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Energy Sources - Graphs

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1 Energy Sources - Graphs
The graphs on PPt 4 (PCMs 7 and 9) show the different sources of energy we use in Ireland and in the world’s richest countries. Children examine the graphs and answer the questions on PCMs 8 and 10. Ten pages of True/False questions can serve as a support to examining the graphs or as an assessment.

2 Energy sources - How much do we use?
Graph 1: % of renewable and non-renewable sources of energy used in the world’s richest countries and in Ireland. Read Graph 1 and see if you can answer the following questions 1. What type of energy is used most in Ireland and in the world’s richest countries - renewable or non-renewable? 2. Can you name all the sources of non-renewable energy? 3. Can you name all the sources of renewable energy? 4. What do you think the difference is between renewable and non-renewable energy?

3 Graph 2: % break down of the sources of renewable and non-renewable energy used in the world’s richest countries and in Ireland. Read Graph 2 and see if you can answer the following questions 1. List the sources of energy that Ireland uses, starting from the one that is used most, to the one that is used least. 2. List the sources of energy that the world’s richest countries use, starting from the one which is used most, to the one that is used least. 3. What sources of energy does Ireland use more of than the world’s richest countries? 4. What types of energy are used by the world’s richest countries but not by Ireland?

4 Quiz time: The quiz questions on the following pages are in True/False format. They can be completed as paired or small group activities allowing for talk and discussion or on an individual basis. Suggestion: Each child/pair/group has cards / key-ring / fan with True/False to hold up for the correct answer. Answers in PCMs 7 and 9 and in graphs

5 Answer: False

6 Answer: True

7 Answer: False

8 Answer: True

9 Answer: False

10 Answer: False

11 Answer: True

12 Answer: True

13 Answer: True

14 Answer: False

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