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Low-Impact Development

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Presentation on theme: "Low-Impact Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Low-Impact Development
mimics the natural hydrology that existed before development occurred.

2 Three types of Green Roofs
Intensive Green Roofs Extensive Green Roofs Semi-intensive Green Roofs

3 Permeable (or porous) Pavement
Is pavement that allows for the vertical passage of water. Example of Permeable (Porous) Pavement Grass Gravel or crushed stone Grid Paver stones Porous concrete or asphalt

4 Groundwater Contaminants
It is originate from a wide variety of natural and anthropogenic sources. Nonaqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) specialized class of organic contaminants that do not mix readily with water.

Introduction Water Treatment the purpose of water treatment is to provide potable water that is palatable. Potable Water refers to water that is healthy for human Palatable Water describes water that is aesthetically acceptable to drink or free from turbidity, color, odor, and objectionable taste.

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