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Do you believe everything you see?

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Presentation on theme: "Do you believe everything you see?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do you believe everything you see?
Photoshop has created a feeling of inadequacy among teens

2 Your Perception of Your Body…
Select a slip of colour paper … Write down a short statement of how you feel about your own body, Be honest Statements will remain anonymous Crumple up the paper and toss in basket

3 What is Beauty? Culture and history strongly influences the perception of beauty Some cultural extremes:

4 History of Beauty 1500’s - Big Bellies were popular
1600’s -‘Rubenesque’ look 1700’s - Elaborate hair do’s 1800’s - Pale complexion 1500’s: Women would pad their stomachs to look plump, this was a sigh of fertility, property and status 1600’s: Plump faces and shoulders, a full figure was evidence of wealth Late 1700’s: Hair was piled as high as 1 m, women risked their lives as their hair would get caught in chandeliers which were lit with candles, door had to be widened to accommodate the big hoops in their skirts 1800’s: To achieve pale complexions women nibbled on arsenic, ate chalk and drank vinegar (makeup was frowned upon as it was used only by actresses and prostitutes) Marie Antoinette

5 More History … Late 1800’s – Gibson Girl (tiny waists)
1920’s – Flappers 1950’s – Well rounded figures 1800’s: the Gibson Girl personification of the feminine ideal; she was portrayed in illustrated stories created by illustrator Charles Dana Gibson during a twenty year period spanning the late nineteenth and early twentieth century in the United States. She had ample bosom and ample hips. 1920’s: The flapper was a flat chested, short hair boyish look 1950 celebraties like Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield and Lana Turner all had well-rounded figures. Marilyn Gibson Girl A Flapper

6 And then came Twiggy Late 1960’s - The first skinny supermodel
1980’s: Models were tall, willowy and toned 1990’s: Models became waif-like and pre-pubescent And today - the trend continues … Twiggy was the first skinny supermodel. 80’s Models were like Cindy Crawford and Claudia Shiffler 90’s Models Kate Moss Amber Vallenta Twiggy

7 Most models weigh 20-25% less than the average woman (1990 models)
Cindy Crawford Kate Moss Most models weigh 20-25% less than the average woman (1990 models) Over time – the wt of models has decreased but wt of women in general has increased Lily Donaldson Lily Donaldson is currently ranked #3 super model in the world. The phenomenon of general wt increase among women is primarily attributed to nutritional intake and reduced physical activity. Lily Donaldson

8 Beauty – The Unattainable
Beauty ideals portrayed by the fashion industry and media are: Unrealistic Unhealthy Unobtainable

9 Faith Hill photo brushing and computer enhancements.









18 What is Body Image? Body image the picture we form in our minds of our own bodies – what we see when we look in the mirror … as well is associated with: Thoughts Sensations Feelings Awareness Judgments Behaviour Body image is not static; it is in a constant state of flux Body image is shaped by many factors: judgments or feedback from others, prevailing social values, physical changes in the body, socialization, how an individual feels about him or herself, actual occurrences to the body (physical and sex abuse, accidents, illness)

19 Is developed through interactions with people and the social world
Body Image … Is developed through interactions with people and the social world Changes across the life span in response to the environment Shaped by many factors Body image is not static Factors that shape body image include prevailing social values, judgment of others, stigmatization, sexual harassment, racial harassment, how an individual feels about himself, violence (verbal or physical or sexual), actual conditions of the body (illnesses, disabilities)

20 More on Body Image Our body image is not always consistent with actual appearance Our ideal of how we want to look is not always realistic

21 Healthy Body Image “When a person’s mental picture of her body is accurate and her feelings, assessment and relationship towards her body is positive, confident and self-caring, she probably has a healthy body image.” (ANAD?) Take a moment to think of someone you know who exudes a healthy body image Can you describe her?

22 Body Image… the Reality
Majority of women struggle with body image, food and weight issues Body image issues affect women of all classes and cultures Work from the 1990’s indicated that 80% of women experience some degree of body image dissatisfaction.

23 Body Image Continuum Body/Self Acceptance
Weight Preoccupation/Yo-Yo Dieting Anorexia/Bulimia Body Image Dissatisfaction Compulsive/Emotional Eating Because body image is not static it can be viewed on a continuum. Body Self Acceptance = Healthy Body Image Body Image Dissatisfaction: More common in girls and women .. Narrowed ideals leave little room for diversity and individuality and this impacts self-esteem Wt Preoccupation: Continually trying to lose wt, calorie counting, fad diets, excercising for wt loss – results in a vicious and never ending cycle … often of wt loss/wt gain. 95% of dieters regain wt lost and many regain more. Compulsive/Emotional Eating: Lack of control … follows periods of starvation or as means of coping with emotional difficulties, hardship or trauma. At the furthest end of the continuum are eating disorders represented here by Anorexia Nervosa and/or Bulimia.

24 The Reality …. Fat Phobia
Girls as young as five are restricting their food intake and are afraid of getting fat Studies confirm that the interest in wt loss is as strong as ever while interest in nutrition is lower than ever

25 Shift your focus from weight to healthy and wellness …
Shift your focus from weight to healthy and wellness …. But both your body and mind at peace!

26 Affirmation I only have one body I will honour it I only have one life I will value it Not tomorrow Not when I get thin But NOW!

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