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1 Procedures

2 What is a procedure? Often in a program we will need to repeat the same task over and over again. Rather than repeat writing the code every time we use it, we can use what is called a procedure.

3 Consider our quiz program where we might wish for our user to click a continue button after each question. That means every question we ask we need to draw the box: drawfillbox(50,50,150,100) locatexy(75,75) put(“continue”)

4 Then after they answer the question, we need to check whether they have clicked the button:
loop mousewhere(x, y, button) exit when x<150 and x >50 and y >50 and y<100 and button=1 then end loop

5 If we are asking only one or two questions, repeating this code is fine.
But if we intend to ask questions, then this isn’t the best way to do things.

6 A procedure is essentially a small program within a program, that we will call whenever it is needed. A procedure is created to perform a very limited and specific task. In our example we would create two procedures. The first to create the button, and the second to check whether the button was pressed.

7 Syntax Just as we declare a variable in order for the program to recognize it later, we must also declare a procedure: procedure name ( parameters ) instructions end name Then when we wish to use the procedure in our program we call it by it’s name.

8 Example procedure create_button drawfillbox(50,50,150,100,blue)
locatexy(75,75) put(“continue”) end create_button

9 procedure is_continue_clicked
loop mousewhere(x, y, button) exit when x<150 and x >50 and y >50 and y<100 and button=1 then end loop end is_continue_clicked

10 Now our program will look like:
put “What is your name” get name create_button is_continue_clicked put “What is your age” get age createbutton

11 Special notes on procedures
Procedures must be declared at the beginning of the file! You may call a procedure within a procedure but it must have already been declared. (See example B) Two or more procedures may not call each other!

12 Example B procedure terrence put “Hi my name is Terrence” end terrence
procedure philip terrence put “Hi Terrence my name is Philip” end philip

13 Example C procedure one two % calls procedure two
end one % but two hasn’t been % declared yet procedure two one % calls procedure one end two

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