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Vox Pop – is that like a Box Plot?

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Presentation on theme: "Vox Pop – is that like a Box Plot?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vox Pop – is that like a Box Plot?

2 Ballarat connected me to a whole new group of people
Ballarat connected me to a whole new group of people. New friends, new colleagues

3 It was worth the 10-hour drive

4 The pre-conference art gallery tour was really enjoyable and informative

5 The networking opportunities have been outstanding Everyone has been so friendly and welcoming

6 This is exactly the size of conference that I really like

7 AIPN Rocks. High quality conversations
AIPN Rocks. High quality conversations. Networking with like-minded researchers who are helping to make this world safer

8 Showing the art aspect was different, interesting and a new approach

9 I’m exhausted, what a great conference

10 The international speakers really brought different and valuable perspectives

11 I liked the art installations, the different art aspects in the program and the powerful imagery in the art keynote. We need to partner with people like that to make our ads better

12 We always come to the AIPN because it is a quality conference
We always come to the AIPN because it is a quality conference. The science is good. The translation is good. It’s just excellent all round.

13 The AIPN is coming to an end
The AIPN is coming to an end. I am highly informed, highly motivated and eager to go back to my day job and take things forward

14 Great chairing of sessions

15 The food’s been great, always a good selection at lunch

16 The rapid orals were a good program inclusion
The rapid orals were a good program inclusion. It was inspiring for us young researchers to see work in progress being presented.

17 One of the greatest benefits of this conference , has been that the presenters are also attendees. They do not just give their talk and disappear. They are active participants

18 I am inspired, motivated and excited for the future

19 There was no band, so I was unable to embarrass myself on the dance floor. By the way, I am still waiting for the boom box.

20 We love Ballarat. Thanks for putting on the weather

21 I was really pleased with the new young people
I was really pleased with the new young people. They really inspired me for the future with the quality of their talks

22 I really liked the big inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues in the program

23 As an exhibitor, I was pleased that there was more interest in my display than I’d anticipated

24 What an excellent student program
What an excellent student program. It was well run, well organised and well delivered

25 This would have to be the friendliest conference I have ever been to
This would have to be the friendliest conference I have ever been to. No negative competition amongst the speakers or delegates. Just open sharing of ideas and experiences

26 What about the international mix. It was impressive
What about the international mix? It was impressive. The AIPN is great at global connectedness

27 The conference was great because it put people out of their comfort zone. The challenging presentations will be in my memory forever. (in a good way)

28 It was great to put a face to the names – to meet the people I know from their work, and to meet others I work with in person for the first time

29 As an undergraduate student, this conference has really helped me think about my future postgraduate study opportunities

30 The roses in Ballarat are stunning

31 There are so many disciplines represented here, but all concerned with injury. This has meant there has been so much more to learn at AIPN

32 All the injury epidemiologists, now want to change over to collecting and analysing qualitative data

33 I was really taken by the creative arts sessions
I was really taken by the creative arts sessions. Its not what you normally hear at this conference. Good stuff

34 Everyone was very lovely coming through registration

35 I met someone who told me that they’d read my work and that it had very much motivated their own current PhD work. What a compliment!

36 Everyone is so grounded
Everyone is so grounded. It’s a lovely crowd, they are happy to be here sharing knowledge. A bit different to some other conferences we get at this venue.

37 This conference has all the fun of injury but without the blood…
This conference has all the fun of injury but without the blood…. There is no fun to actually being injured

38 There was a lot of student engagement and development opportunity in this conference. We will be the future leaders, so being here has been invaluable

39 I am amazed by the sheer quality of the talks
I am amazed by the sheer quality of the talks. The conference is not large, but the quality is outstanding.

40 This is so much better than the road safety conference

41 What was really cool, was that I have never seen such a diverse range of injury topics in one conference. What that means is that you learn so much

42 Its in my home town. So it was much better. No jet lag for me!

43 It was worth coming all the way from Canada

44 What an eye-opener. Who knew there were so many facets to injury prevention? I certainly didn’t before coming to this conference

45 This was such a collegiate conference, so supportive for students
This was such a collegiate conference, so supportive for students. It was incredibly awesome

46 I loved the interaction in the theatre workshop
I loved the interaction in the theatre workshop. Participants could really get into it and act without fear

47 I’m a first time attendee and really enjoyed it

48 There was both scientific and artistic depth to the conference

49 Everyone got their presentations to me on time

50 We can’t wait for the next AIPN Conference. Bring it on….

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