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PSU Geology Department

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1 PSU Geology Department

2 Bachelor of Science in Geology
G201, G202, G203 + Labs (12 credits) G318/319 Surface Processes and Lab G312/313 Mineralogy and Lab G314/315 Petrology and Lab G324 Computer Applications G326 Numerical Modeling (25 credits) G435 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy G434 Structure and Tectonics G485 Field Methods (14 credits) + 4 G4xx Geology electives (16 credits) One year of Chemistry (15 credits) One year of Physics (15 credits) Mth 251, 252, 261, and 254 (16 credits) + University Studies (general education) Classes > 90 credits transferred: 3x Junior cluster (12 credits) 1x Senior capstone (6 credits)

3 Bachelor of Science in Geology – submitted
G201, G202, G203 + Labs (12 credits) G318/319 Surface Processes and Lab G312/313 Mineralogy and Lab G314/315 Petrology and Lab G324 Data Management and Analysis G326 Numerical Modeling (20 credits, 25 credits) G435 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy G434 Structure and Tectonics G485 Field Methods (14 credits) + 4 G4xx Geology electives (16 credits) One year of Chemistry (15 credits) + 2 Phys classes Or One year of Physics (15 credits) + 2 Chem classes Mth 251, 252, or 254 or Stat class (12 credits 16 credits) + University Studies (general education) Classes > 90 credits transferred: 3x Junior cluster (12 credits) 1x Senior capstone (6 credits)

4 G434 Structure & Tectonics
Two years at PSU Entry into PSU with G201-G203 + labs, one year of chemistry and Math up to 252 with >90 credits Fall Winter Spring 1st year at PSU Mth 261 G318/319 Surface Proc. 1 UNST Junior Cluster Mth 254 G312/313 Mineralogy G324 Computer Apps 1 UNST Junior Cluster 17 credits G314/315 Petrology G326 Num. Modeling 1 UNST Junior Cluster Or 1 G4xx elective 17 credits 13 credits 2nd year at PSU Phy 201/214 G435 Sediment & Strat.. 1 G4xx elective 14 credits Phy 202/215 G434 Structure & Tectonics 2 G4xx elective 18 credits Phy 203/216 G485 Field Methods 1 UNST Capstone 15 credits + 1 UNST Capstone (6 credits)


6 Bachelor of Science in Earth Science
G201, G202, G203 + Labs (12 credits) G318/319 Surface Processes and Lab G312/313 Mineralogy and Lab G314/315 Petrology and Lab (15 credits) One year of Chemistry (15 credits) One year of Physics or Biology (15 credits) Mth111, 112, 212 or Mth 251 Stat243 16 credits of upper division G classes e.g. G435 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy G434 Structure and Tectonics G423 GIS G440 Volcanology G454 Geochemistry G485 Field Methods and many more + University Studies (general education) Classes > 90 credits transferred: 3x Junior cluster (12 credits) 1x Senior capstone (6 credits) 8 credits of upper division G classes e.g. Geol of National Parks, Oregon Geology, Exploring Mars, Oceanography and others + 2 sustainability related classes (8 credits) + 1 G200 field trip

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