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Implicit association and craving towards shopping cues in buying disorder Patrick Trotzke, Sabine Löber, Astrid Müller & Matthias Brand.

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Presentation on theme: "Implicit association and craving towards shopping cues in buying disorder Patrick Trotzke, Sabine Löber, Astrid Müller & Matthias Brand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implicit association and craving towards shopping cues in buying disorder
Patrick Trotzke, Sabine Löber, Astrid Müller & Matthias Brand

2 1 Introduction

3 Introduction Buying disorder (BD) Compulsive Buying Oniomania
Buying Addiction Shopaholism Pathological Buying Buying Disorder (Black, 2007; McElroy et al., 1994; Müller et al., 2015)

4 Behavioral Addictions
Introduction Etiology & pathogenesis Behavioral Addictions Buying Disorder Decision-making Craving APA, 2013; Derbyshire et al., 2014; Grüsser et al., 2004; Lawrence et al., 2014; Serfas et al., 2015; Starcke et al., 2012; Trotzke et al., 2014, 2015; Voth et al., 2014

5 Cue-reactivity & craving Craving
Introduction Cue-reactivity & craving Craving Irresistible desire to consume a substance Development and maintenance of addiction Relevant cues Cue-reactivity: (Raab et al., 2011; Starcke et al., 2012; Trotzke et al., 2014)

6 CS (internal/ external)
Introduction Reward-related learning Substance intake CR+ CR- Craving Negative emotions CS (internal/ external) Cue-Reactivity Positive emotions Positive reinf. Negative reinf. Sensitization (Everitt & Robbins, 2005; Grüsser & Thalemann, 2006)

7 Implicit associations
Introduction Implicit associations Implicit associations build due to reward related learning Positive implicit associations involved in wanting without liking drugs and lead to approach behavior (Brevers et al., 2013) (Yen et al., 2010) (Snagowski et al., 2015)

8 Introduction Aims Relationship between implicit associations and cue- reactivity/craving towards shopping cues. Relationship between implicit associations and the symptom severity of buying disorder. Moderating effect of craving on this relationsship?

9 2 Methods

10 Methods Sample description ♀ ♂ N n % 292 218 74.7 74 25.3 M SD Min Max
Age 24.2 8.9 18 73

11 Craving pre Craving post
Methods Implicit Association Test Cue- Reactivity Paradigm Craving pre Craving post Desires of Alcohol Questionnaire /shopping (DAQ) Arousal Valence Urge (1=not at all/negative to 5 = very/positive) Desires of Alcohol Questionnaire /shopping (DAQ) 2 Categories Shopping Jogging (Trotzke et al. 2014,2015)

12 Implicit Association Test (IAT) Categorization task
Methods Implicit Association Test (IAT) Categorization task 4 differenet cues (shopping, jogging, positive, negative, ) Addiction congruent trials (Round 3 & 4) Addiction incongruent trials (Round 6 & 7) D2SD Higher score = faster reaction times in Round 3 & 4 = higher implicit associations Shopping Shopping Shopping Shopping

13 Methods Assessments Pathological Buying Screener (PBS) (Müller, Trotzke et al., 2015) Screener for symptom severity of BD Two Subscales PBS-1: Loss of control PBS-2: Excessiveness

14 3 Results

15 Results Correlations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. PBS
2. PBS-1 loss of control .942*** 3. PBS-2 excessiveness .787*** .535*** 4. Arousal .363*** .343*** .286*** 5. Valence .278*** .242*** .257*** .825*** 6. Urge .447*** .421*** .354*** .808*** .751*** 7. Craving-post .517*** .505*** .375*** .582*** .516*** .610*** 8. D2SD .150* .127* .145* .217*** .210*** .220*** .196**

16 PBS-2 excessiveness Results Moderated regression analysis R² = 15.6%
D2SD β=.052, p=.917 R2=.021, F=6.08, p=.014 PBS-2 excessiveness Craving-post β=-.390, p<.001 ∆R2=.143, ∆F=40.41, p<.001 ∆R2=.156, ∆F=4.09, p<.05 Interaction β=-.116, p<.05 R² = 15.6% F (3, 282)= 17.31, p < .001

17 Results Simple slope analysis No effect of implicit associations on the symptom severity in the high craving group. In the low craving group participants with high implicit associations had higher symptoms

18 4 Discussion

19 Discussion Relationship between implicit associations and cue- reactivity/craving. Relationship between implicit associations and symptom severity of buying disorder Moderating effect of craving on the relationship between implicit associations and symptom severity of buying disorder No effect in the high craving group Effect of implicit associations in the low craving group Explanation?

20 Ambivalent feelings in addicted individuals
Discussion Ambivalent feelings in addicted individuals Avoidance Approach (Breiner, Strizke, & Lang, 1999) (Wiers, Rinck, Dictus, & Wildenberg, 2009)

21 Discussion Selection of the contrast category ? Single target IAT

22 Discussion Future research Investigation of other implicit cognitive measure Attentional bias Implicit arousal Semantic memory associations Single target IAT Investigation of clinical treatment seeking sample

23 Thanks for your attention

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