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BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art

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1 BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art
Early years programme.

2 Previous Toddler Time offer
First Tuesday of each month was artist led activity, based in the learning studio and inspired by the current exhibitions. All other Tuesday sessions were self led, using play and sensory materials in BALTIC’s learning space on Level 2 (Quay).

3 Sensory Room In 2017 a new space in Quay became available.
We set up a temporary sensory room on a limited budget, in order to gauge visitor demand and opinion. This proved to be very popular, with word spreading quickly through social media. The room is now a permanent feature and we are in the process of developing it further.

4 Current Toddler Time Having set up the sensory room, we realised our Toddler Time offer needed to grow. Each week is based around a theme (e.g. colour, sound). 4 self led prompts are set up in the space for toddlers to explore with their parent/carer Prompts are informed by schematic play (transporting, connecting, enclosing etc.)

5 Wonder and Wander Sensory tours for toddlers and their parent/carer each Tuesday at Created for each exhibition: test, reflect and develop. Exploring contemporary art in the gallery space using materials, props, movement, sound and making. Our aim is to give ownership of the gallery space to toddlers and their family, so they feel comfortable to explore BALTIC in a way that suits them.

6 Toddler Time in community settings
Monthly sessions in children’s centres across Gateshead. 953 participants in Same artist used in order to build relationships. Recent example: Susan Philipsz inspired Space session with noisy space suits, light box galaxies and space tannoys. Over August 2017 we ran artist led activity off-site, each day.

7 Schools programme BALTIC supports the Early Years network in the North East, hosting termly, free CPD sessions. We work closely with Gateshead council’s Early Years Consultant, Julie Mancini. We are currently in the process of redeveloping our EYFS offer for groups and schools.

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