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Community CCA measures – from case study to framework analysis

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1 Community CCA measures – from case study to framework analysis
Enkas Chau, IFRC DRR Advisor, 16 May 2012, Islamabad

2 Source: Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency

3 Pakistan's Initial National Communication on Climate Change (PINCCC)
Major sectors of adaptation to alleviate human suffering: Water resources Agriculture Health Forest Coastal areas Therefore, the focus will be around these areas

4 Case examples in community risk reduction measures (incorporated CCA)

5 Climate changes perceived by peoples in mountainous regions in South Asia

6 Climate changes perceived by peoples in mountainous regions in South Asia

7 How people in mountainous regions deal with climate change to reduce risk

8 How people in mountainous regions deal with climate change to reduce risk

9 Targeting deforestation - Nepal
By 2004, about 25% of all national forests, or around 1.1 million ha of Nepal’s forests, were being managed by community forest user groups (CFUGs). There are more than 13,000 CFUGs in Nepal involving 1.4 million households, or more then one-third of the population (Kanel 2004), mostly in the hilly regions. Members of the CFUGs pay a nominal fee for the various forest products they consume. Timber harvesting in particular is heavily regulated; selling is done through an open bidding process. Revenues collected by the CFUG through selling products are mostly invested in social infrastructure requested by the community. About 28% of revenues generated from the community forest are expended on forest protection and management.

10 Bangladesh Planting mangrove to reduce impact of sea-level rise and soil erosion [video]

11 Rain water harvesting – Sindh, Pakistan
“Walking for three miles and (hoisting) a ... bucket filled with water through a wooden pulley from a 130-feet-deep well twice a day is toilsome work,” says Marvi Bheel, who lives in isolated Morry-je-Wandh village in this arid district of Sindh province, some 450 km (280 miles) south-east of Karachi. Increasing temperatures and lower rainfalls, believed to be associated with climate change, are creating intense water shortages in much of Pakistan, a situation which is likely to worsen if the country’s 170 million population doubles as projected in the next 25 years. A pilot project in Morry-je-Wandh has seen the construction of a large covered pond with the capacity to supply the domestic and drinking water needs of 20 families (135 villagers) for more than eight months.

12 PRCS support to clean water supply

13 Community preparedness – better response (but not directly reducing risks)

14 Community preparedness – better response (but not directly reducing risks) (community-level solutions) Community-based early warning system

15 Community preparedness – better early warning system – getting more reliable forecast
Pakistan is developing the IFAS system since July 2011, with support from UNESCO, together with NDMA, PMD, etc

16 Experience of community adaptation measures in Pakistan
Sharing – any other examples of community adaptation strategies in Pakistan in the following? Water resources Agriculture Health Forest Coastal areas

17 Guidelines for facilitation of community risk reduction (with CCA perspective)
Sharing of good practice, but not imposing them to adopt From the stock list of good practice, learn more why some are applicable and some are not, so as to generate the factors and criteria of selection of adaptation practice with community Use “Problem tree – solution tree” to facilitate communities to link the underlying causes and adaptation measures, be CREATIVE in discussion with community Integration of community priority and technical assessment. Ideas and priority from the community, but always need to have technical feasibility assessment, and feedback to community. Develop the project assessment checklist and criteria for Red Cross/Red Crescent, share your rationale with community

18 Drought (lack of clean drinking water) Health issues Food shortage
Group exercise Your team has to use the problem tree to study on the underlying caused of disaster/risks for the following problems, generate at least two solutions and analyse by the framework on next page Flooding Drought (lack of clean drinking water) Health issues Food shortage

19 Discussion with community on the risk reduction plan
Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Community priorities Community capacity NS capacity/ experience Timeliness and seasonality Impact and value for money Sustainability (Possible) adverse effect Feasibility and risks Key framework of analysis


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