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TV & Arena Productions at IOF High level Events

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1 TV & Arena Productions at IOF High level Events
Tom Hollowell

2 Why TV and arena productions?
External audiences Generate interest in orienteering Generate sponsorship income (Organisers, Teams, Athletes, IOF) Create media interest Internal audiences Create an experience for spectators on site Create an experience for spectators at home Generate sponsorship income Global sports partners (IOC etc) Show orienteering as an interesting sport for spectators and commercial partners

3 Current situation Leibnitz convention – good in principle, bad in implementation Our Products We know how to do broadcast quality - WOC shows the way Orienteering World Cup productions uneven in quality SkiO/MTBO productions very uneven in quality and not marketable Need to further develop a cost-effective, acceptable level for live streaming and arena production Need to make progress on building profiles, studio program etc. Our distribution Distribution to core markets is stable, but need to grow number of markets Distribution globally works, but is it worth the investment? Livestreaming (LIVE Orienteering) reaches our core market, but not external audiences Difficult to get reliable viewership numbers from broadcasters

4 Current situation Financials
Broadcast quality productions are expensive WOC rights sales have grown and offset quite a lot of the cost Orienteering World Cup rights sales have increased but still at a low level No interest from broadcasters in SkiO/MTBO rights Broad distribution of highlights programs is a cost Organisers often too ambitious, and can’t meet quality requirements Finances are dependent upon an interesting and stable product and a reliable delivery schedule Broadcasters Sponsors

5 Data: finances – WOC 2017 Total cost of productions 186 570 EUR
Sales of rights & services EUR Net Sales LIVE Orienteering 23 057 EUR Total Sales EUR Income to IOF 42 103 EUR Income to Organiser 103 254 EUR Net cost to organiser 83 316 EUR Net cost to IOF *7 213 EUR * Costs of LIVE Orienteering platform, commentators and highlights distribution

6 Data: How important is TV and media?
WOC 2016 – Sponsor Insight/Nokian Tyres valuation (Sweden only) Base data 16 hours TV broadcast (SVT) Nokian visible 1:17:59 Average viewers TV value 75 TEUR Signage 55,6 TEUR Backdrops 17,6 TEUR Number bib 1,7 EUR TV value breakdown Live broadcast 48,8 TEUR Sports news 23,4 TEUR Other programs 2,8 TEUR Comparison Print media (photos) 27,6 TEUR Number bib 19,0 TEUR Signage 8,6 TEUR Web media (photos) 9,7 TEUR Number bib 9,7 TEUR

7 Data: Viewership Typical Norway (NRK) Avg 45 000 Typical Finland (YLE)
Event Day Format TV-time Average Top Program reach * World Cup, Turku 24.5. Sprint relay 50.000 top World Cup, Lohja 25.5. Sprint top 27.5. Women Middle distance 68.000 top Men Middle distance top 28.5. Men+Women long distance top Typical Finland (YLE) Avg

8 Data: LIVE Orienteering statistics 2017
Paid events gave the following net income (i.e. less cost of commentators and transaction costs) WC1 FIN – EUR (4 competitions) WOC EST – EUR (5 competitions) WC3 LAT – EUR (3 competitions) WCF SUI – EUR (2 competitions) For comparison, TV rights sales: WOC EST – EUR WCF SUI – EUR Average number of viewers during ”open” events is not enough to attract major sponsors yet. Some advertising income is possible.

9 LIVE Orienteering growth potential
No. of accounts that have purchased at least one ticket: 2574 No. of purchased Competitions: 9801 No. of purchased Events: 1281

10 Global distribution 26-minute highlights programs Data for 2017
10 highlights produced 124 hours of programming All broadcasters are showing Most programs are repeated 1 – 4 times

11 Summary analysis Broadcast quality productions require investment
Need to find a fair, sustainable financing method with organisers Broadcasters in core markets are interested, but not at any rights cost Member federations may need to help with rights fees Need to grow in number of markets Need to have more than just WOC to really interest Broadcasters 12-15 broadcast quality productions per year Studio program and profile building segments LIVE Orienteering cannot yet replace TV rights value But is becoming an important financing asset Needs more content Sponsorships for broadcast and LIVE Orienteering require an interesting, stable and reliable product, scheduled well in advance Global distribution is good, but is not cost justified We cannot afford to invest everywhere

12 TV Strategy – where do we go from here?
Focus on WOC and Orienteering World Cup for broadcast quality productions IOF take on the responsibility and risk for these productions Establish TV plan for these events at least 3 years in advance to assist selling to broadcasters and sponsors ( Live broadcast competitions per year) Reduce requirements on other events/organisers Create cost-effective standard recommendations for arena/streaming production Maybe 2 levels of production Prioritize building more content, i.e. studio program, profile segments etc Continue development of LIVE Orienteering Payment for broadcast quality events Differentiated content based payment schemes (e.g. free livestream, but pay for GPS tracking) Annual subscriptions Open up LIVE Orienteering Easier sign in/registration More events to attract higher number of subscribers and viewers Drop global distribution concept for near to mid-term future

13 Media requirements matrix
Level of live production requirements FootO MTBO SkiO TrailO WOC Live TV - TV Quality Arena production Live TV - Web quality Arena production None World Cup GPS tracking Live results n/a JWOC WMOC Live results Regional Championships (Senior) Regional Championships (Junior and Youth) World Ranking Event

14 New contract for WOC/World Cup
IOF takes responsibility and risk for TV production Signs and pays for contract with production partner Sells and invoices all TV rights and services Takes responsibility for LIVE Orienteering streaming Organiser pays a fixed contribution towards the production Responsible for local infrastructure (power, internet, physical space, timing/punching, GPS tracking equipment/coverage) Any surplus is split between IOF and organiser (75%/25% since IOF takes the risk)

15 New contract for other events
Specifies clearly what is expected in accordance with the media matrix (appendix 4) Organiser is responsible for production and delivery Any offer above the specified requirement is solely the decision of the organiser Use of LIVE Orienteering is free for the organiser If organiser desires to have paid access for LIVE Orienteering, income will be shared with the IOF (IOF 25%/Organiser 75% since organiser takes the risk) If organiser decides to offer broadcast quality TV, separate negotiation. Detailed technical descriptions of requirement levels

16 Technical requirements
Broadcast TV quality Livestream quality 10-14 cameras (w/ running cam) HD quality Pre-prepared material (run-in, graphics, etc) 2-4 split times w/approved graphics GPS tracking analysis/graphics 26-minute highlights 2-3 minutes news program English language commentary on LIVE Orienteering Separate arena production for on-site spectators 1-2 large video screen Arena only advertising and segments interspersed with TV production 3-7 cameras SD or HD quality Split times w/ approved graphics (simpler) GPS tracking Speaker commentary on LIVE Orienteering Arena production based upon the live stream production Large video screen

17 Orienteering TV Productions

18 Summary of Orienteering Live Productions 2018 (all times are preliminary)
European Orienteering Championships (WC 1) Lugano, Switzerland Sun 6/5 Sprint distance – 15:45-18:30 UTC +2/CEST Wed 9/5 Middle distance - 09:45-13:30 UTC +2/CEST Thu 10/5 Sprint Relay - 16:45-18:15 UTC +2/CEST Sat 12/5 Relay - 13:45-18:00 UTC +2/CEST Producer – Beat Zumstein (SRF, same as WOC 2012, WC final 2013/2017) Director – Armin Fankhauser (SRF, same as WOC 2003, 2012, WC final 2013, 2016, 2017 Note: Long distance (11/5) planned for streaming only World Orienteering Championships (WC Rd 2) Riga/Sigulda, Latvia Sat 4/8 Sprint final – 16:00 – 18:00 UTC+2/CEST Sun 5/8 Sprint Relay – 16:00 – 17:00 UTC+2/CEST Tue 7/8 Middle distance – 11:00 – 15:00 UTC+2/CEST Thu 9/8 Relay – 12:00 – 16:00 UTC+2/CEST Sat 11/8 Long distance – 10:00 – 16:00 UTC+2/CEST Producer – Karel Jonak (prel) Orienteering World Cup Rd 3/Pre-WOC Østfold, Norway Fri 31/8 Long Distance (times tbd, streaming only) Sat 1/9 Middle distance Pursuit (times tbd) Sun 2/9 Relay (times tbd) Producer – Karel Jonak (prel) World Cup Rd 4 (Final) Prague, Czech Republic Thu 4/10 Knock-out sprint (times tbd, streaming) Fri 5/10 Sprint Relay – 15:15 – 16:55 UTC+2/CEST Sat 6/10 Middle distance – 11:00 – 13:30 UTC+2/CEST (streaming) Sun 7/10 Sprint – 10:00 – 12:30 UTC+2/CEST Producer – Karel Jonak

19 Overview Live Production details
Event Format No of cameras Graphics Provider GPS tracking Provider Confirmed broadcasters European Orienteering Championship/ Orienteering World Cup Rd 1 HD 1080i25, 16:9 Intl stereo sound Sprint final : 13 Cameras Middle distance final : 10 Cameras (8 operatet cameras + 2) Sprint relay : 13 Cameras Relay : 14 Cameras Long distance: : 8 Cameras Roman Winkler SWISS GPS Team (based on GPS Seuranta Swiss television SRF/TSI (Sprint, Sprintrelay, Relay) World Orienteering Championships HD 1080i50, 16:9 Intl stereo sound Minimum 12 HEGO GPS Seuranta Czech Television Orienteering World Cup Rd 3 tbd Orienteering World Cup Final 10-14 (live) 7 streaming

20 Summary of Orienteering Live Productions 2019 (preliminary)
Orienteering World Cup Rd Helsinki, Finland 8-11/6 Long, Middle, Sprint (or Sprint Relay) Producer – Kruuva (WOC 2013, Jukola, etc) World Orienteering Championships (WC Rd 2) Østfold, Norway 13-18/8 Long, Middle, Relay Producer – Karel Jonak (prel) Orienteering World Cup Rd Baselland, Switzerland 27-29/9 Middle, Knock-out Sprint, Sprint Producer (prel)– Beat Zumstein (SRF, same as WOC 2012, WC final 2013/2017, EOC 2018) World Cup Rd 4 (Final) Guangdong, China Last half of October To be coordinated with World Military OC Sprint, Sprint Relay, Knock-out Sprint or Middle Producer – Karel Jonak + CCTV (prel)

21 Thank you!

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