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Camelid sacrum in the shape of a canine

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1 Camelid sacrum in the shape of a canine
By Lucas Alpert

2 Camelid Sacrum in the Shape of a Canine. Tequixquiac, Mexico
Camelid Sacrum in the Shape of a Canine. Tequixquiac, Mexico. 14,000-7,000 BCE. Bone

3 Sacrum bone of an extinct camelid Carved and defined snout and mouth
Formal Qualities Sacrum bone of an extinct camelid Carved and defined snout and mouth Two eye holes

4 In Mesoamerican culture, sacrum bone considered sacred
Context In Mesoamerican culture, sacrum bone considered sacred Believed the bone to be a symbol of fertility Sacrum bone also integral in spiritual purposes

5 To this day the exact function is unknown May have been a mask
A symbol of fertility

6 Cross-Cultural Connection
Many societies across time believed the sacrum bone sacred Luz (Hebrew) Ajb (Arabic) Woman from Willendorf, 22,000-21,000 BCE, Limestone Lion Human, 30,000-26,000 BCE, Mammoth ivory

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