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More HTML Techniques Speaker : Frank.

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Presentation on theme: "More HTML Techniques Speaker : Frank."— Presentation transcript:

1 More HTML Techniques Speaker : Frank

2 Outline More tags, more power Body tag Marquee tag IMG tag
Hyperlink tag And more…

3 Body tag Page Color <body bgcolor=# text=# link=# alink=# vlink=#> Background Image <body background="URL"> Non Scrolling Background <body background="URL" bgproperties=FIXED>

4 Marquee tag Marquee <marquee>...</marquee>
Direction <direction=#> #=left, right Behavior <bihavior=#> #=scroll, slide, alternate Scroll Amount <scrollamount=#>

5 Image tag Image basic <img src=#> #=Image URL
Alternate Text <img alt=#> Image Size <img width=# height=#> #=value Border Line <img border=#> #=value

6 Hyperlink Tag Link Basic <a href="URL"> ... </a>
Target Windows <a href="URL" target="Window_Name"> ... </a> Jump to part of a page <a href="#name"> ... </a> <a name="name"> ... </a>

7 My WEB sites Other’s WEB index.html computer.html journal.html

8 What’s Next HTML is not suitable for everyone
Hard to learn and hard to imagine We need WYSIWYG tools FrontPage FrontPage Express Dream Weaver Namo WebEditor

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