a) use its zero crossing for edge location (b) use it for the complementary purpose of establishing whether a pixel is on the dark or light region of an edge The Laplacian is combined with smoothing as precursor to finding edge via zero crossing Consider the function (Laplacian Gaussian) This approximation is not unique Capture the essential shape of Smooth the image, and provide an image with zero crossing Sometime is called the Mexican hat functions

18 10.3.3 Basic global thresholding
access to illumination source is available—a sol to compensate for nonuniformity project the illumination pattern onto a constant, white reflective surface (compensate for non-uniformity) , g(x,y)=ki (x,y) H(x,y)=f(x,y)/g(x,y) Basic global thresholding the simplest of thresholding-partition the image histogram by using a global threshold segmentation is accomplished by scanning the image pixel label each pixel depending on whether the gray level of that pixel is greater or less than T

19 Chapter 10 Image Segmentation

20 select an initial estimate for T segment the image using T
threshold by using a heuristic approach, based on the visual inspection of the histogram select an initial estimate for T segment the image using T compute the average gray level values compute a new threshold repeat steps 2 and 4 until the difference in T is smaller than a predefined T (convergence) In general, a good initial value for T is the average gray level of the image When objects are small compared to the area occupied by the background

21 Chapter 10 Image Segmentation

22 10.3.4 Basic adaptive thresholding
uneven illumination causes a histogram that cannot be partitioned by a global threshold sol: (1) divide the original image into sub-images; (2) utilize a different threshold to segment each sub-image. How to divide an image? and How to estimate the threshold threshold depends on the location of the pixel in terms of sub-images. Ex: 10.12 do not contain a boundary between object and background: variances < 75 contains a boundary : variances > 100 ; using the threshold discussed in the previous section the initial T was selected at the point midway between the minimum and the maximum

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24 Chapter 10 Image Segmentation

25 10.3.5 Optimal global and adaptive thresholding
A method for estimating thresholds that produce the minimum average segmentation error histogram may be considered as probability density function (PDF), p(z) the overall density function is the sum or mixture of two densities If the form of the densities is known, it is possible to determine an optimal threshold the mixture probability density function is p(z)=P1p1(z)+ P2p2(z) an image is segmented by classifying as background all pixels with gray level is greater than a threshold T Objective: select the value of T that minimize the average error;

26 Continue Determine a given pixel which belongs to an object or to the background the extreme case: background points are known never to occur (P2=0) differentiate T with respect to T (using Leibneiz rule) to find minimum error; and the optimal threshold

27 Estimating these densities is not feasible
sol: employ densities whose parameters are reasonably simple to obtain One of the principal densities is Gaussian density two threshold values may be required to obtain the optimal solution if the variances are equal, a single threshold is sufficient ( ) If P 1 =P2, the optimal threshold is the average of the means the optimal threshold may be accomplished for other densities if the Raleigh and log-normal densities mean square error may be used to estimate a composite gray-level PDF of an image from the image histogram

28 The histograms have peaks of approximately the same height
Use of boundary characteristics for histogram improvement and local thresholding “ good” threshold are enhanced considerably if the histogram peaks are tall, narrow, and separated by deep valleys Improve the shape of histogram by considering only those pixels that lie on or near the edges If histogram of the pixel on or near the edge between objects and background were used—improve the symmetry of the histogram peak The histograms have peaks of approximately the same height Equal probability: improve the symmetry of the histogram peak Using measures based on gradient and Laplacian to deep the valley between histogram peak Three level image based on gradient For a black object on a light background

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35 Chapter 10 Image Segmentation

36 10.3.7 Threshold based on several variables
Multi-spectral thresholding 3-D histogram Find clusters of points in 3-D space Shortcoming Cluster seeking becomes an increasingly complex

37 Chapter 10 Image Segmentation

38 For Ex: land-use satellite imagery depends on color
10.4 Region-based segmentation Basic formulation segmentation must be complete;every pixel must be in a region points in a region must be connected the region must be disjointed the pixels in a segmented region (P(Ri)=TRUE) if all pixel in Ri have the same gray level P(Ri∪ Rj)= False --Ri an Rj is different Region growing a procedure that groups pixel or sub-region into larger regions based on predefined start with a set of “seed” criteria-similar to the seed (specific gray-level or color) points and from these grow regions by appending each seed priori information is not available--compute the same set of properties Criteria—gray-level, texture, color the selection of similarity For Ex: land-use satellite imagery depends on color

39 seed points and seed regions (Fig. 10.40)
when the images are monochrome, carried out with set of descriptor based on gray levels and spatial properties (such as moments or textures) The stopping rule when on more pixels satisfy the criteria additional criteria utilize size, likeness between a candidate pixel and the pixels grown so far, and the shape of the region being grown (history of the growth) seed points and seed regions (Fig ) If connectivity or adjacency information is not used, descriptor alone can yield misleading result Region splitting and merging Splitting subdivide the entire region successively into smaller and small quadrant regions if P(R )=FALSE quad tree -- the root of the tree corresponds to the entire image and each node corresponds to a subdivision

40 can be solved by merging
only splitting causes the final partition would contain adjacent regions with identical properties can be solved by merging Merging Is limited to groups of four blocks the splitting and merging steps split into four disjoint quadrants merge adjacent adjacent regions stop when no further merging or splitting Variations of the scheme Split the image into a set of blocks The advantage: use the same quad-tree for splitting and merging Texture segmentation

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44 Chapter 10 Image Segmentation

45 10.5 Segmentation by morphological watersheds
No further merging The procedure is terminated by one final merging of regions satisfying step2 The merged regions may be of different size Texture segmentation is based on the measures of texture 10.5 Segmentation by morphological watersheds Advantage (speed in the case of global thresholding) and disadvantages of traditional segmentation (the need to post-processing) The approach often produce stable segmentation results (continuous segmentation boundaries) Basic concepts Based on visualizing an image in three dimension:two spatial coordinates versus gray levels “Topographic” interpretation (three types of points):

46 (a). Points belonging to a regional minimum
(b). Points at which of a drop of water (catchment basin or watershed) ©. Points at which water would be equally likely to fall to more than one such minimum (crest line on the topographic surface; divide line or watershed lines) The principal objective is to find the watershed lines Suppose that a hole is punched in each regional minimum and the entire topography is flooded Water rise through the holes Rising water in distinct catchment basin is about to merge A dam is built to prevent the merging Reach when the tops of the dam are visible Dam construction Based on binary images The simplest way Construct dams separating sets of binary points based on morphological operations

47 Dilated by the structuring element, subject to two conditions:
Use dilation Def of catchment basin and the sets of points in two regional minimum at stage n-1 : Cn-1(M2) and Cn-1(M2) The two components extracted from q by performing the simple AND operation q  C[n-1]:becomes one connected component Dilated by the structuring element, subject to two conditions: The dilation has to be constrained to q The dilation cannot be performed on points that would cause the sets being dilated to merge

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51 Chapter 10 Image Segmentation

52 10.5.4 The use of Makers Watershed generally cause over segmentation
A large number of segmented regions Sol: limit the number of allowable regions by incorporating a preprocessing stage based on a marker: internal maker ( associated with object) and external marker(associated with background) steps for selection of marker: (1) preprocessing; and (2) definition of a set of criteria that markers must satisfy Def. of an internal marker: (1) a region that is surrounded by points of higher altitude (2) the points in the region form a connected component; (3) all points in the connected component have the same gray-level value

53 preprocessing scheme smoothing apply watershed algorithm external markers correspond to watershed line partition each of these regions into two: a single object and its background 10.6 The use of motion in segmentation motion can extract objects of interest from a background of irrelevant detail Arise form a relative displacement between the sensing system and the scene viewed Spatial technique Difference image and reference image (containing only stationary components)

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56 1-values caused by noise
A difference image between two images taken at time t iand tj all pixels in dij with value 1 are considered as the result of object motion Is applicable only if the two images are registered spatially and if the illumination is relatively constant within the bounds established by T 1-values caused by noise Sol (removal of noises): form 4- or 8-connected regions of 1’s in dij(x,y) and ignore any region that has less than a predefined number of entries Accumulative difference Isolated entries problem Sol(1) consider changes at a pixel location over frames (memory) Sol(2) ignore changes that occur sporadically over a frame sequence (random noise)

57 Consider a sequence of image frames
ADI (accumulative difference image) Consider a sequence of image frames compare the difference image with every subsequent image in the sequence a count for each location in the accumulative image is incremented the entry in a given pixel of the accumulative image gives the number of times the gray level at that position was different from the corresponding pixel value Assume the gray levels of the moving objects are larger than the background: three accumulative difference images: absolute, positive, and negative—are the same size as the image in the sequence ADI values are counts, and start out with all zero values(10-6.2~4) Ex. 19: The nonzero area of the positive ADI is equal to the size of the moving object The location of the positive ADI corresponds to the location of the moving object in the reference fame

58 The number of counts in the positive ADI stop increasing when the moving object is displaced completely with respect to the same object in the reference frame The absolute ADI contains positive and negative ADI The direction and speed of the moving object can be determined from the entries in the absolute and negative ADIs Establishing a reference image noise problem: cancel all stationary components, leaving only image elements that correspond to noise and to the moving objects can be handled by the filtering approach or by forming an accumulative difference image With only stationary elements is not always possible build a reference from a set of images containing one or more objects becomes necessary Used to describe busy scenes

59 Consider the first image to be the reference image
How to generate a reference frame Consider the first image to be the reference image When a non-stationary component has been moved out in the reference frame, duplicate the corresponding background into the location occupied by the objects. When all moving objects has moved completely

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