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Lactation Ammenorrhoea Method (LAM)

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Presentation on theme: "Lactation Ammenorrhoea Method (LAM)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lactation Ammenorrhoea Method (LAM)

2 Definition The term Lactation Amenorrhoea Method (LAM) refers to the traditional method of breast-feeding as a family planning method

3 Mechanism of action Inhibits ovulation
Effectiveness of LAM depends on the following factors: The baby is less than 6 months old The baby is breastfeeding exclusively The woman has not resumed her menses When any of these 3 criteria is no longer met, another FP method must be introduced in a timely manner to ensure healthy birth spacing.

4 Advantages Effective protection against pregnancy as long as all three LAM criteria are met Does not interfere with sexual activity No known health risks Return to fertility is immediate Affordable- no direct costs for family planning

5 Limitations LAM provides temporary protection from pregnancy ( as soon as any of 3 requirements are not met, protection decreases) No protection against STIs Effectiveness after 6 months is uncertain Exclusive breastfeeding may not be convenient for some women Small chance of MTCT during breastfeeding if mother is HIV-positive,

6 Who can use Women who: Are fully or nearly fully breastfeeding
Have not had return of menses Are less than 6 months postpartum1

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