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Environmental Health & Safety: Research Compliance Reviews PI Health & Safety Responsibilities August 28, 2018 Environmental Health & Safety: Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Health & Safety: Research Compliance Reviews PI Health & Safety Responsibilities August 28, 2018 Environmental Health & Safety: Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Health & Safety: Research Compliance Reviews PI Health & Safety Responsibilities
August 28, 2018 Environmental Health & Safety: Research Compliance Reviews and PI Health & Safety Responsibilities The presentation will include a very introduction to EHS and the services offered. An overview of the EHS Research Compliance Review process will be presented – it is through this process that we ensure that research activities comply with all appropriate federal & provincial legislation and university policies & procedures. The presentation will include a short review of an PI’s responsibilities  and obligations with respect to health & safety. Pietro Gasparrini, CIH Director, Environmental Health & Safety

2 Environmental Health & Safety
Environmental Health & Safety supports the academic, research and operational activities of the University and promotes a safe, healthy and sustainable campus environment by managing and coordinating programs and services that minimize health, safety, environmental and regulatory risks. Prevention Industrial Hygiene Laboratory Safety Sustainability Who is EHS and what do we do? Staff of 16: 13 safety professional and technicians & 3 Sustainability

3 Concordia’s Safety Policies
VPS-40 Environmental Health and Safety Policy VPS-6 Policy on Working Outside The Hours of Operation or in Isolation VPS-41 Policy on Personal Protective Equipment VPS-42 Policy on Injury Reporting and Investigation VPS-43 Return to Work & Temporary Work Assignment Policy VPS-46 Radiation Safety Policy VPS-47 Policy for the Management of Hazardous Materials VPS-51 Laser Safety Policy VPS-52 Biosafety Policy VPS-54 Magnetic Field Safety Policy

4 Recent Regulatory Changes
Drone/UAV - Transport Canada (March 2017) Control of Hazardous Energy Regulations (June 2016) Transportation of Dangerous Goods (June 2015) Human Pathogens and Toxins Act (Dec. 2015) Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System - Hazardous Products Act & Regulations (Feb. 2015) Lucky for us, regulations are constantly changing. It has been particularly busy the last couple of years. As a result, we revise our internal programs. When the regs change, they do impact us. The changes in the TDG regulations post the Lac Megnantic disaster requires much more information from labs disposing of hazardous waste – so much so that hazardous materials waste disposal training is now mandatory. We try to keep up with research, which is not always that easy. A couple of years ago it was nanomaterials, which is still a challenge. Most recently we started worrying about UAV. We make all attempts to know what is going on at the university, but that is extremely challenging. See us as a resource, if you are working in an area where there are no specific internal rules, let us know. Maybe we are not aware of your area of work…which is a potential problem. But, do not worry - sometimes, internal rules are not necessary. A good example is Controlled Substances – our internal procedure is, in a nutshell, let us know and we will help you with the paperwork.

5 Safety Programs - Research
Biosafety Laboratory/Chemical Safety Chemical Inventory Nanomaterial Safety Hazardous Waste Management Transportation of Dangerous Goods Controlled Goods Controlled Substances Laser Safety Magnetic Field Safety Radiation Safety Control of Hazardous Energy Machine Safety (Guarding) Manuals: Lab Safety Biosafety Radiation Safety Laser Safety SERVICES WE PROVIDE TO THE UNIVERSITY EHS develop internal safety policy and procedures and; Develop and manage risk-based safety programs Involved in compliance reporting and; Liaise with government agencies Public Health Agency of Canada Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST) Ville de Montréal Inspected by government agencies annually 1- We have risk-based safety programs: 2- Legislation changes constantly for example: Transportation of Dangerous Goods (June 2015) Human Pathogens and Toxins Act (Dec. 2015) Hazardous Products Act & Regulations (Feb. 2015) Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS ) 3 - Before you panic, we keep up and update internal programs/manuals so you do not have to, but you need to read our communications. Newsletter in Fall 2017 and a new page dedicated to researchers.

6 Safety Rights & Responsibilities
Everyone has a basic right and responsibility to themselves and others to work in an environment which is safe Everyone, no matter their position, is expected to take initiatives on health and safety issues and to work to solve problems and make continuous improvements in the workplace Safety is a shared responsibility (VPS-40) Now I would like to review with you health and safety responsibilities. Generally speaking, YES the responsibility is shared but employers/supervisors do have more responsibilities.

7 Supervisor’s responsibility
A Supervisor is any individual who has direct supervision of and responsibility for the activities of an employee or student Must be able to demonstrate that you did everything reasonable to protect the health, safety and well-being of your staff and students - DUE DILIGENCE Supervisors are personally liable and can be held criminally responsible (negligent) with regards to the safety of employees, students and visitors. Supervisor’s Health & Safety Responsibilities Training – new required training (1.5 hours) SGW October 16, 2018 & February 19, 2019 LOYOLA October 19, & February 22, 2019 As supervisor/employer you have added responsibilities. These responsibilities are partly due to provincial and federal legislations. The objective of the Quebec Act is the elimination, at the source, of dangers to the health, safety and physical well-being of workers. To accomplish this, the act identifies responsibilities of employer, supervisors and employees At Concordia, who is the EMPLOYER? As the PI, you carry these responsibilities. Where employee includes everyone under your supervision. The law sees volunteers as employees because they complete work that would otherwise be paid. The supervisor’s main responsibility in neatly summarized in the following statement: The hardest part of demonstrating due diligence is in proving it. We provide tools to help you with that. Our role is not to take your responsibility but we help you fulfill your role as supervisor. When you do that overall risk is better managed university wide and compliance is improved. At the federal level Criminal Code was amended as a result of the Westray Mine disaster that occurred in May, 2002, causing the death of 26 miners in N.S. As a result, Canada has had one of the most strict criminal laws relating to workplace health and safety in the Western world. The Canadian Criminal Code now includes a legal duty regarding health and safety. 217.1 “Everyone who undertakes, or has the authority, to direct how another person does work or performs a task is under a legal duty to take reasonable steps to prevent bodily harm to that person, or any other person, arising from that work or task.” Act Respecting Occupational Health and Safety (L.R.Q., c. S-2.1) Criminal Code of Canada

8 EHS Services & Support Safety Orientation & Training
Compliance Monitoring Job Hazards Analysis Exposure & Risk Assessments NEW 3D Printer SOP Reviews Safety Awareness Campaigns Our DB can be used to document orientations and training completed at the local level, as long as our form is used. One-on-One Orientation Understand your research/academic activities Review of relevant safety policies Internal & external permit requirements Safety training requirements

9 Safety Orientation & Training
One-on-One Faculty/PI Orientation Review of relevant safety policies Internal & external permit requirements Safety training requirements Safety orientation checklists (handout) Training Legislated and University imposed safety training provided by EHS (handout) Develop training upon request Recordkeeping Supervisor’s Training Report One-on-One Orientation for PIs Started in Approx. 15 to date. Normally the Compliance Review is done simultaneously.

10 Mention where/how they can register.

11 Compliance Monitoring
Inspections EHS Research Compliance Reviews Injury/Near-Miss investigations If non-compliance is identified, then Corrective action Non-compliance escalation Freezing of accounts Closing of labs EHS monitors compliance – we do this internally in order to keep our community safe…and to avoid issues when external agencies come to audit or inspect. We have several mechanisms… And when we find a non-compliance issue, we take action – we start with informing the responsible supervisor and, if that fails, escalate up line management…we can also freeze accounts and close labs. However, EHS closing labs or stopping work is NOT where we want to be. If EHS needs to take action, it means that Supervisors have failed. EHS staff have stopped IITS contractors in the Hall building, ordered contractors and employees off our roofs, threatened to seize radioactive materials. In some instances, when non-compliance issues have been escalated management has taken action and that is the way it should be.

12 EHS Research Compliance Review
Research compliance review application forms completed by the PI (with assistance from EHS) Verification of valid training of PI and team members We have put in place mechanisms and created tools to help ensure compliance: EHS Research Compliance Review One-on-One Orientation Orientation Checklist Supervisor Training Reports Let’s start with the EHS Research Compliance Review, a joint process with the Office of Research. The main way we ensure compliance. BEFORE SERVICE TO YOU! 2014 – 20 completed 2015 – 22 completed Verification of internal & external permit requirements Provided to the Office of Research Required for release of funds

13 Safety Campaigns


15 Reporting injuries and near misses
Injuries and near-misses must be reported to: Supervisor EHS Submit a completed Injury (Accident) / Incident/ Illness/ Hazard Report form to Environmental Health & Safety within 24 hours Hazards and dangerous situations which you cannot correct must be reported immediately to the appropriate person/unit: Facilities Service Centre (2400) Security (3717) EHS (4877) Mention where this form can be found.

16 Questions? Contact EHS
(514) ext. 4877 SGW Office 1455 de Maisonneuve W. GM-1000 Montreal, QC, H3G 1M8 Loyola Office 7141 Sherbrooke St. W. PS-201 Montreal, QC, H4B 1R6 Finally, call us. We are there to help.


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