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House of Delegates New Member Orientation For 2014 Midyear Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "House of Delegates New Member Orientation For 2014 Midyear Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 House of Delegates New Member Orientation For 2014 Midyear Meeting

2 The Officers of the ABA Robert M. Carlson, Chair, House of Delegates Laurel G. Bellows, Immediate Past President James R. Silkenat, President William C. Hubbard, President-Elect

3 The Officers of the ABA Hon. Cara Lee T. Neville, SecretaryLucian T. Pera, Treasurer

4 The Officers of the ABA Mary T. Torres, Secretary-ElectG. Nicholas Casey, Jr., Treasurer-Elect

5 The Board of Governors Who is it? Acts on behalf of ABA between meetings of the House 40 members 8 officers of the ABA 18 district representatives 13 members-at-large 1 law student

6 Nominating Committee Who is it? Nominates Officers and Board of Governors at each Midyear Meeting House elects at the following Annual Meeting 67 members 52 State Delegates 7 Section Delegates 1 Judicial Division Delegate 1 Young Lawyers Division Delegate 6 Members-at-Large

7 What is it? Who is it? How does it work?

8 Makes Policy Elects Officers Administers ABA

9 The House of Delegates Who is it? DIVERSITY makes the House work ! ! !

10 Composition of the House of Delegates 52 State Delegates 231 State Bar Delegates 74 Local Bar Delegate 18 Delegates-at-Large 75 Present & Former Officers and Board Members 73 Section, Division & Conference Delegates 2 Ex Officio Members 28 Affiliated Organization Delegates 1 Virgin Islands Bar Association 1 American Samoa 1 Guam 1 Commonwealth of Mariana Islands 3 Members-at-Large

11 The House of Delegates Who is it? Womens CaucusState Bar Caucus Minority Caucus Solo and Small Firm Lawyers Caucus Get Involved!

12 The House of Delegates How It Works

13 1- Consideration & Approval of Resolution by Sponsoring Entity 2- Solicitation of Co-Sponsors 3- Submission to Policy Administration for consideration by Rules and Calendar Rules and Calendar 4- Rules and Calendar Reviews Resolution for Compliance/Language 5- Rules and Calendar responds to sponsoring Entity 6- Consideration by the House of Delegates 7- If approved, Resolution becomes Association Policy 8- Governmental Affairs Office Lobbies Congress

14 The House of Delegates How It Works Meets twice a yearSeating chartHouse Signature RosterSupplemental Folder Late Reports Amendments/Revisions 177A – Board Transmittal 177 – Board Informational Report Board recommendations

15 The House of Delegates How It Works Regular Orders Special Orders Consent Calendar Final Calendar (Meeting Agenda)

16 The House of Delegates How It Works No proxy voting Must be in your seat or in well of House Abstention Voting

17 Meeting Materials: How to Stay Informed ABAs website

18 Meeting Materials: How to Stay Informed House of Delegates website

19 Meeting Materials: How to Stay Informed Emails with links to the House of Delegates website

20 Meeting Materials: How to Stay Informed Assists delegates in communicating with their constituencies in advance 3 months before meeting Sneak Preview

21 Meeting Materials: How to Stay Informed Description of resolutions On website after filing deadline Preliminary Agenda

22 Meeting Materials: How to Stay Informed Summary of each resolution, reasons for adoption, a summary of its potential impact and minority view On website after filing deadline Executive Summary

23 Meeting Materials: How to Stay Informed Official call of the meeting On website approximately 5 weeks prior to meeting Summary of Resolutions

24 Meeting Materials: How to Stay Informed Bound Book of Reports with Resolutions mailed to you and on website Informational Reports on website Report 400 at Annual Meetings only (Archiving) Reports

25 Meeting Materials: How to Stay Informed During the meeting of two day meeting Daily Journal

26 Meeting Materials: How to Stay Informed

27 How to Stay Informed Delegate Handbook Online Policy and Procedures Handbook (Greenbook) Online Constitution and Bylaws Summary of House Rules of Procedures Online Redbook

28 The House of Delegates How It Works Midyear Meetings Transportation to and from as long as present at end of meeting $100 per diem if House committee meets Annual Meetings No travel reimbursement $100 per diem if House committee meets Reimbursement

29 Committees of the House Credentials and Admissions Drafting Issues of Concern to the Legal Profession Resolution and Impact Review Rules and Calendar Select Technology and Communications

30 Staff Support Policy and Governance Group Your information resource for the House of Delegates and the Board of Governors Marina B. Jacks, Associate Executive Director and Chief Governance Officer Alpha M. Brady, Public Services Group Director and Director of Policy Administration Rochelle E. Evans, Deputy Associate Director Carri L. Kerber, Assistant Director

31 Thank You!

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