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Latin Lessons Prefixes and Suffixes.

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Presentation on theme: "Latin Lessons Prefixes and Suffixes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Latin Lessons Prefixes and Suffixes

2 Ab-, a-, abs Away, from Abduct, abnormal Avert, abstract

3 Ad-, ac-, To, toward Adopt, admire, access, attract, allocate

4 Ambi- Both ambidextrous

5 Ante- Before, in front of Anteroom, antecedent

6 Circum- Around Circumference, circumscribe

7 Con-, com-, co- With, together, very connect, conduct
Compose, compress Collect correspond

8 Contra-, contro-, counter-
Against Contradict, controversy counteract

9 De- Down, off, thoroughly Descend, dejected

10 Dis, di-, dif- Apart, in different directions, not
Dispute, differ, divorce Disable, divert

11 Ex-, e-, ef- Out, from completely

12 Extra-, extro- Outside, beyond

13 In-, im-, ig- [before n] not

14 In-, im- In, into, against

15 Infra- Below, beneath

16 Inter- Between or among

17 Intra-, intro- within

18 Non- not

19 Ob- Toward, against Face to face completely

20 Per- Through, wrongly, completely

21 post After, behind

22 pre Before In front of

23 pro Forward, in front of, for

24 Re-, red- Back, again

25 retro Backward, behind

26 Se-, sed- Aside, away

27 Sub, sus-, suc- Under, up from secretly

28 ultra Beyond, exceedingly

29 Al (ial, eal) Having to do with Pertaining to

30 -an (-ian,; -ean) Belonging to Coming from A person typical of
A specialist in

31 -ar Pertaining to; full of

32 -ose, (iose) Full of

33 -ous Full of

34 -lent Full of Disposed to

35 -ic, -tic Pertaining to like

36 ary Pertaining to like

37 Ile, il Pertaining to; like Belonging to Having the character of

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