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DSD Fourth Quarter Performance and Expenditure Report (1 January 2018 – 30 April 2018) Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Social Development 06.

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Presentation on theme: "DSD Fourth Quarter Performance and Expenditure Report (1 January 2018 – 30 April 2018) Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Social Development 06."— Presentation transcript:

1 DSD Fourth Quarter Performance and Expenditure Report (1 January 2018 – 30 April 2018) Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Social Development 06 June 2018

2 Overview Purpose Strategic priorities Programmes purpose Performance Summary Performance per programme Progress on targets not achieved Summary of Expenditure Expenditure per programme

3 Purpose Purpose: To inform the Portfolio Committee of :
The Department’s performance against its pre-determined objectives for the fourth quarter of 2017/18 financial year; The State of Expenditure of the Department at the end of the fourth quarter of 2017/18 financial year.

4 Strategic Priorities The Department has identified and committed itself to addressing the following key priorities for the MTSF :  Expand Child and Youth Care Services (Isibindi programme) Social Welfare Sector Reform and services to deliver better results Deepening Social Assistance and Extending the scope of Social Security Increase access to Early Childhood Development (ECD) Strengthening Community Development interventions Combat Substance Abuse and Gender-Based Violence Increase household food & nutrition security (Food for All) The protection and promotion of the rights of older persons and people with disabilities Establish Social Protection Systems to strengthen coordination, integration, planning, M&E of services

5 PROGRAMMES PURPOSE Programme 1: Administration
To provide leadership, management and support services to the Department and the Social Development Sector. Programme 2: Social Assistance To provide income support to vulnerable groups. Programme 3: Social Security Policy and Administration To provide for social policy development and the fair administration of social assistance. Programme 4: Welfare Services Policy Development and Implementation To create an enabling environment for the delivery of equitable developmental welfare services through the formulation of policies, norms and standards and best practices and the provision of support to the implementation agencies. Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery To support community development and promote evidence-based policy making in the Department and the Social Development Sector

6 Performance Summary

7 Standard Reporting Format and Rating System
For the quarterly report and for ease of analysis, the colour coding/rating system (green, amber and red), is used to rate progress towards meeting pre-determined targets and objectives. On course – no major action needed Moderate risk that some problems exist and as a result the target will not be achieved in the planned time frames- remedial action is needed to avoid this. Certainty that the target will not be achieved or was not achieved in the planned timeframes- major remedial action and urgent intervention is required 7

8 Trends in achievement of targets

9 Summary of Performance for Quarter 1, 2 and 3
During the fourth quarter reporting period ( 1 January 2018 – 31 March 2018). Performance improved slightly during the fourth quarter. A total of 67% of the set targets were fully achieved and this is improvement from 60% performance in the third quarter. Targets which were in progress (partially met) declined from 13% in the third quarter to 6% in the fourth quarter; and Targets which were not achieved at all remained at 27% in the third and fourth quarter. The fourth quarter marks the end of the financial year. Although some targets were in progress in the fourth quarter, they will be considered as not achieved when the Annual Performance Assessment is made.

10 Performance Per Programme

JANUARY 2018 – MARCH 2018

12 Achievement of Targets per Programme: 2017-18 Quarter 4 Report
No. of Targets Achieved No. of Targets that are partially Achieved No. of Targets Not Achieved Total Targets % contribution of the programme to the APP targets Programme 1 6 5 3 14 15% Programme 2 7 1 8 9% Programme 3 9 10 Programme 4 18 13 32 34% Programme 5 23 31 33% 62 24 94 100%


14 Programme 1 Administration: Intergovernmental Relations and Gender
Annual Target Monitor and report on 100% of SPCHD Cluster decisions Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievements Analyse and report on the status of implementation of Social Cluster and DSD Management Forum decision The unit monitored and followed up on all decisions taken at the two (2) SPCHD Cluster meetings held during the period under review. Progress was reported at management committee Facilitate integration of gender into four polices Quarter 4 Achievements Facilitate integration of gender into one policy Facilitated gender integration into Child Care and Protection Policy

15 Programme 1 Administration :
Monitoring and Evaluation and Internal Audit Annual Target Develop M&E tools to measure Outcomes for Social protection Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievement Finalize M&E tools M&E Tools for Outcome 13 were completed Audit 26 risk-based projects Perform 6 internal audit reviews to determine compliance with legislation and policies 7 Audit Projects to determine compliance with legislation and policies were completed

16 Programme 1 Administration : Human Capital Management and Finance
Annual Target Establish Phase 1 of the Social Development Academy Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievement Develop facilitator and learner manuals Facilitator and learner manuals have been developed Unqualified audit report on AFS Unqualified audit report on AFS with no material misstatements The Department obtained an unqualified audit opinion from the AGSA on its 2016/17 audited Annual Financial Statements

17 PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION Progress on targets not achieved

18 Programme 1:Administration Strategy Development & M&E
Annual Target Quarter 4 Target Actual Outputs 2017/2018 Reasons for Deviation Develop Information and Knowledge Management Policy Submit the Information and Knowledge Management Policy to Management Committee (MANCO) for approval The Information and Knowledge Management Policy has been developed however it has not been approved by Management Committee (MANCO) The policy was not presented to policy forum and was therefore sent back to policy forum for consideration before approval from MANCO Conduct Implementation Evaluation for Social Crime Prevention Strategy Evaluation report and dissemination plan Inception Report submitted Theory of Change Developed Preliminary literature review submitted The delays in the first phase of the evaluation shifted the timelines. The evaluation will be completed in the 2018/19 financial year

19 Programme 1:Administration Legal Services and Communication
Annual Target Quarter 4 Target Actual Outputs 2017/2018 Reasons for Deviation 98% of contracts developed and vetted through the contract management system within 3 days 98% of contracts developed and vetted through the management system within 3 days 100% (39) contracts developed and vetted but not through the contract management system. The contract management system is not working. Develop Communication Strategy for external, internal and online communication Strategy Implementation report Communication strategy has been completed and presented to the ministry Consultation process took time than expected

20 Programme 1:Administration
HR and IMST Annual Target Quarter 4 Target Actual Outputs 2017/2018 Reasons for Deviation Submit Sector Human Resources Plan (SHRP) to Minister and Members of the Executive Council (MINMEC) for approval Launch of the SHRP The Launching of Sector Human Resource Plan ( ) did not take place. MANCO resolved that the Sector HR Plan be aligned to strategy through strategy dialogue. The strategy dialogue will be conducted in the new financial year Intergrade existing Welfare Services into a single Information Case Management System Development of an integrated welfare services information system Integrated Welfare Services Information system developed. Out of 11 silo Welfare Services systems; 4 silos systems are completed A need for additional capacity to complete the task


22 Programme 2: Social Assistance
Annual Target Old Age Grant Beneficiaries: 3  Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievement Old Age Grant beneficiaries: older persons benefitted from Old Age Grant Child Support Grant Beneficiaries: 12  Child Support Grant Beneficiaries: children benefited from the Child Support Grant War veterans grant beneficiaries :124 Quarter 4 Target War veterans grant beneficiaries 124 138 war veterans benefited from the War Veteran Grant Disability Grant Beneficiaries disabled benefited from Disability Grant

23 Programme 2: Social Assistance
Annual Target Care Dependency Grant: Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievement Care Dependency Grant Beneficiaries: persons benefitted from Care Dependency Grant Foster Child Grant: persons benefitted from Forster Child Grant Grant-in-Aid: Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievement Grant-in-Aid Beneficiaries: persons benefitted from Grant-in Aid Award Social Relief of Distress (SRD) applications Social Relief of Distress applications were awarded Social Relief of Distress applications were awarded. There was high intake during Q2 and Q3 and low in Q4


25 Programme 3 : Social Security Policy and Administration:
Social Security Policy Development and Appeals Adjudication Annual Target Submit Policy on the universalisation of benefits to older persons for approval Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievement Submit to the Minister The memo to brief the Minister on the progress made in respect the policy on universalisation of benefits to older persons was developed and submitted to the Minister. Consultations on the discussion paper on the universalisation of the CSG Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievement Revision and finalisation of the Discussion Paper Discussion paper revised and finalised. Develop policy on Mandatory cover for retirement, disability and survivor benefits Revise and finalise policy The draft policy paper revised.

26 Programme 3 : Social Security Policy and Administration:
Social Security Policy Development and Appeals Adjudication Annual Target Consultations on the draft discussion paper on pregnancy and maternity benefits Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievement Revision and finalisation of the Discussion Paper Discussion paper revised and finalised. Adjudicate 70% of appeals within 90 days of receipt Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievement Adjudicated 95.26% (322 of 338) of appeals within 90 days of receipt. Overachievement is due to increased collaboration with SASSA. Conduct 4 Compliance Audit activities at SASSA offices Conduct 1 Compliance Audit 5 compliance audits were conducted during the reporting period More audits were completed in the 4th quarter due to increased capacity in the unit.

27 Programme 3 : Social Security Policy and Administration:
Inspectorate for Social Assistance Annual Target Conduct 9 Fraud awareness campaigns Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievement Conduct 2 Fraud Awareness Campaigns 3 Fraud Awareness Campaigns were conducted in Limpopo (Sekhukhune and Waterberg districts) and in Gauteng (Soshanguve Local Office) Implement the stakeholder and partnership strategy Quarter 4 Achievement Conduct 6 stakeholders engagements Twelve stakeholder engagements were held with SASSA in the Eastern Cape Region during the reporting period. The plan was to engage at SASSA Districts and due to service delivery demands, the Inspectorate was requested to reach out to staff at Local Offices.


29 Programme 4:Welfare Services:
Professional Social Services and Older Persons Annual Target Consult with stakeholders within the sector on the Demand and Supply Model Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievements Finalise the Demand and Supply Model Demand and Supply Model was finalised and approved by MANCO Monitor implementation of Recruitment and Retention Strategy for social service practitioners Monitor implementation of Recruitment and Retention Strategy for SSPs Monitored implementation of the Recruitment and Retention Strategy Conduct Older Persons Parliament Evaluate Older Persons Parliament The Older Persons Parliament was evaluated with provinces and key stakeholders in the ageing sector

30 Programme 4:Welfare Services:
ECD Annual Target Provide subsidies to 59 111 children through ECD conditional grant Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievements Provide subsidy to 14 780 children through ECD conditional grant Provided subsidy to children through the ECD conditional grant. The over achievement is due to an error of breaking down the annual target into four quarterly targets. Approval of the Infrastructure Plan Presentation of the Draft ECD Infrastructure Plan to management forums in the DSD sector for approval The Infrastructure Plan was presented at the NIDC and was approved by the Acting DG 593 ECD Centres to benefit from the ECD maintenance grant 152 ECD Centres 198 ECD Centres benefited from the maintenance grant

31 Programme 4: Welfare Services:
Children Services, Orphans and Vulnerable Children Annual Target Register 80% of adoptions received from Children`s Courts with complete records Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievements Registered 355 with the breakdown of 336 being national and while 19 being Inter-country adoptions Disseminate concluding observations on the UN Convention on the rights of the child Disseminate in 2 provinces Disseminated concluding observations on the UN Convention on the rights of the child in the following Provinces: NW, EC, and FS

32 Programme 4: Welfare Services:
Children services, Orphan and Vulnerable Children Annual Target Building capacity of provinces on the Children’s Amendment Act and Children’s Second Amendment Act Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievements Building capacity of 3 provinces Conducted capacity building in Eastern Cape which was the remaining province. Other provinces were capacitated in the previous quarters Establish 4 provincial multidisciplinary committees on integrated Social Crime Prevention Monitor provincial multidisciplinary committees Monitoring of provincial multidisciplinary committees conducted and a consolidated report on the provincial multidisciplinary committees developed

33 Programme 4: Welfare Services:
Social Crime Prevention and Victim Empowerment Annual Target Increase the number of people accessing command centre services by 15% (17 050) Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievements 2.5 % Number of Calls received: Number of USSDs (please call me ) attended to: 506. SMSs received: 414. The total number of calls in this quarter is therefore: 16 355.The centre has overachieved for the reporting period Collecting data from 200 VEP sites Collect data in 50 VEP sites A total of 116 new VEP sites are collecting data for quarter four. LP 45, KZN 27 and NC 44. Through monitoring of the implementation of the system, challenges were identified and more VEP sites were connected and data is being currently collected Train 9 provinces on Teenage Parenting Programme Train 2 provinces on Teenage Parenting Programme Two provinces trained on Teenage Parenting Programme: KZN February 2018 and LP March 2018

34 Programme 4:Welfare Services:
Social Crime Prevention & Victim Empowerment Annual Target Train 4 provinces on Sinovuyo National Parenting Programme Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievements Compile Training Report Training report was compiled Conduct 3 National Anti-substance Abuse Awareness Campaigns Conduct the 3rd National Anti-substance Abuse Awareness Campaign (6 institutions of higher learning) Conducted a total of 8 campaigns at following campuses: University of Pretoria: Mamelodi and Onderstepoort campus, University of Johannesburg: Soweto, Doornfontein and Banting Road Campus, Mangosuthu University of Technology, Cape Town University of Technology namely: Bellville and West Coast College Campus

35 Programme 4:Welfare Services:
HIV/AIDS &RPD Annual Target Train 500 implementers on social behavior change Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievements Train 100 implementers 100 implementers trained Draft policy framework on the management of community care workers Final draft policy framework Draft policy framework available after consultation with stakeholders, partners and provinces Update the Disability Inequality Index The index was updated


37 Programme 4: Welfare Services: Professional Social Services
Annual Target Quarter 4 Target Actual Outputs 2017/2018 Reasons for Deviation Consult with stakeholders within the sector on the White Paper Refine the White Paper The White Paper could not be refined There was delay from the technical committee to refine the White Paper for Social Welfare Submit the Social Service Practitioners Bill to Cabinet to obtain approval to gazette for public comments Submit the Bill to Cabinet to obtain approval Draft Bill not submitted to Cabinet The Technical drafting team held a working session to review the Draft Bill in response to the questions raised by the Office of Chief State Law Advisor (OCSLA). Memorandum of Objects and Written response submitted to OCSLA Delays in submission of pre-certification by the Office of the Chief State Law Advisor, which is a prerequisite for engagement with an approval by SPCHD Cluster structures and Cabinet

38 Programme 4: Welfare Services:
Older Persons and ECD Annual Target Quarter 4 Target Actual Outputs 2017/2018 Reasons for Deviation Introduction of the Older Persons Amendment Bill to Parliament Introduction of the Bill in Parliament The Bill was not introduced to Parliament Due to change in Cabinet, the Bill could not be presented to Cabinet for approval and thus the Bill could not be introduced to Parliament prior to Cabinet approval Approval of the National Integrated Implementation Plan on ECD Policy Monitor implementation of National Integrated Implementation Plan on ECD Policy The National Integrated Plan on ECD Policy was not approved as a result there was no monitoring on the implementation of the plan. The plan has been submitted to Minister for approval and will then be taken to Cabinet in the next financial year

39 Programme 4: Welfare Services:
Children Services Annual Target Quarter 4 Target Actual Outputs 2017/2018 Reasons for Deviation Approval of the National Plan of Action for Children in South Africa Approval of the National Plan of Action for Children in South Africa Not approved The Cluster consultations could not be conducted because of the delay in the appointment of the Service Provider who is meant to assist in the Plan Consultations with key stakeholders on the Child Care and protection policy Consult with MinMEC MinMEC was not consulted The MinMEC did not sit during the reporting period

40 Programme 4: Welfare Services:
Social Crime Prevention and Victim Empowerment Annual Target Quarter 4 Target Actual Outputs 2017/2018 Reasons for Deviation Submit Policy Framework on Accreditation of Diversion Services to Cabinet for approval Submit Policy Framework on Accreditation of Diversion Services to Cabinet for approval Cabinet memo still in progress for approval by Minister to submit a reviewed Policy to Cabinet Cabinet Memo resubmitted to new Minister due to Cabinet changes that took place in February 2018 Submit the Victim Empowerment Support Services Bill to Cabinet to obtain approval to gazette for public comments Submit the Bill to Cabinet to obtain approval to gazette for public comments The VSS Bill has not been submitted to Cabinet The VSS Bill was submitted to the Minister’s office for processing to the Cabinet, however there have been delays in obtain approval

41 Programme 4: Welfare Services:
Social Crime Prevention and Victim Empowerment Annual Target Quarter 4 Target Actual Outputs 2017/2018 Reasons for Deviation Submit the Victim Satisfaction Survey Report to Cabinet for approval Disseminate the approved report to the stakeholders within the VEP Sector Report was not disseminated Survey report was submitted to the Minister’s office for processing to Cabinet, however there were delays in obtaining approval Submit Draft NDMP to Cabinet for approval Submit draft NDMP to Cabinet for approval Draft NDMP was not submitted to Cabinet. The draft NDMP was submitted to the Minister’s office for processing to the Cabinet, however there was delays in obtaining approval

42 Programme 4: Welfare Services: Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Annual Target Quarter 4 Target Actual Outputs 2017/2018 Reasons for Deviation Submit Policy on Social Development Services to Persons with Disabilities for Cabinet approval to publish for public comment Submit the Policy to Cabinet for approval to publish for public comment The policy was not submitted to Cabinet for approval. The Peer Review Panel established in November reviewed and gave inputs on the policy. It was recognised that a Peer Review process will enrich the content of the policy, prior to its approval by Cabinet. Conduct a pilot project to promote implementation of the WPRPD focusing on children with disabilities at risk of experiencing compounded marginalisation Update and cost the service delivery model Not achieved The Izingane kuQala Model has been embedded in the updated OVC Services Model as well as ECD Financing Model


44 Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery:
Social Policy Research and Special Projects and Innovation Annual Target Develop and disseminate 4 policy briefs Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievements Develop and disseminate 1 policy brief One policy brief titled The social aspects of HIV/AIDS and Migration in South Africa was developed and disseminated Convene 32 Social Sector coordination forums Quarter 4 Achievements Convene 8 Social Sector coordination forums 9 Social Sector Coordination Forums were convened Produce 10 reports on the implementation of the Population Policy Country Report to the UNCPD Country Report to the UNCPD produced

45 Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery:
Population Development Annual Target Produce 10 reports on the implementation of the Population Policy Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievements ASRHR Framework Strategy Monitoring Report ASRHR Framework Strategy Monitoring Report produced Quarter 4 Achievements ICPD +25 Draft Synthesis Reports ICPD +25 Draft Synthesis Reports produced PPD Executive Committee (EXCO) Report The PPD Executive Committee (EXCO) report developed

46 Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery:
Population Development Annual Target 3 advocacy and knowledge sharing programmes Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievements Report on Population and development knowledge and information service rendered All service were rendered through the National Population Website and Population Resource Centre. The database is up to date. A report has been complied Implement and support 6 capacity building programmes Quarter 4 Achievements Applied Population Studies Training and Research Training Programme Applied Population Studies Training and Research Training Programme conducted Reports on 6 forums and 3 partnerships UAPS Partnership Report IPPF Partnership Report PASA Partnership Report Report on PASA Partnership produced. IPPF partnership report produced Report on UAPS Partnership produced.

47 Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery:
Registration and Monitoring of Non-Profit Organisation Annual Target Process 98% of applications within 2 months of receipt Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievements Process 98%of applications within 2 months of receipt Received applications, processed 7 018 and (99.6%) of received applications were processed within two months Conduct NPO national road shows in 90 local municipalities Quarter 4 Achievements Conduct NPO national road shows in 15 local municipalities Conducted NPO Roadshows in 17 Municipalities Train NPOs on governance and compliance with the NPO Act Train 700 NPOs on governance and compliance with the NPO Act Trained 780 NPOs on governance and compliance with the NPO Act. Invited NPOs extend invitation to other NPOs hence more NPOs capacitated

48 Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery:
NPOs Compliance Monitoring and Funding Coordination Annual Target 95% NPO reports processed within 2 months Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievements 95%NPO reports processed within 2 months Received 7 671 reports, processed 7 542 and (97.7%) of received reports were processed within two months Submit DSD Sector Financing Policy for approval Quarter 4 Achievements Consultation in the Free State in February The Policy was presented Policy Forum in March 2018 and submitted to Welfare Services Forum and MANCO for approval. Submit the Partnership Model for State, NPOs and relevant stakeholders for approval The model was consulted in Free State in February 2018. The DSD/NPO Partnership Model was presented Policy Forum in March 2018 and submitted to Welfare Services Forum and MANCO for approval.

49 Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery:
Community Mobilisation and Empowerment Annual Target Facilitate implementation of the Community Development Practice Policy Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievements Community Development Practice Policy Implementation Report Community Development Practice Policy Implementation Report developed Facilitate Implementation of norms and standards for community development Community Development Norms and Standards Implementation Report Community Development Norms and Standards Implementation Report developed

50 Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery:
Community Mobilisation and Empowerment Annual Target Submit guidelines on community mobilisation and empowerment for approval Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievements Submit guidelines on Implementation of Community Development Interventions for approval Guidelines on community mobilisation and empowerment submitted to Manco for approval Submit guidelines on implementation community development interventions for approval Development interventions for approval Development interventions submitted to MANCO for approval

51 Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery:
Poverty Alleviation, Sustainable Livelihood and Food Security Annual Target Submit the Social Development Youth Strategy for approval Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievements Submit Social Development Youth Strategy for approval Social Development Youth Strategy submitted for approval 600 cooperatives linked to economic opportunities Quarter 4 Achievements 100 cooperatives linked to economic opportunities 626 Cooperatives linked to economic opportunities. The overachievement is due to increased awareness on economic opportunities available to cooperatives within DSD and SASSA.

52 Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery:
Poverty Alleviation, Sustainable Livelihood and Food Security Annual Target 600 cooperatives participating in training workshops Quarter 4 Target Quarter 4 Achievements 100 cooperatives participating in training workshops 105 Cooperatives participated in training workshops people accessing food through CNDCs Provide food to 15 000 vulnerable individuals through CNDCs Beneficiaries provided with food through CNDCs. The overachievement is due to additional funding from provincial Departments


54 Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service
Population and Development Annual Target Quarter 4 Target Actual Outputs 2017/2018 Reasons for Deviation Undertake 6 research projects and produce migration policy reports Submit Report on the Research and Policy Conference on Migration to Inter-Ministerial Committee (IMC) Research and Policy Conference on Migration postponed to September 2018 Cabinet memorandum on the Migration Conference not yet processed Produce 2 draft reports on local ASRHR case Studies Draft report on local ASRHR case Studies not yet produced Preliminary ethical clearance obtained from HSRC and awaiting letters from Eastern Cape to access schools 3 advocacy and knowledge sharing programmes State of World Population Report launch The State of World Population Report was not launched The UNFPA postponed the launch of The State of World Population report

55 Programme 5: Social Policy and Integrated Service
Population and Non-Profit Organisation Annual Target Quarter 4 Target Actual Outputs 2017/2018 Reasons for Deviation Reports on 6 forums and 3 partnerships UNFPA National Coordination Forum Report UNFPA National Coordination Forum Report not developed The UNFPA National Coordination Forum postponed to April 2018 IMC Technical Committee Report IMC Technical Committee Report not developed The IMC Technical Committee postponed pending the tabling of the Cabinet memorandum to the Social Protection and Human Development Cabinet Committee Table NPO Amendment Bill in Parliament Table NPO Amendment Bill in Parliament The Bill was not tabled in Parliament The delay in tabling was due outstanding consultations with NPO in provinces. Three provinces were consulted in the last quarter

56 Programme Performance and Expenditure
"Building a Caring Society. Together"

21 November 2018 ACTUAL EXPENDITURE – 4th QUARTER OF 2017/18 99.4% Spending 21 November 2018 Strat Plan session Budget Committee

58 QUARTERLY SPENDING – 2017/18 R’000 21 November 2018

Final Approp Actual Apr – Jun 2017 July-Sept 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Jan - Mar 2018 Total Spending % Spent Savings R’ 000 R’000  R’000 P1 :Administration 75 961 84 166 88 414 99.40% 2 319 P2: Social assistance 99.41% P3: Social Security Policy And Administration 99.75% 18 520 P4: Welfare Services Policy Development And Implementation Support 95.76% 44 801 P5: Social Policy And Integrated Service Delivery 31 582 32 242 99.46% 2 117 TOTAL 21 November 2018

P 1: Administration The under-expenditure relate to the delays in the delivering of goods and services as well as capital requirements before closure of the financial year. P 2: Social Assistance The under expenditure mainly relates to slow spending on foster care and old age as a result of lesser than anticipated projected beneficiaries. P 3: Social Security Policy and Administration The under-expenditure mainly relate slow spending in the establishment of the Inspectorate P 4: Welfare Services Policy Development and Implementation The under-expenditure mainly relate to the non-payment of operational costs in terms the Substance Abuse Conditional grant to the Northern Cape and Free State province and delays experienced in the procurement of “White Doors” in provincial and district areas as well as delays in the delivering of computer equipment P 5: Social Policy and Integrated Development The under-expenditure mainly relate to the non-payment of operational costs as well as delays in the delivering of computer equipment. 21 November 2018 Performance Review

Portfolio Committee 21 November 2018 EXPENDITURE PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION Economic Classification Final Approp Actual Apr – Jun 2017 July-Sept 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Jan - Mar 2018 Total Spending % Spent Savings R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Current Payments 97.31% 23 102 Compensation of Employees 96.71% 15 681 Goods and Services 57 703 80 936 95 729 98.05% 7 421 Transfers and Subsidies 99.65% Provinces and municipalities 88 817 94.24% 32 034 Departmental agencies and accounts 100.00% 1 Higher education institutions 2 500 1 500 Foreign governments and international organisations 6 965 79 2 680 423 3 428 6 610 82.99% 1 355 Non-profit institutions 15 497 34 745 79 814 98.07% 2 558 Households Payments of Capital Assets 11 146 752 1 054 671 2 555 22.92% 8 591 Payments of Financial Assets 13 504 3.50% TOTAL 99.40% 21 November 2018

Compensation of Employees – R 15,681 million The under-expenditure relate mainly to senior management positions (Director-General, DDG Corporate Services, CD Internal Audit, CD positions in Welfare Services) being vacant for the financial year as well as normal staff turnover during the financial year. Goods and Services – R 7,421 million The under expenditure mainly relate to low spending in operational costs of the Inspectorate as well as cost containment measures implemented in the Department within the financial year. Transfers and Subsidies – R 557,629 million The main under-expenditure relate to Social Assistance Grants in terms of slow spending on foster care and old age as a result of lesser than anticipated projected beneficiaries Payments for Capital Assets – R8,591 million The under-expenditure mainly relate delays in the delivering of computer equipment as well as a delay in the replacement of Departmental Fleet services before closure of the 2017/18 financial year. Payments of Financial Assets – R371,896 million Although approval was granted to write-off R385 million grant debtors, only an amount of R366 million was written off at year end. The balance of the debt became recoverable. The write-off was done in line with the Instruction Note 2 of 2013/14 issued by National Treasury. The biggest portion of the write-off (R353 million) reduced the deferred revenue as the debts were discovered subsequent to the financial year in which the over payment was made. Only an amount of R13, 504 million affected theft and losses expenditure item. 21 November 2018 Performance Review

"Building a Caring Society. Together" 63

64 PROGRAMME 1: ADMIN 21 November 2018 Performance Review

65 P1 : ADMINISTRATION 99.4% Spent R’000 Portfolio Committee
21 November 2018 P1 : ADMINISTRATION R’000 99.4% Spent 21 November 2018

66 P1 : ADMINISTRATION Portfolio Committee 21 November 2018
Programme Final Approp Actual Apr – Jun 2017 July-Sept 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Jan - Mar 2018 Total Spending Deviation % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Ministry 44 218 11 804 8 951 10 843 12 526 44 123 95 99.79% Departmental Management 68 454 15 890 16 232 18 161 17 818 68 100 354 99.48% Corporate Services 25 138 27 543 29 659 78 950 852 99.47% Finance 60 020 15 118 15 772 14 831 13 601 59 323 697 98.84% Internal Audit 11 346 2 145 2 677 3 213 3 066 11 101 245 97.84% Office Accommodation 40 258 5 867 12 991 11 708 9 617 40 182 76 99.81% TOTAL 75 961 84 166 88 414 2 319 99.40% Economic Classification Compensation of Employees 44 725 45 239 49 711 46 933 758 99.60% Goods and Services 30 503 38 808 36 755 88 238 253 99.87% Transfers and Subsidies 1 929 37 1 378 93 1 760 169 91.24% Payments of Capital Assets 2 586 480 82 571 314 1 447 1 139 55.96% Payments of Financial Assets - Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 21 November 2018

21 November 2018 Performance Review

68 P2 : SOCIAL ASSISTANCE 99,4% Spent R’000 Portfolio Committee
21 November 2018 P2 : SOCIAL ASSISTANCE R’000 99,4% Spent 21 November 2018

69 P2 : SOCIAL ASSISTANCE Portfolio Committee 21 November 2018
GRANT TYPE Final Approp Actual Apr – Jun 2017 July-Sept 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Jan - Mar 2018 Total Spending Deviation % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 OLD AGE 26 104 99.96% WAR VETERANS 3 935 1 283 807 743 253 3 086 849 78.42% DISABILITY 99.52% FOSTER CARE 96.87% CARE DEPENDENCY 96.44% CHILD SUPPORT 99.32% GRANT-IN-AID 54 888 93.70% SOCIAL RELIEF OF DISTRESS 48 314 54 158 90.97% TOTAL 99.41% Economic Classification Compensation of Employees - Goods and Services Transfers and Subsidies 99.65% Payments of Capital Assets Payments of Financial Assets 13 504 3.50% Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 21 November 2018

21 November 2018 Performance Review

Portfolio Committee 21 November 2018 P3 : SOCIAL SECURITY POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION 99,7% Spent R’000 21 November 2018

Portfolio Committee 21 November 2018 P3 : SOCIAL SECURITY POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION SUB PROGRAMMES Final Approp Actual Apr – Jun 2017 July-Sept 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Jan - Mar 2018 Total Spending Deviation % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Social Security Policy Development 57 085 7 970 10 731 10 549 13 721 42 970 14 115 75.27% Appeals Adjudication 28 507 5 986 5 652 6 490 8 775 26 903 1 604 94.37% Social Grants Administration 100.00% Social Grants Fraud Investigation 61 719 10 286 20 572 15 429 15 432 Programme Management 4 585 372 177 185 1 049 1 784 2 801 38.91% TOTAL 18 520 99.75% Economic Classification Current Payments 80 296 14 244 14 986 17 145 19 327 65 701 14 595 81.82% Compensation of Employees 61 205 11 051 11 491 13 017 12 214 47 773 13 432 78.05% Goods and Services 19 091 3 194 3 495 4 128 7 112 17 928 1 163 93.91% Transfers and Subsidies 1 317 99.98% Departmental agencies and accounts Higher education institutions 1 500 - Foreign governments and international organisations 5 230 79 1 553 2 500 4 132 1 098 79.01% Households 245 25 26 219 10.61% Payments of Capital Assets 2 906 5 -5 298 2608 10.25% Payments for Financial assets Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 21 November 2018

Portfolio Committee 21 November 2018 P3 : SOCIAL SECURITY POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION Social Security Policy Development – 75% spending The under spending mainly relate to the establishment of the “Inspectorate”. The slow spending on Compensation of Employees and Goods and Services relate to the additional allocations received for the establishment of the Inspectorate. Recruitment process has been slow during the 2017/18 financial year. Appeals Tribunal – 94% spending Training for newly appointed Medical Panel Members had to be postponed due to the fact that had to resubmit the memorandum and the appointment letters to the Minister for approval. Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 21 November 2018

21 November 2018 Performance Review

Portfolio Committee 21 November 2018 P4 : WELFARE SERVICE POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION R’000 96.3% Spent 21 November 2018

Portfolio Committee 21 November 2018 P4 : WELFARE SERVICE POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION SUB PROGRAMMES Final Approp Actual Apr – Jun 2017 July-Sept 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Jan - Mar 2018 Total Spending Deviation % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Service Standards 27 528 5 131 5 354 7 151 5 272 22 908 4 620 83.22% Substance Abuse 73 647 9 631 5 271 14 930 12 216 42 048 31 599 57.09% Older Persons 20 191 1 649 1 825 12 964 3 662 20 100 91 99.55% People with Disabilities 27 179 4 684 5 675 7 213 9 036 26 608 571 97.90% Children 94 231 99 698 88 306 4 798 98.79% Families 10 159 2 075 2 748 3 055 2 142 10 021 138 98.64% Social Crime Prevention and Victim Empowerment 76 079 17 324 16 332 19 636 20 799 74 091 1 988 97.39% Youth 18 025 2 380 3 485 5 073 7 071 18 009 16 99.91% HIV and AIDS 98 017 5 273 6 340 15 069 70 451 97 133 884 99.10% Social Worker Scholarships - 80 477 56 812 100.00% Programme Management 4 510 1 135 986 1 375 918 4 414 96 97.87% TOTAL 44 801 95.76% Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 21 November 2018

Portfolio Committee 21 November 2018 P4 : WELFARE SERVICE POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION SUB PROGRAMMES Final Approp Actual Apr – Jun 2017 July-Sept 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Jan - Mar 2018 Total Spending Deviation % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Economic Classification Current Payments 54 108 64 321 76 278 66 444 6 337 97.63% Compensation of Employees 35 959 38 848 35 329 996 99.32% Goods and Services 18 149 28 362 37 430 31 115 5 341 95.56% Transfers and Subsidies 89 225 34 264 95.63% Provinces and municipalities 88 817 32 034 94.24% Higher education institutions 477 - 476 1 99.79% Foreign governments and international organisations 759 25 173 415 613 146 80.76% Non-profit institutions 19 447 79 814 99 261 2 558 97.49% Households 408 60 153 -475 100.38% Payments of Capital Assets 4 886 181 362 142 686 4 200 14.04% Payments for Financial assets TOTAL 44 801 95.76% Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 21 November 2018

Substance Abuse – 57% spending The underspending relate to the Substance Abuse Conditional Grant to the amount of R56,9 million for the operalization of the Substance Abuse Centres. The Free State and Northern Cape centres is not operational and therefore no spending has been incurred. 21 November 2018 Select Committee

21 November 2018 Performance Review

Portfolio Committee 21 November 2018 P5 : SOCIAL POLICY AND INTERGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY 99.4% Spent R’000 21 November 2018

Portfolio Committee 21 November 2018 P5 : SOCIAL POLICY AND INTERGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY SUB PROGRAMMES Final Approp Actual Apr – Jun 2017 July-Sept 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Jan - Mar 2018 Total Spending % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Social Policy Research and Development 5 718 1 183 1 067 1 246 1 394 4 889 85.50% Special Projects and Innovation 10 612 2 162 2 641 2 885 2 524 10 212 96.23% Population Policy Promotion 35 539 6 336 8 871 11 557 8 679 35 443 99.73% Registration and Monitoring of Non-Profit Organization 36 754 7 755 9 455 10 378 9 116 36 704 99.86% Substance Abuse Advisory Services and Oversight 4 231 551 884 1 643 552 3 630 85.80% Community Development 91 385 34 988 7 847 39 382 9 154 91 371 99.98% National Development Agency 3 80 366 99.95% Programme Management 3 454 832 816 954 823 3 424 99.13% TOTAL 31 582 32 242 99.46% Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 21 November 2018

Portfolio Committee 21 November 2018 P5 : SOCIAL POLICY AND INTERGRATED SERVICE DELIVERY SUB PROGRAMMES Final Approp Actual Apr – Jun 2017 July-Sept 2017 Oct-Dec 2017 Jan - Mar 2018 Total Spending % Spent R’ 000 R’000  R’000 Economic Classification Current Payments 25 192 30 417 39 142 31 742 99.09% Compensation of Employees 81 150 19 335 20 146 21 726 19 448 80 655 99.39% Goods and Services 46 503 5 857 10 271 17 416 12 295 45 839 98.57% Transfers and Subsidies 1 165 503 99.88% Departmental agencies and accounts - 80 366 100.00% Foreign governments and international organisations 1 976 1 102 250 513 1 865 94.38% Non-profit institutions 30 795 15 497 15 297 Households 26 601 13 031 63 13 314 -10 26 398 99.24% Payments of Capital Assets 768 86 40 -3 124 16.15% Payments for Financial assets TOTAL 31 582 32 242 99.46% Reasons for high expenditure Goods & Services: Payment for the WSSF conference; Payment for the Appeals Tribunal board members; and Outstanding payments on the planned projects and operational costs. Payments for Capital Assets: Purchasing of office equipment Payments for the Financial Assets: Interest paid on overdue accounts 21 November 2018


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