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Computer Programming.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Programming."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Programming

2 Important concepts Looping (repeat statement) Named procedures
Parameter passing Now we will use these ideas in a more complex problem

3 Looping, procedures, parameter passing
Consider what procedures you might find useful by trying to identify the repeating patterns How can you use parameter passing to vary the size of the chess board?

4 Google Sites Create site Blank template URL = username_cp
Make Logo page Create three subpages: looping parameter passing procedures An image Some code Some explanatory text

5 More complex patterns Useful commands: setpencolor [rrr ggg bbb]
setfloodcolor [rrr ggg bbb] fill

6 Next Tuesday Add to your calendar
Quick quiz coming up Next Tuesday Add to your calendar REPEAT statement Creating subprocedures Passing parameters Knowledge and Understanding Reading and interpreting code Application Writing code Communication Defining terms, explaining approach and concepts, etc

7 Examples The following Logo commands create the shape shown but some of the commands are missing. Write down the missing commands. [5 marks] fd 100 rt 90 fd 50 lt 90 fd 150 Define the term procedure. [1 mark] Give two advantages of using procedures in computer programming. [2 marks] Write code to draw the following pattern in Logo. You will gain points for correct code and for using a sensible approach. [6 marks] Write a logo procedure triangle to make an equilateral triangle. The side length of the triangle should be passed to the procedure as a parameter. [3 marks]

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