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2 PAVEL FLORJANCIC Pupils: 1.-5. graders (6-10 years; art club)
THE OTHER ARTISTS PAVEL FLORJANCIC Pupils: graders (6-10 years; art club) Teacher : Duška Brovc Aims: to get to know a painter Pavle Florjancic and his work; to explore photo painting with oil pains on canvas. Time: 4 hours.

3 Observation of the paintings.
PAVEL FLORJANCIC Activities: Observation of the paintings. Listening to explanation of his creative work. Painting and drawing the still lives of flowers and fruit of very accurate shapes, colours and shadows. Comparing products among themselves and with photos.

4 Material: drawing papers, pencils, felt pens, colour pencils, photos.
PAVEL FLORJANCIC Material: drawing papers, pencils, felt pens, colour pencils, photos. Product: paintings – still life.




8 PAVEL BERGANT Pupils: 4/5 graders, Lenart School (9-10 years)
OTHER ARTISTS PAVEL BERGANT Pupils: 4/5 graders, Lenart School (9-10 years) Teacher: Zinka Pintar Aims: - to get know a poet, a native Pavel Bergant and illustrate his poems. Time: 1 month. Activities: A home visit to Mr. Bergant. Interview with the poet and presentation of his poems. Art presentations of poest’s poems in the home town. Materials: poems of Mr. Bergant, crayons, felt pens, drawing papers. Product: pictures of home town.

9 PAVEL BERGANT Born in the year of in Sp. Lusa. He started to write poems at 20. Ideas for his poems come from his life experience. He writes a lot about home places and their people. He has written about 80 poems, but he doesn’t like to publish them.

10 NAŠ KRAJ So hribi, doline, prav lep je tu kraj, Pozimi tam se smuka
PAVEL BERGANT NAŠ KRAJ So hribi, doline, prav lep je tu kraj, se oddaljiš od njega, te vleče nazaj. V našem hribovju, je vedno lepo, tu mirno življenje, ti nudi roko. Naše hribovje, to velik je trg, tukaj pa tudi Stari je vrh. Pozimi tam se smuka v snegu lesketa, poleti pa oddiha, zdravega nam da. V lepem sončnem dnevu, razgled je naokrog, le pridi kdaj pogledat, če le si zdravih nog. Če obhodil si te kraje, ne bo ti nikdar žal, se vračaš v dolino, spet vesel in zdrav.

11 Oj na svetu res tem širnem, ki rodili smo se mi, tu so mame naše bile,
PAVEL BERGANT MAMA Oj na svetu res tem širnem, ki rodili smo se mi, tu so mame naše bile, ko imeli smo jih mi. Če bi mame ne živele, ne bi živeli tudi mi, saj so mame nam podale za življenje svojo kri. Ti si mama mi podala življenjski moj današnji stan, ti si zame poskrbela tebi mama sem udan. Ti si mama svetli žarek, ki me spremlja vse povsod, ti si mama moja sreča tvojih polno sem dobrot. Da bi dolgo mi živeli in bi skupaj še bili, da lepo bi se imeli v življenju naših dni.


13 TINE DEBELJAK Pupils: 6-8 graders, (12-14 years), tourist club
THE OTHER ARTISTS TINE DEBELJAK Pupils: 6-8 graders, (12-14 years), tourist club Teacher: Branka Svoljsak Aim: to get acquainted with work, life and significance of culture worker prof. Tine Debeljak who was born in Skofja Loka. Time: 2 months.

14 Activity description:
TINE DEBELJAK Activity description: Observing the exterior of the house where he was born. Searching for literature about his life and works. Visit of the library of Skofja Loka and observing his works. Reading his poems. Searching for some information about him on the website of Wikipedia. Writing down our findings. Material and resources: books from the library, a computer.

15 TINE DEBELJAK (Sk. Loka, 1903 – Buenos Aires, 1989)
a Slovene critic of literature, a translator, an editor and a poet; he studied slavic languages and comparative literature; he was a professor on a grammar school in Montenegro; he was an editor of the biggest Slovene catholic daily newspaper Slovenec; he studied in Warsaw; he was a lecturer for slovene language, he became a doctor.

16 His poems are very difficult to understand for the pupils.
TINE DEBELJAK Our findings: Tine Debeljak and his works weren’t known and esteemed for a very long time. His poems are very difficult to understand for the pupils. We will remember him as a very nationally feeling Slovene and cultural worker, who lived abroad, but he never forgot his homeland.

OTHER ARTISTS DIFFERENT POETS ABOUT SKOFJA LOKA Pupils: 4 a and 4 b class (10 years) Teachers: Dragica Mozina and Nada Rant Aims: to explore, how does Skofja Loka look like in the postcards and which poems mention our town. Time: 1 month. Activities: Looking for the poems about Skofja Loka in various sources. Collecting postcards of Skofja Loka. Writing poems about Skofja Loka. An exhibition of our products.

Material, sources: knjige, revije, razglednice. Findings: - The majority of the poems about Skofja Loka was found in Loski razgledi. Pupils found the folk songs very interesting. We found out that there is a man in Idrija who collects poems about Skofja Loka. Products: A booklet of poems about Skofja Loka from different poets, pupils’ poems and postcards.

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