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A Flawed Peace: The End of War

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Presentation on theme: "A Flawed Peace: The End of War"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Flawed Peace: The End of War

2 The big Collapse After Russia withdrew from the war, Germany attempted one last offensive on the Western Front Germany’s military was VERY weak  CRUSHED

3 The big Collapse After Germany’s final defeat the Central Powers quickly collapsed 11/11/1918: Germany & France signed an armistice, or an agreement to stop fighting

4 The Terms of Peace Paris Peace Conference:
32 countries met in Versailles, France Debated the conditions of peace

5 The Terms of Peace Major decisions made by the BIG FOUR: Wilson (US)
Clemenceau (FR) George (GB) Orlando (IT) Woodrow Wilson Georges Clemenceau David Lloyd George Vittorio Orlando

6 World Peace?

7 The Fourteen Points The Fourteen Points: Proposed by Woodrow Wilson
Outlined a plan for world peace

8 The Fourteen Points Point ONE through FOUR: NO MORE secret treaties
Freedom of the seas Free trade Reduced national militaries

9 The Fourteen Points Point FIVE:
Adjustment of colonial claims with fairness towards colonial people

10 The Fourteen Points Points SIX through THIRTEEN: Border adjustments
Creation of new nations Self-determination: The people may decide on the type of government they wish to have

11 The Fourteen Points Point FOURTEEN:
Proposed a “general association of nations” that would protect “great & small states alike”

12 The Fourteen Points France & Britain DID NOT like the Fourteen Points
Concerned with national security; believed that Germany needed to be punished

13 The Fourteen Points France, Great Britain & the US engaged in heated arguments in regards to the peace agreement Finally reached an agreement Treaty of Versailles

14 Treaty of Versailles League of Nations Territorial Losses
Military Restrictions War Guilt

15 1) League of Nations International peace organization; based on Wilson’s Fourteenth Point Excluded enemy & neutral nations EXAMPLE: Germany & Russia

16 2) Territorial Losses & New Nations
Germany returned Alsace-Lorraine to France Germany surrendered all of its overseas colonies in Africa & the Pacific

17 2) Territorial Losses & New Nations
Austria-Hungary: Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia

18 2) Territorial Losses & New Nations
Ottoman Empire: Kept Turkey Palestine, Iraq, Jordan came under British control Syria & Lebanon came under French control

19 2) Territorial Losses & New Nations
Russian Territory: Romania, Poland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

20 3) Military Restrictions
Limited the size of German army Prohibited Germany from buying or manufacturing weapons and/or submarines Forbade Germany to have an Air Force

21 4) War Guilt Germany was forced to accept sole responsibility for the war Forced to pay $33 billion in war reparations over a 30 year period

22 A Troubled Treaty The treaty created feelings of bitterness & betrayal among the victors & the defeated

23 Peace Built on Quicksand
DID NOT achieve a lasting peace The United States rejected treaty, especially the League of Nations – wanted to stay out of European affairs! Greatly damaged Germany; MAD!!!

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