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Rate of Reaction Predictions

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1 Rate of Reaction Predictions
Chapter 13

2 Billy dropped two Mentos into a bottle of Diet Coke.
#1 Billy dropped two Mentos into a bottle of Diet Coke. What would happen if Billy dropped ten Mentos into the bottle of Diet Coke?

3 Jill mixed seven grams of baking soda with 25 mL of vinegar.
#2 Jill mixed seven grams of baking soda with 25 mL of vinegar. What would happen if Jill mixed twenty grams of baking soda with 25 mL of vinegar?

4 Randy dropped an Alka-Seltzer tablet into a cup of water.
#3 Randy dropped an Alka-Seltzer tablet into a cup of water. What would happen if Randy heated up the water before he added the tablet?

5 Carrie had Mentos and a few bottles of Diet Coke.
#4 Carrie had Mentos and a few bottles of Diet Coke. What would happen if Carrie dropped Mentos into a bottle of Diet Coke that had been refrigerated all night versus a bottle that was left on the counter?

6 Marley had two glow sticks.
#5 Marley had two glow sticks. What would happen if Marley placed a glow stick in hot water versus room temperature water?

7 Why did Jim’s mom tell him to put the glow stick in the freezer?
#6 Jim’s mom told him to put his glow stick in the refrigerator when they got home from watching the fireworks at the park so he could use it again tomorrow night. Why did Jim’s mom tell him to put the glow stick in the freezer?

8 Why did David’s ice melt faster than Danielle’s?
#7 David had a drink from Sonic and Danielle had a drink from McDonalds. They were both sitting on the same kitchen counter. Why did David’s ice melt faster than Danielle’s?

9 #8 Siegel Middle girls’ basketball team was behind in the playoff game with a score of 51-45, and the players were losing steam. With two minutes left in the game, the coach put in the substitute point guard, Reagan. Reagan was fresh with energy and just what the team needed. She scored two baskets within the first minute, sparking energy in her teammates. Siegel Middle rallied and won the game Thinking about reactions, Reagan was a ________ that caused the team to win.

10 Why did Jose’s mom cut up the chicken if she was in a hurry?
#9 Jose’s mom was making dinner. He noticed that she was in a hurry and started cutting up the chicken before she grilled it. Why did Jose’s mom cut up the chicken if she was in a hurry?

11 #10 Jerome built a huge snowman. His neighbor, Patrick, built five smaller snowmen. Why did all five of Patrick’s snowmen melt before Jerome’s one snowman melted?

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