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2 Motivation: Based on the Election of 1800, and your HW, what challenges will Jefferson face in his terms of office? Lack of public support for his presidency and policies (Sectionalism – agriculture vs. manufacturing/trade) Living up to Washington’s precedents (ex. Neutrality)



5 Top 10 Presidents Ranked by CSPAN: 2017

6 “Revolution of 1800” There was a peaceful transition of power from one party to another. (Federalists to Anti- Federalists/Jeffersonians) First time there is a change in political ideology in the White House and Congress First transfer of power by an incumbent

7 Aim: Should we consider Jefferson a “great” President?
Key Terms: Louisiana Purchase 12th Amendment – electoral college set Election of up and Senate chooses VP Lewis and Clarke Embargo Act of 1807 Essential Questions: Was Jefferson a great president? Provide evidence. Which factors did you take into account when considering your rating? How did Jefferson expand the powers of the president? Why was the election of 1800 also known as the “revolution of 1800”?

8 Evolution of Major Political Parties
Year ca. 1792 Hamiltonians Jeffersonians Federalists Death of Federalists Democratic-Republicans ca. 1816 ca. 1820 Republicans One party: Era of Good Feelings ca. 1825 National Republicans Democratic-Republicans (Jacksonian Democrats) 1834 Whigs Democrats 1854 Republicans To Present To Present

9 Why is Jefferson so highly ranked?

10 Not-So-Great President
Louisiana Purchase Trade opportunity Expand nation (2X) Move West – population growth, farming National Pride Throw out foreign influences Embargo Act of Self-sufficiency, increase in manufacturing Lewis and Clarke expedition – Exploration Repeals (does not renew) Alien and Sedition Acts Follows advice/precedents of Washington – attempts neutrality, leaves after two terms. Repeal Whiskey tax – benefits farmers/distillers Plays politics – lobbies for votes in H of R to win election Government control was at risk Native Americans forced out Increased Sectional tension Stretched Constitution (contradicts Anti-Federalist principles) Embargo Act – Lost money (especially for the Northern traders) Lewis and Clarke – federal power stretching (funding, “military” expedition) Reduces spending and size of the Navy (+ and -) Brink of war – sets up Madison for foreign policy difficulties


12 Hmmm… 23 million dollars…..?

13 Effects of Louisiana Purchase:
Doubles the size of the US Added all or part of 13 future states Removed French threat Promotes a sense of national identity* Possible extension of slavery to southern planters Take over more Native American land

14 How did Jefferson’s Presidency – 1801-1809 expand the powers of the President and the country?
Louisiana Purchase  Jefferson has to go against his political principles and go around the Constitution to authorize the deal. Sacrifices principle of strict Constitutional reading for national advantage. ELASTIC CLAUSE: A part of the Constitution that says the federal government (specifically Congress) can do whatever is “necessary and proper” at times to accommodate the needs of the nation.





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