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By William C Burton. The community will roughly gain $11.4K in equity for 2013. 2012 Equity2012 Monthly Net Income - Mean (Average): $46,384.24- Mean.

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Presentation on theme: "By William C Burton. The community will roughly gain $11.4K in equity for 2013. 2012 Equity2012 Monthly Net Income - Mean (Average): $46,384.24- Mean."— Presentation transcript:

1 By William C Burton

2 The community will roughly gain $11.4K in equity for 2013. 2012 Equity2012 Monthly Net Income - Mean (Average): $46,384.24- Mean (Average): $3,502.34 - Median: $46,903.25- Median: $3,612.10 2013 YTD Equity2013 YTD Monthly Net Income - Mean (Average): $58,285.11- Mean (Average): $4,514.67 - Median: $58,567.32- Median: $4,378.83



5 Current Total Homeowners Total Homes Not Under Contract Blank Lots Spec Homes 15822 >>220 180 homes at $90.99 each per quarter.

6 VEI Contribution of $30K

7 Proposed ProjectsReasons Fence in playground area.Security concerns. Require mailboxes to conform to one standard. Keep uniformity and try to take advantage of VEI contractor material costs. Establish single trash service. Reduced pricing and resolve multi-day pickup. Build a community clubhouse. Provide a meeting place and a form of equity and income for HOA. Build a community pool.HOA equity and income. Build a RV parking lot.HOA equity and income. NOTE: All these must have 2/3 votes to approve!


9 BMP Ponds Proposed Sighting for pool and clubhouse area.

10 Proposed location for pool and clubhouse area. Chain link or privacy fence.


12 Best Practices Benchmarking Community Needs Short Term/Long Term Community Needs Short Term/Long Term sBaseline SWOT Where are we now? sBaseline SWOT Where are we now? Vision 5 to 10 Years Where do we want to be? Vision 5 to 10 Years Where do we want to be? Mission Statement Details of Vision Gaps Difference between where we are and where we want to be Gaps Difference between where we are and where we want to be Recycle Goals and Objectives Strategic Plan How are we going to get there? Strategic Plan How are we going to get there? Multi-Year Budget On going performance measures

13 Action Item#: DescriptionStatus Estimated Completion POC 001- 2013 Create a HOA mission statement and goals BOD 002- 2013 Work on developing strategic planBOD, Hope 003- 2013 Create climate survey and post link on website, also put out a paper survey. BOD, Randy 004- 2013 Solicit homeowners to sign up for email updates. Hope 005- 2013 Control access to website - Require User ID and Password Curt, Randy 006- 2013 Get signs made for sign boards - Take Survey - Annual Meeting - Annual Picnic Hope 007- 2013 Monitor repeat write ups and start ensuring we have due process hearings. BOD, Randy

14 Action Item#: DescriptionStatus Estimated Completion POC 008- 2013 Develop an emergency action plan: - Hurricane evacuation plan - Flooding plan - Severe weather (tornado, T-storms) - Nuclear plant evacuation plan BOD, Curt 009- 2013 Neighborhood Watch program?Curt 010- 2013 Update rules. - Example, mailbox standards Curt 011- 2013 Solicit bids on single trash service.Part of survey question. Need to find out bottom line price on what people are paying to bid. BOD, Randy 012- 2013 Update website-Need to update/post meeting minutes section (Jun-Nov). - Update board members. -Remove annual party notice. -Create a survey URL link. Hope 013- 2013 Select BOD positions.BOD

15 Action Item#: DescriptionStatus Estimated Completion POC 001- 2014 Develop an emergency action plan: - Hurricane evacuation plan - Flooding plan - Severe weather (tornado, T-storms) - Nuclear plant evacuation plan BOD, Curt 002- 2014 Neighborhood Watch program?Curt 003- 2014 Update rules. - Example, mailbox standards Curt 004- 2014 Solicit bids on single trash service.Part of survey question. Need to find out bottom line price on what people are paying to bid. BOD, Randy 005- 2014 Update website-Need to update/post meeting minutes section (Jun-Nov). - Update board members. -Remove annual party notice. -Create a survey URL link. Hope 006- 2014 Select BOD positions.BOD

16 Survey Completion 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 5% 0% Please go to the Pointe at Jamestown webpage and complete the survey. Complete No Later Than:____________________ NEEDS ASSESSMENT SURVEY

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