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Eurostat activities update

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1 Eurostat activities update
Linked Open Data Eurostat activities update Eurostat January

2 Eurostat on going LOD related activities
ESS LOD Reference Architecture – first draft to be discussed with ESS EAB Eurostat internal LOD pilots (capacity building) ISA2 project proposal on Improving Discoverability

3 ESS LOD Reference Architecture
Capability definitions Relevant standards Building blocks High level Application Architecture LOD principles Use cases

4 LOD RA - Contents Capability definitions
High level Application Architecture Relevant standards LOB Building blocks LOD principles Uses case

5 Eurostat LOD Pilot – Agile approach POC LOD in Eurostat
PoCs Focus LOD architecture PoC 1 – Linking official statistics to improve data dissemination SPARQL endpoint and utility services (query, analytics) Linking to data in the Web of data and other institutions (EC, NSIs) URI strategy Reuse of EC infrastructure Technical architecture Conversion Standards PoC 2 – Publishing metadata as linked open metadata Publishing nomenclatures (such as NUTS) as linked open data Based on SKOS ontology Metadata integration to enhance a data integration Semantic data and metadata queries across physical stores LOD metadata

6 Eurostat LOD Pilot – First milestones
Milestone 1 – Feb 2017 Description of the source data model selected for experimentation (SDMX data and metadata) First version of a target (ontology) data model Mapping between source data models and target data models on selected use cases Specification of URI naming strategy to be adopted for identifying resources Initial version of the prototype environment (deployment of a sample technological stack) Milestone 2 – May 2017 Specification of the approach for data storage (ontology implementation) including documentation of technical (non-functional) aspects (e.g. performance) Initial prototype on sample datasets and selected use cases Revision of target data model Querying samples Document linkage possibilities between Eurostat data and other Linked Open Data sources

7 ISA2 projet proposal : Improving statistical data and metadata discovery and analysis – to be validated by ISA2 commitee IT Board Meeting ISA Work Programme Source Commission Action owner ESTAT (DIGIT, OP) and NSIs Budget 2017: kEUR Overall: kEUR Objectives & scope Improve discoverability and use of official statistics data through leveraging the rich European Statistical System (ESS) statistical metadata assets (concepts, codes, nomenclatures …) using semantic technologies Provide policy analysts with enhanced and intuitive officials statistics analytics capabilities Develop key reusable building blocks for querying and integrating cross domains and cross borders statistical data and metadata Major outputs Output desc. ESS statistical metadata platform Target date December 2018 Output desc. Common ontology for official statistics Target date Dec 2019 Output desc. Services for statistical metadata management and discovery (I and 2) Target date Dec 2019 Output desc. Reusable data analytics platform and data discovery services Target date Dec 2020

8 Resources Reusable BB Capabilities
Semantic queries RAMON - CODED Reference ontologies for statistics SEMIC Stat Dcat Ontol. Voc. Open metadata plaform and services Data analytics Open source libraries Security and confidentiality Metadata management Open data portal Data analytics service Data integration interoperability

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