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Board Meeting – September 2018 Business Plan Dashboard Q1/2 2018/19

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1 Board Meeting – September 2018 Business Plan Dashboard Q1/2 2018/19

2 BUSINESS PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cornwall Council Contract
Effective Delivery of Healthwatch Cornwall Core Contract Deliver contract within budget Deliver contract KPIs Gain contract for service post March 2019 Improved Healthwatch Cornwall profile 1 People's Experience Gathering experiences and identifying issues and trends Outreach and Engagement programme Partnership Board Facilitation Information Line Dynamic website and social media Diversity – improving HC reach into the wider community 2 Engaging with the System Representing people's veiws at the heart of decision making and conributing to service quality and improvement Maximising roles within AHSCOSC, Health & Wellbeing, Safeguarding, End of Life and Mental Health Delivery Boards Taking people's views and concerns to the relevant provider/commissioner and or strategic board Effective involvement in quality monitoring 3 Research Turning information into insight Effective reporting processes with providers My Life My Death - quantitative and qualitative research GP Access Mental Health - Appreciative Enquiry (staff) Mental Health User experience 4 5 Key Focus Areas Focussed areas of work which will be prioritiesed End of Life Mental Health Shaping our Future Demonstrating impact 6 Organisational Readiness Ensuring the organisation is effectively structured and managed to be sustainable Governanace Financial stabiliity Organisational structure 7 People Readiness Ensuring key people resource are effectively recrutied trainied and retained to be sustainable 360 degree staff appraisal system Staff skills audit 2018/19 Training programme Volunteer programme

3 Business plan update: September 2018
Key driver RAG Achievements Risks/Issues/focus areas Next steps / actions 1. Cornwall Council Contract (s) Growing partnership working with CC Profile raised following lengthy spell of Adult Social Care review interviews at County Hall Published Annual Report Indications are positive that CC wish to negotiate tender with HC for continued provision – to be pinned down Meeting to negotiate tender 3 October 18 2. People’s Experience Continued programme of drop ins Partnership Board development work is underway Pilot training session took place on 28/6 for 6 x volunteers, plus 6 x staff - Covered GDPR and the necessary changes to our processes, Capacity to develop drop in programme further and address diversity – young people and geographic Need to develop volunteer programme Progress Partnership Board development Induction of Outreach and Engagement Officer to cover JS maternity leave – DC starts on 5/9, strong NHSI and Engagement experience. 3. Engaging with the system End of Life interagency conference Transformation Board, Scrutiny and MH Board Presentation to KCCG AGM Regular involvement with RCHT re Quality Improvement ASC Review report to be delivered Rationalising representation at meetings Continue support of RCHT quality improvement Finalise Mental Health Appreciative Enquiry Develop “RCHT” style liaison with CPFT Continue QIDB and other representation Finalise ASC Review report Plan Mental Health AE detail 4. Research 2 public surveys – End of Life and Adult Social Care policy consultations Continued regular reporting to QSG Capacity ! Increased Data Officer to full time Action plan for GP Access survey Publishing combined report MyLifeMyDeath in November Draft ASC Review report Scope next stage of EoL research 5. Key Focus Areas Research using Appreciative Inquiry methodology –Exploring joining in with Public Health MH work incl. Prevention Concordat are underway. Planning MH conference in May 2019 Balancing workload between analysing unsolicited and solicited experience and proactively researching focus areas - Capacity re EoL care next stage of qualitative research JW on discussion panel at upcoming ‘Towards Zero Suicide’ conference. 6. Organisational Readiness Reviewed structure and made further changes to reduce fixed costs Finalised and published strategy Completed draft 2018/19 plan Ensure new working relationships established with external suppliers for Communications, IT and web provision Prepare brief for Communications support and IT support and go out to tender 7. People Readiness Maternity cover recruited for Outreach & Engagement officer Carrying vacancies in Admin and marketing Recruit to 2 posts HW Conference October

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