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Test user recipient list

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1 Test user recipient list
April 2018 Rapport Update A summary of the April 2018 update which added the following facilities: Recent message view Test user recipient list

2 Recent Message View This facility enables admins to quickly review the last 25 messages that have been sent out to members. It includes messages sent by any Information Provider on any Alert system (including Action fraud & Neighbourhood Watch etc). It includes messages sent to anywhere in the region, i.e. the Force Area not just a local area or the area you can see.

3 How to see the report (option 1)
Log into Rapport Click “Your Messages” Use the drop down list to select “All recent messages”

4 How to see the report (option 2)
When you click “Send Message” a new yellow button will now appear which will take you directly to the new report

5 The Report Screen The recent messages report shows the last 25 messages sent by any Information Provider in your Region. You can see the admin name, which Information Provider they represent, whether they enabled the message to be shared and how many recipients it was sent to. This report is useful for keeping an eye on system usage, and for checking if a colleague has sent a message out already regarding a particular issue. Click on any row to view more information on that message

6 View messages When viewing a message from the “All recent messages” report you can only see basic information about that message. You cannot see or manage replies etc. even for your own messages. To manage replies for your own or your team messages, return to the “your messages” screen using the green button and change the drop down list to one of the other options.

7 “Test” user list We have added a facility to enable, particularly new administrators to actually send a message without worrying about who to select and having to compose a suitable message. This test group will enable a message from Rapport to be sent to a small number of pre-determined accounts managed by VISAV staff. Where possible we will reply to the test messages that are sent to these accounts so your administrators will be able to experience the process of dealing with replies. This facility can be turned on per region, please request its activation by ing

8 How to find the test user list
When you click “Send Message” IF the test list option has been activated in your area, a new green button “Test users (Use anytime)” will appear.

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