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Lockheed Martin Canada’s SMB Mentoring Program

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1 Lockheed Martin Canada’s SMB Mentoring Program
Contract Security Program (CSP) & Controlled Goods Program (CGP)

2 Disclaimer This presentation is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute an official guideline on the subject. For a complete understanding of the process and rules the official Canadian Government program(s)/site(s) should be consulted: Organization Security Screening Personnel Security Screening Controlled Goods Program

3 Introduction In order to participate in Government of Canada and Foreign Government contracts, you may be required to register with the Canadian Industrial Security Program (CISP) and registered, exempt or excluded from the Controlled Goods Program (CGP). In order to qualify for a solicitation, Bidders must ensure their organization and any individuals requiring access to classified or protected information, assets or sensitive work sites meet the security requirements listed in the solicitation. When a bid solicitation includes controlled goods information or technology, the Bidder must be registered, exempt or excluded from the CGP before receiving the bid solicitation. When a bid solicitation does not include controlled goods information or technology, but the resulting contract will, the Bidder and any of its subcontractors must be registered, exempt or excluded from the CGP before examining, possessing or transferring controlled goods. © 2016 LOCKHEED MARTIN CANADA

4 Definitions CISP = Canadian Industrial Security Program
PWGSC = Public Works and Government Services Canada PSPC – Public Services and Procurement Canada PSPC was formerly known as PWGSC. Given that the branding is fairly new, links provided within this presentation may direct the reader to sites that still contain PWGSC branding. The terms are used interchangeably within this presentation. CSP = Contract Security Program CGP = Controlled Goods Program SRCL = Security Requirements Checklist DFATD = Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development DO = Designated Official AI = Authorized Individual RFV = Request for Visit © 2016 LOCKHEED MARTIN CANADA

5 Registration – Canadian Industrial Security Program (CISP)
To initiate registration in the CISP, your organization must be sponsored by an organization that is already registered in the program. The sponsor will issue a Subcontract containing security requirements identified in a Security Requirements Checklist (SRCL). The completed checklist is submitted to PWGSC/CISD for approval. If your organization doesn’t meet the identified security requirements, the sponsor will submit a Private Sector Organization Screening Form . CISD will contact your organization. Key Senior Officials and a Company Security Officer will be required to obtain a Personnel Security Clearance at the highest level requested on the sponsorship form. Depending on the level, this can take up to 1 year. Once this process is complete, security clearances can be requested for other employees. © 2016 LOCKHEED MARTIN CANADA

6 Types of Security Screenings
Organization Screening Information & Assets Personnel Security Screening Time Frame to Clearance CLASSIFIED (National Interest) Facility Security Clearance Top Secret Secret Confidential 1+ year Up to 1 year PROTECTED (Non-National Interest) Designated Organization Screening PROTECTED C PROTECTED B PROTECTED A Reliability Status 6 Months If a solicitation includes the requirement to handle or review information and/or assets, or access work sites that are classified at the National Interest Level, then both the organization and any employees requiring access to the assets, information or sites will have to hold the clearance levels listed within the solicitation and/or final contract (see Chart). If there is a storage requirement included in the SRCL, then a room must be built to RCMP guidelines including all storage cabinets to a prescribed standard. A CISD inspector assesses compliance. © 2016 LOCKHEED MARTIN CANADA

7 Request for Visit (RFV)
When an individual must go to a government or industry site in Canada or abroad to access sensitive information/assets as part of a government contract, program, project or conference, they must submit a Request for Visit (RFV). The Contract Security Program (CSP) approves Visits to secure Government of Canada sites or Canadian industrial sites where work on Protected or Classified information or assets is taking place. Visits may be one-time or recurring depending on the need. Approval for RFVs can typically take from days. © 2016 LOCKHEED MARTIN CANADA

8 Registration – Controlled Goods Program (CGP)
Registration with the CGP is a legal requirement for any person examining, possessing or transferring controlled goods in Canada. Export permits from the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD) to transfer controlled goods outside of Canada also requires registration with the CGP. To register in the program, a registration application for your business must be completed and submitted with Security Assessment Applications for (at minimum) a: Designated Official (DO), and Authorized Individual (AI) Identify the type of Controlled Goods you will require access to and provide justification for your registration, such as work with ABC Company. The registration process takes approximately 45 days. Once your application is processed and your DO and AI are approved, your DO will receive the training required to assess the remainder of your employees. The DO will then have to perform Security Assessments on all your employees who have a requirement to examine, possess and/or transfer Controlled Goods. © 2016 LOCKHEED MARTIN CANADA

9 Summary / Benefits Registration with the CISD and the CGP are often key requirements of doing business on Government procurements; Security and controlled goods requirements apply to both organizations and individual employees; Depending on the clearance level, security applications can take as long as one (1) year to process; Controlled Goods applications are typically processed within 45 days; and Approvals (RFV) may be required for individuals visiting industrial sites and/or government facilities where secure information and/or assets could be viewed or handled. © 2016 LOCKHEED MARTIN CANADA

10 Helpful Links Organization Security Screening
Personnel Security Screening Controlled Goods Program Controlled Goods FAQs Requests for Visit © 2016 LOCKHEED MARTIN CANADA

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