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WWI, wwii and the great depression study power point

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1 WWI, wwii and the great depression study power point
Created by: ram Chatoth

2 The strong belief in one’s country is what?
Question 1 The strong belief in one’s country is what?

3 Nationalism

4 What is the name of the poppy lady?
Question 2 What is the name of the poppy lady?

5 Moina Belle Michael

6 The sinking of the _________ killed 128 United states citizens.
Question 3 The sinking of the _________ killed 128 United states citizens.

7 Lusitania

8 What caused cotton to become king again in the united states?
Question 4 What caused cotton to become king again in the united states?

9 The joining of the us in wwi and the need for cotton in textile mills

10 Question 5 This practice of buying stock on credit helped lead to the great crash…

11 Speculation

12 The slogan for this president was, “he kept us out of the war.”
Question 6 The slogan for this president was, “he kept us out of the war.”

13 Woodrow Wilson

14 Which Austria-Hungarian Man was killed, starting wwi?
Question 7 Which Austria-Hungarian Man was killed, starting wwi?

15 Archduke Franz Ferdinand

16 Which president created, “the new deal”?
Question 8 Which president created, “the new deal”?

17 Franklin Delano Roosevelt

18 Who was the leader of the soviet union during wwii?
Question 9 Who was the leader of the soviet union during wwii?

19 Joseph Stalin

20 _______ Gardens were grown to help supply food for the soldiers.
Question 10 _______ Gardens were grown to help supply food for the soldiers.

21 Victory Gardens

22 Who was the leader of Nazi Germany during wwii?
Question 11 Who was the leader of Nazi Germany during wwii?

23 Adolf Hitler

24 What document marked the ending of wwi?
Question 12 What document marked the ending of wwi?

25 Treaty of Versailles

26 What was the social security act?
Question 13 What was the social security act?

27 the general welfare by establishing a system of Federal old-age benefits

28 What was the Rural electrification act?
Question 14 What was the Rural electrification act?

29 The act that provided electricity in rural areas so that the farmers could work machinery and be more productive.

30 Question 15 What was the Civilian Conservation Corps?

31 A program that Sent 250,000 young men to work camps to perform reforestation and conservation tasks.

32 Question 16 What was the agricultural adjustment act?

33 A program that educated farmers on how to prevent soil erosion and protect their crops.

34 Question 17 What was the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation?

35 This program, created by the US congress, was built to help maintain trust in federal banks.

36 Question 18 The _____ _______ _______ is located in warm springs.

37 Little white house

38 Question 19 Who built the little white house in warm springs?

39 Franklin Delano Roosevelt

40 Question 20 An ______ is a public corporation created by the government to serve a specific purpose.

41 Authority

42 Question 21 This man promised voters that he would reform state government if elected.

43 Ellis Arnall

44 Question 22 This book by Margaret Mitchell best shaped the perception of Georgia and the south during the Great depression.

45 Gone with the wind

46 Question 23 During WWII, the mass killing of jews was also called what?

47 The Holocaust

48 The Nazi’s real name was what?
Question 24 The Nazi’s real name was what?

49 The national socialists

50 Who was the leader of japan during wwii?
Question 25 Who was the leader of japan during wwii?

51 Emperor Hirohito

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